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Modern Warfare 2

K.os Theory

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I don't agree, but I'm not going to try and change your mind as we obviously like different things.


Like I said, you're pretty much in a minority here, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive for cod4, it's hugely popular and the anticipation of their next game is massive. Fair enough if it isn't your bag, but it sounds like you want it to be something else.


Although I found the close combat in BF2 to be pretty good, you must have played the wrong servers.


It's not about the servers, it's the engine I found lacking. It's always been the same with BF, it does huge maps and vehicular combat very well, but man to man fighting has always been a weak point for me.


Yes I want it to be a complete game like the first 2. Not half a game with a serviceable multi-player mode I don't give a crap about. I had assumed it would be a full game with a decent multi-player side, not half a game with, what felt to me, a substandard multi-player game.


I swear it must be something in the water, or maybe the way this forum is laid out but it seems no one is able to take someone's opinion as what it is with out arguing the semantics of it endlessly.


My opinion is that CoD4 was ok, I assume CoD6 will be more of the same, which is fine, just not worth any more than £30 for me, based on an assumed 6 hours as per my experiences of 4. You may decide it is worth more and that is fine, good for you, but I would rather spend that money on a more substantial game.


As for BF2 man on man combat it is nicely done, once you now what you are going. I played on a infantry only service for a good while so have a rough handle on the play mechanics.

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Yes I want it to be a complete game like the first 2. Not half a game with a serviceable multi-player mode I don't give a crap about. I had assumed it would be a full game with a decent multi-player side, not half a game with, what felt to me, a substandard multi-player game.


Get away! I'd far rather a 8 hour high quality game experience like CoD 4's single player than a 20 hour drawn out affair that only peaks in places.


I swear it must be something in the water, or maybe the way this forum is laid out but it seems no one is able to take someone's opinion as what it is with out arguing the semantics of it endlessly.


Excuse me? I think you're wrong, and I'm saying why! Isn't that what a discussion forum is about?

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Complete perks list:


Slot 1 - Blue


Marathon: Unlimited sprint.

Pro: Climb obstacles faster


Sleight of Hand: Faster reloading.

Pro: Aim down sites faster.


Scavenger: Full resupply from dead enemies. (Level 13)

Pro: Extra ammo magazines. (Bandolier)


Bling: X2 Primary weapon attachmetns. (Level 21)

Pro: x2 Secondary weapon attachments.


One Man Army: Switch classes during match without respawn. - Removes secondary weapon (Level 45)

Pro: Switch classes faster. - (3 seconds instead of 5)



Slot 2 - Red


Stopping power: Increased bullet damage.

Pro: Increased bullet damage to vehicles.



Lightweight: Move faster

Pro: Faster aiming after running. ?



Hardline: Killstreaks require one less kill. (Level 9)

Pro: Deathstreaks require one less death.


Cold Blooded: Undetectable by UAV, Air support, Sentries and thermal. (Level 25)

Pro: Removes your name tag/red aiming reticles when an enemy aims at you.



Danger Close: Increased explosive damage. (Level 33)

Pro: Increased air support damage



Slot 3 - Green


Commando: Increased melee distance

Pro: Reduced/no fall damage


Steady Aim: Increased hip-fire accuracy.

Pro: Hold breath longer (Iron Lungs).


Scrambler: Scrambles (Jams) the enemy radar in a small radius (Level 17)

Pro: Enemy claymores take longer to trip.


Ninja: Invisible to heartbeat sensor. (Level 29)

Pro: Silent footsteps (Dead Silence).


SitRep: Detects enemy expolosives and tactical insertions. (Level 37)

Pro: Louder enemy footsteps.


Last Stand: Same as COD4. (Level 41)

Pro: Use equipment while in Last Stand.

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Yes I want it to be a complete game like the first 2. Not half a game with a serviceable multi-player mode I don't give a crap about. I had assumed it would be a full game with a decent multi-player side, not half a game with, what felt to me, a substandard multi-player game.


Get away! I'd far rather a 8 hour high quality game experience like CoD 4's single player than a 20 hour drawn out affair that only peaks in places.


I would rather 20 hours of good game like we use to get, but that's just me wanting value for money.


I swear it must be something in the water, or maybe the way this forum is laid out but it seems no one is able to take someone's opinion as what it is with out arguing the semantics of it endlessly.


Excuse me? I think you're wrong, and I'm saying why! Isn't that what a discussion forum is about?


It was a joke, also what forums are about :) (although I think there may be something in the waters of Salford, or at least in the pipes of LDVs house)

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Have to agree with Slim on this one :o - 2 years later and CoD4 is the mainstay at the LAN's I go to, and I still dip into the single player for a blast every so often.


I've also put a lot of hours into BF2, and the close combat isn't as good, (but i'm usually sniper :ph34r: so it's not a big deal)


really looking forward to MW2's multiplayer, have pre-ordered from Game (on PC) here (this is around a month ago) and they said they had 300 preorders then (12 of which were PC :) )

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Anyone think a cancel of my existing pre-order from Play and an online order from GAME is worthwhile at this stage in light of Royal Mail issues and strikes this Fri/Mon ? This game simply MUST NOT get delayed !!


Game aren't confirming pre-orders any more, not sure anywhere will so you're probably better staying put.

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Anyone think a cancel of my existing pre-order from Play and an online order from GAME is worthwhile at this stage in light of Royal Mail issues and strikes this Fri/Mon ? This game simply MUST NOT get delayed !!

Im never ordering or pre-ordering from play agian unless they are selling whatever im looking to buy at least 50% cheaper than anywhere else and I dont need it withing the next month!

Play.com and Home Delivery Network are a JOKE!




EDIT EDIT: MW2 avatar clothing available on XBL tomorrow inc full ghost outfit.


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