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Battlefield 3


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PC is definately the best platform to play the game on


Have tried both console versions and the PC version and the consoles just can't compete.

6 year old technology can't compete with brand new tech that cost's 4x the price?

Who'd have thought...

I'd say it does a good job considering, try playing battlefield 3 on a 6 year old PC.

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PC is definately the best platform to play the game on


Have tried both console versions and the PC version and the consoles just can't compete.

6 year old technology can't compete with brand new tech that cost's 4x the price?

Who'd have thought...

I'd say it does a good job considering, try playing battlefield 3 on a 6 year old PC.


My case is over six years old.

My optical drive is over six years old.

My hard drive is about four years old.

My sound card is three years old.

My power supply is three years old.

My CPU, motherboard and RAM are nearly three years old and I bought them second hand earlier this year (my first upgrade to those core components in the best part of four years).

The graphics card is the snazziest bit in my PC (GTX480) that I bought in an Overclockers sale for £200.


And yet all that lot can run Battlefield 3 at 1920x1200 on ultra settings. (Yes I know some of those things have nothing to do with running the game but the fact remains that my PC is pretty much a cobbled together job, and none of it could be considered new or extravagant.)


As well as being an awesome games machine, it's also does internet, email, documents, and all that other 'PC' stuff, as well as being a kick-ass media player and emulation machine (MAME, Visual Pinball, FME).


PCs are good value for money these days, gaming PCs no longer cost two grand, or even £1000, they cost a few hundred quid, they last for years, and they do everything.


Battlefield 3 is the starkest example I've seen of a major game release really being properly gimped on the consoles, but the writing has been on the wall for a couple of years IMO.


24 players versus 64 players, along with no dedicated servers and seriously smaller maps is a genuine problem with the console versions, and that's before you even start on the shit graphics and shit framerates - I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the major games sites do separate reviews for the PC version of this game.

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My old GTX 275 isn't really handling this too well, so I've sold a lung and splashed out on a GTX 580.


Quality card, just make sure your case is big enough and your power supply is up to it :)


The 275 was a big power hungry bastard IIRC so you should be OK.


I've got a GTX480 (the 580 is the improved version of the 480) and it's chucked everything I've handled at it with aplomb.


You'll need a quad-core CPU to exercise a 580 though, otherwise you'll be CPU-bound.

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PC is definately the best platform to play the game on


Have tried both console versions and the PC version and the consoles just can't compete.

6 year old technology can't compete with brand new tech that cost's 4x the price?

Who'd have thought...

I'd say it does a good job considering, try playing battlefield 3 on a 6 year old PC.


My case is over six years old.

My optical drive is over six years old.

My hard drive is about four years old.

My sound card is three years old.

My power supply is three years old.

My CPU, motherboard and RAM are nearly three years old and I bought them second hand earlier this year (my first upgrade to those core components in the best part of four years).

The graphics card is the snazziest bit in my PC (GTX480) that I bought in an Overclockers sale for £200.


And yet all that lot can run Battlefield 3 at 1920x1200 on ultra settings. (Yes I know some of those things have nothing to do with running the game but the fact remains that my PC is pretty much a cobbled together job, and none of it could be considered new or extravagant.)


As well as being an awesome games machine, it's also does internet, email, documents, and all that other 'PC' stuff, as well as being a kick-ass media player and emulation machine (MAME, Visual Pinball, FME).


PCs are good value for money these days, gaming PCs no longer cost two grand, or even £1000, they cost a few hundred quid, they last for years, and they do everything.


Battlefield 3 is the starkest example I've seen of a major game release really being properly gimped on the consoles, but the writing has been on the wall for a couple of years IMO.


24 players versus 64 players, along with no dedicated servers and seriously smaller maps is a genuine problem with the console versions, and that's before you even start on the shit graphics and shit framerates - I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the major games sites do separate reviews for the PC version of this game.

The whole PC vs Console thing is absurd, because a object has one common function it should be compared?

A smartphone plays games so should I go on about how my console version of fruit ninja is superior?

A Tablet can do everything you have listed above so should they be compared like for like?

As I said try playing Battlefield 3 on a PC where all its components are 6 years old, bar failure your parts are different ages for a reason.

Personally I like not having to worry if I have enough RAM for the next new game or if my GFX card is up to the job, your GFX card alone cost more than a games console.

Either way it's a non starter for me, if you want a games console you buy one, if you want a PC you buy one, you don't buy one if your in the market for the other.

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My old GTX 275 isn't really handling this too well, so I've sold a lung and splashed out on a GTX 580.


Quality card, just make sure your case is big enough and your power supply is up to it :)


The 275 was a big power hungry bastard IIRC so you should be OK.


I've got a GTX480 (the 580 is the improved version of the 480) and it's chucked everything I've handled at it with aplomb.


You'll need a quad-core CPU to exercise a 580 though, otherwise you'll be CPU-bound.


Hey Twonky. I've got an Antec 1200 case, a Corsair 850W PSU, Intel I7 920 OC'd to 4.2 Ghz and 6 gig of RAM - Reckon i'll be ok!

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Hey Twonky. I've got an Antec 1200 case, a Corsair 850W PSU, Intel I7 920 OC'd to 4.2 Ghz and 6 gig of RAM - Reckon i'll be ok!


Same CPU as me :) Mine won't clock that far though, got it at 3.4GHz stable on air cooling (due to memory dividers on my mobo next proper step up was 3.7GHz which was stable but getting dangerously toasty so I dropped it back down), but mine was the earliest stepping of the chip, later ones clocked a lot higher, especially on water.


Spent a bit more time on the beta of BF3 tonight, it is a little bit 'beta-esque' still in some regards, but shaping up to be an awesome game for sure. Looking forward to the full release.


Origin seems to be working OK, although I still don't like it.

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I'm really enjoying the beta at the moment ( on the 360 ), i've noticed a few bugs ( falling through the floor on the metro map, by the first M-comm station A ), and the occasional invisible player, but it's not dampened my enjoyment of the game...


yeah i eneded up getting stuck under ground and had to wait till the end of the match.

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