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Battlefield 3


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Back by popular demand, and proving hugely popular* - the MANX HEADSHOT SOCIETY!


Just do a search for 'Manx' in the server browser. Me and a few chums are all server admins so if we can get enough Manxies online there's the possibility of locking the server down for an evening of good old fashioned Manx slaughter.



* No it's not.


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tried the campaign last night, it absolutely kills my CPU, all 4 cores maxxed and still stuttering (much moreso in the open areas)


not given MP a spin yet


Stresses my GPU more than CPU, my GTX480 is maxed out at 99% utilisation pretty much the entire time the game is running, CPU is heavily loaded but not to that degree.

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tried the campaign last night, it absolutely kills my CPU, all 4 cores maxxed and still stuttering (much moreso in the open areas)


not given MP a spin yet


Stresses my GPU more than CPU, my GTX480 is maxed out at 99% utilisation pretty much the entire time the game is running, CPU is heavily loaded but not to that degree.


Tomshardware did some testing here. As long as its dual core and above then it doesnt make too much difference what CPU you have. I seem to remember reading that if you dont have a DX10/11 card, some of the graphics work is offloaded to the CPU. Maybe thats whats going on

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Tried it briefly last night, looks very nice. Unfortunately i have a faulty SLI bridge, so only playing on one GPU and getting frame rate drops to mid 40s


Hell of a taxing game, even on my system.


I've settled on this configuration. Delivers a pretty solid 60FPS (or thereabouts) most of the time - don't think you're gonna sustain 60FPS+ on any system when the shit really hits the fan. Doesn't ever seem to dip below 30FPS though, which is where the controls start to get laggy and clunky.


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And oh my word does it look good! (FRAPS FPS counter in the top left corner.)


Me and the guys were practically creaming our knickers last night at the sheer beauty of it.


EDIT - Scratch that for some reason FRAPS doesn't capture its own framerate counter lol. Still, it's generally around 70-75FPS when I'm flying around on that map.


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Well once i get a new SLI bridge, i should be back in business


The game "shouldn't" drop below 60FPS no matter what is going on with dual 580's


Oh, i also read this is one of the first games you want to try running on an SSD. Apparently you can get a substantial improvement on load times compared to most games

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Well once i get a new SLI bridge, i should be back in business


The game "shouldn't" drop below 60FPS no matter what is going on with dual 580's


Oh, i also read this is one of the first games you want to try running on an SSD. Apparently you can get a substantial improvement on load times compared to most games


The initial load is slow I have to say (I've got a pretty old 500GB hard drive), but thereafter it seems to hold the game in RAM (I've got 12GB), even to the extent that it only needs to load each map once from the hard drive and thereafter it's effectively cached.


I would like an SSD but the 256GB flavours are still just a tad too expensive for my taste.


I'd be impressed if you can maintain 60FPS in any situation, even with SLI-ed 580s, as sometimes the engine is going to chuck out a situation of some sort that's pretty much off the scale.

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Well once i get a new SLI bridge, i should be back in business


The game "shouldn't" drop below 60FPS no matter what is going on with dual 580's


Oh, i also read this is one of the first games you want to try running on an SSD. Apparently you can get a substantial improvement on load times compared to most games


The initial load is slow I have to say (I've got a pretty old 500GB hard drive), but thereafter it seems to hold the game in RAM (I've got 12GB), even to the extent that it only needs to load each map once from the hard drive and thereafter it's effectively cached.


I would like an SSD but the 256GB flavours are still just a tad too expensive for my taste.


I'd be impressed if you can maintain 60FPS in any situation, even with SLI-ed 580s, as sometimes the engine is going to chuck out a situation of some sort that's pretty much off the scale.




SLI 580's will do 60fps no probs. My 6970 averaged between 45-60 fps. I didnt notice any stutter fortunately. Best visuals in a PC game to date I think.

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SLI 580's will do 60fps no probs. My 6970 averaged between 45-60 fps. I didnt notice any stutter fortunately. Best visuals in a PC game to date I think.


As I understand it they've averages though, I'm not talking about an average of 60FPS+ (my single GTX480 can pretty much do that), I'm talking about the minimum framerate, which will occur when the engine is under extreme stress.


It's easy to see for yourself, just have FRAPS running and keep an eye on the FPS counter in the middle of a massive firefight with explosions and particle effects and smoke and so on - I suspect that even SLI-ed 580s will drop well below 60FPS under those circumstances.

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