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Could you not just respawn?


I had the same thing happen, just suicide and respawn and its not happened since luckily.


Playing on the xbox at the minute it looks pretty and plays ok, but I'm crap with a controller, and not that keen on Rush mode.

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Well personally i found it on the Xbox a bit poor, the PC will make it look amazing but i think that the current consoles will not show it off.


But then again these consoles are over 5 years old now.


Pc version for me, might get MW3 on xbox 360

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Well personally i found it on the Xbox a bit poor, the PC will make it look amazing but i think that the current consoles will not show it off.


But then again these consoles are over 5 years old now.


Pc version for me, might get MW3 on xbox 360


Just for curiosity's sake I downloaded the demo on my 360 and had a crack at it, it's bloody awful.


30FPS aside, it looks like all the graphics options have been dialled down to 'low', the whole thing is a murky, jaggy mess.


And don't even get me started on controlling FPS games with a fucking gamepad....

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beta finished today, EA historically are a bunch of cocks, but I will pre-order BF3 as the graphics on ultra are pretty amazing and we are assured that all the bugs in the beta have already been addressed (some prior to the beta which makes you wonder why the fuck they included them in the beta).


Roll on the 28th.

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Looking at replacing my aged and temperamental C2D system with a nice new i5 2500k rig, just for this and maybe a few other games.


What GPU would you recommend I am struggling to chose between a GTX560Ti or an ATI 6950(probably flashed to a 6970 if i could get it stable), leaning towards the 560Ti at the minute as all nVidia cards include a copy of Arkham City at the minute, I will only be running on either a 21" monitor or my 40" TV so won't be massive resolutions.


Also I have read about using a GPU for physics work, is it worth it with my old 8800GTX?

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Looking at replacing my aged and temperamental C2D system with a nice new i5 2500k rig, just for this and maybe a few other games.


What GPU would you recommend I am struggling to chose between a GTX560Ti or an ATI 6950(probably flashed to a 6970 if i could get it stable), leaning towards the 560Ti at the minute as all nVidia cards include a copy of Arkham City at the minute, I will only be running on either a 21" monitor or my 40" TV so won't be massive resolutions.


Also I have read about using a GPU for physics work, is it worth it with my old 8800GTX?


560Ti is best bangs for bucks at the moment, although the 6950 is a slightly faster card it's more expensive and Nvidia cards tend to perform better in BF games.


Best bet would be to buy the cheapest stock 560Ti you can and just clock it out as fast as the 'superclocked' ones that cost £50 extra.


Ditch the 8800GTX, physics is incorporated into the drivers on a single GPU and has been for ages, and whilst (AFAIK) you can still farm it out to a second card there's really no point, unless you want to heat your house this winter with your PC instead of the central heating :D


The i5-2500K is an awesome CPU, get a decent mobo, 6GB of DDR3, and you'll be absolutely flying for not that much cash.

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I thought the same, but then when it was only a 1.3GB download so I'm expecting the full release to be a lot more polished. Either way I'll wait a week or two for any problems that arise to be fixed before I buy it.


The graphics engine will be 99% nailed down, the way it looks in the beta (i.e. crap) is going to be how it'll look in the proper game.


The age of the 360 (and PS3) has passed - PC all the way.

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