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Elder Scrolls V

K.os Theory

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If you didn't like Oblivion i have a feeling you may be disappointed! It's the sequel, so obviously following the same lines etc. Still, visually it's ace, runs very well (as i would expect on my rig!) and it's HUUUUUUGGGGEEEEE!


Hmmm, I did like Oblivion but I felt like there was something missing, and WoW filled in the blanks in a way because I thought such a large and wonderful game world should have real other people in it. Fallout 3 if I'm honest, I couldn't really give an objective verdict on 'cause that was right in the middle of my WoW years.


But that's all retrospective, and I've stopped playing WoW now, so maybe Skyrim will fall into place second time around as it were.


I also don't like wandering around with no idea what I'm supposed to do, so WoW's nice quest/dungeon/objective structure suited me very well. Hopefully Skyrim has a decent structure and progression path to follow, there's a fine line between 'open world' and just 'what the fuck do I do now' IMO.


Moot point this evening anyway, download has increased to 500KB/s but still not gonna be done before I go to bed.

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jus wanna say im fookin lovin skyrim, every minute im away from my PC i cant wait to get back in front of it to get skyrim-med!!!!!


very immersive, graphics are cracking; this game has some serious longevity in it! it also gives you a good idea of what fallout 4 is going to look like wink.png i didnt play Oblivion, well i did but only after i had discovered fallout 3 and it was on the ps3 and looked a bit shit.


its these types of franchises that make spending 100's if not 1000's on a good PC worth while!

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incredible game, just incredible...I can look past the occasional glitch ( flying mammoths anyone :-) ) and the sometimes annoying menu screens ( my favourites now contain pretty much everything ), to see a world ripe for discovery...


case in point, i set a way point to head towards a quest location, I clear the top of a small hill and am presented with a bandit camp...well i've got to have a look to see what loot they've got, I clear the camp and find an entrance to a dungeon hidden in the camp...that then leads me on a 2 hour stealth clearance of said dungeon, loads of gold, ore and other goodies that I then have to drop of at my house...I smelt the ore, create some bits and peices, go and enchant them and sell them for more gold...I drop of all the other bits and peices in my house have a snooze and i'm ready to hit the road again!


Incredible achievement by the guys at Bethesda GOTY for sure, for me maybe even game of the generation

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Incredible achievement by the guys at Bethesda GOTY for sure, for me maybe even game of the generation


There seems to be quests or bounties that apply to most of those dungeons now, might be worth checking with the locals before you go marching in!

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cheers slim, didn't think of that...does anyone know if the dungeons repopulate? i've noticed on the map it says cleared underneath any that you've completed.


Also in Whiterum, challenge one of the guys to a drinking competition, brilliant fun


No, when something's dead, it's dead for good.

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Does anyone else get any micro stutter inside buildings? I'm fine outside but get a very small but noticable judder when walking sideways inside buildings or dungeons. I've dropped the setting down from ultra to high and still get it. Vid card is 6970 at 1080p with an i5 at 4.5GHz


ETA Also getting a lot of crashing out to the desktop with no error message. Running the latest 11:10 AMD drivers.

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No microstutter here using sli tribz


Thanks, It happens at all display size settings. I think I've got it down to vsync being forced on now. I can see from MSI Afterburner that Im between 59-61 but mainly 60FPS.


Its disabled in the Catalyst settings but its definately coming on in game. I've found the ini file and the entry to add 'iPresentInterval=1' but it wont force it off.

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This game doesn't appear to have a vsync option, but does try to force it on, I've had to specifically force it off in the Nvidia control panel (I don't like vsync and the input lag it introduces).


Stunning looking game world, once you get out of THE TEDIOUS SLOG THROUGH A BORING AND POINTLESS STARTING DUNGEON, exactly the same as Oblivion made you do!


I'm 50/50 on it at the moment, after the crappy starting 'semi-interactive' cutscene and silly 'follow the leader' through a linear dungeon I was fearing the worst, but now I'm out in the open world I'm liking the look of it a lot better.


Picking locks is fun.

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Grrr, really annoying. VSYNC on and outside is great but inside has a little jitter. Disabling VSYNC and inside is fine but brings on the inevitable horizontal tear. Just installed the 11.11 AMD drivers and a little better but still noticeable. Guess I’ll need to wait for some tweaks/drivers updates.

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I'm 50/50 on it at the moment, after the crappy starting 'semi-interactive' cutscene and silly 'follow the leader' through a linear dungeon I was fearing the worst, but now I'm out in the open world I'm liking the look of it a lot better.



hehe, I've just been given a quest to collect 5 drops of something, so it is wow :)

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Grrr, really annoying. VSYNC on and outside is great but inside has a little jitter. Disabling VSYNC and inside is fine but brings on the inevitable horizontal tear. Just installed the 11.11 AMD drivers and a little better but still noticeable. Guess I’ll need to wait for some tweaks/drivers updates.


have you tried removing FX4AA (nvidia anti aliasing) and maybe lowered shadows slightly, lastly which you may not need sample rates on main launcher. these are the obstacles that all AMD card encounter!

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