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General Election 2011 - Onchan


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June Kelly knocked on my door over the weekend. Had a bit of a chat, nothing really about policies. Yes as someone has already said, she comes across as a nice person, but I don't want 'nice' I want someone who will be good at the job they will be doing and isn't scared about treading on toes to get the job done (that makes me sound like a Stowell voter - but I'm not).

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

They did.

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The you tube channel is wince worthy. I've watched every clip, and it makes the politicians and the interviewers all look like imbeciles. Manx Radio may think that it's all presented as a paragon of democratic and impartial virtue, but it doesn't work. It's much more like a collection of Big Brother audition tapes.

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

They did.



Brian made me laugh ou loud.

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Hi, first posting so here goes.

Having read most of the comments on here with interest I find it quite strange that with one month to go we have seen 2 out of our 6 election hopefuls call at our door, in fact in the 20 years I have lived in Onchan I have never seen Peter Karran at all, but then with a fair to good chance of re-election each time 'why bother'!

I have watched the you tube footage and whilst June Kelly is 'nice' she concentrates too much on healthcare and has no overall vision on a wider scale. Unfortunately I fear if elected she will get bullied.

Earnshaw spoke to my good lady and she was not impressed when she asked him about her pension changes (in DHSS) and why she had to pay an extra 1% NI whereas he and his top CS's retained their final salary scheme and continue to pay 6% LESS NI than the rest of us. His answer was to say that "MHKs don't get paid very much" (actual quote). Sorry but they do Adrian! At that point she she bade him farewell.

Brian Stowell should be on 'Show me the funny'not running for MHK.

David Quirk has come out of hibernation after 5 years to find the world a different place. Please go back.

Zak Hall I had never heard of so was quite interested but this faded after the you tube footage, if someone could do a wordcount on how many times he said 'obviously'. Poor interview.

If any do call I would like to see them with a copy of their 2006 manifesto and we can tick off the items they had last time that still remain this time! that wont take long will it?

I cannot see any candidates with any idea on how to tackle the economy in a sensible way, they all know the problems although the choose to us "challenges" as per the current Tory 'buzzword' but cannot offer any solutions.

To sum up I think PK will return with thorn in hand to jab away at the rest of them.

I cannot see any of the rest worthy of my vote

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

They did.



Brian made me laugh ou loud.

Why did he make you laugh out loud, was it just his endless drivel or am I just being silly?

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At least Zak (lib)?who actually scared the shit out me while I was having a beer in the back garden - made and effort to try and see if anyone was home, coupled with some really positive answers to questions raised gets my vote.



But obviously he obviously has a somewhat obviously limited vocabulary.


rolleyes.gif Obviously, I see what you mean now, however it is obviously the nerves obviously kicking in .......obviously!

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

They did.



Brian made me laugh ou loud.


Me too, but for all the wrong reasons!

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Just watched some of the interviews on the Manx Radio's Youtube Channel. Did the candidates actually know they were being filmed? If they did they certainly didn't show it much. Brian Stowell for example in his red sweatshirt, lounging about, pulling faces.

They did.



Brian made me laugh ou loud.

Why did he make you laugh out loud, was it just his endless drivel or am I just being silly?



Having sat in many a meeting with him, watching his facial expressions just brought back all the memories.

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Quirkio on


He's implying the reason he didn't get in for his first 6 attempts is because of finance. What a load of rubbish.


The first time he managed 188 votes, the second time 88 votes. By the seventh attempt he was surely the least worst of the bunch. Are the people of Onchan going to allow this guy to attempt to run our country?



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  • 2 weeks later...

June Kelly was round our neighbourhood a couple of nights ago. She seemed more like a nervous child asking if she could have her ball back than a potential member of government. She didn't ask to come in or to discuss anything and I was too busy feeding the baby to invite her in. Peter Karran left a card. Adrian Earnshaw was round a few weeks ago and he blamed the bullies on the mainland for our current financial situation. No sign of the other three candidates. Come to think of it, don't think I've ever seen David Quirk - surely somebody should have woken him from his 5 year hibernation by now.

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