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Ritalin prescriptions treble over past five years




The number of prescriptions for the drug Ritalin, have trebled on the Island over the last five years.


Ritalin is used to to treat people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as its more commonly known.


In 2007/08 436 prescriptions were issued, compared to 1,256 over the past year.


It’s estimated that around 150 children and young people are currently prescribed the drug – equivalent to 0.9 per cent of children under 18 on the Island.


Mr Anderson said the reasons for the increase were because of a greater understanding of the condition, improved methods of detection and more research.

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Ritalin prescriptions treble over past five years




The number of prescriptions for the drug Ritalin, have trebled on the Island over the last five years.


Ritalin is used to to treat people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as its more commonly known.


In 2007/08 436 prescriptions were issued, compared to 1,256 over the past year.


It’s estimated that around 150 children and young people are currently prescribed the drug – equivalent to 0.9 per cent of children under 18 on the Island.


Mr Anderson said the reasons for the increase were because of a greater understanding of the condition, improved methods of detection and more research.


Ritalin = kiddy coke.


Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process.


Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves.

Edited by Lxxx
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Ritalin prescriptions treble over past five years




The number of prescriptions for the drug Ritalin, have trebled on the Island over the last five years.


Ritalin is used to to treat people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as its more commonly known.


In 2007/08 436 prescriptions were issued, compared to 1,256 over the past year.


It’s estimated that around 150 children and young people are currently prescribed the drug – equivalent to 0.9 per cent of children under 18 on the Island.


Mr Anderson said the reasons for the increase were because of a greater understanding of the condition, improved methods of detection and more research.


Ritalin = kiddy coke.


Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process.


Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves.

It's lazy-parenting, Lxxx, and kids having kids. Self-perpetuating, wilful-ignorance and lack of 'life-skills'.

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Amadeus's link is now here:




It has to be pointed out that an increase in prescriptions isn't the same as an increase in sufferers from a condition - they may be prescribing for shorter periods more often. Why the Department of Health thinks this is a useful statistic always puzzles me. It's not as if they couldn't look at the patient numbers instead - how long does it take to count to 150?


However I do rather get the impression that there is a bit of a culture of over-diagnosis on the Island. There have been reports before about high rates of all sorts of things such as asthma. Of course all parents worry and 'want something done' and it may be easier for a doctor with a ten minute time slot to hand out a prescription than find out what or how bad the problem really is and whether the most appropriate treatment might be to do nothing.


All this is of course without considering whether Ritalin actually works, especially if prescribed for a long period or without any other action being taken along with it (such as CBT).

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Ritalin prescriptions treble over past five years




The number of prescriptions for the drug Ritalin, have trebled on the Island over the last five years.


Ritalin is used to to treat people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as its more commonly known.


In 2007/08 436 prescriptions were issued, compared to 1,256 over the past year.


It's estimated that around 150 children and young people are currently prescribed the drug equivalent to 0.9 per cent of children under 18 on the Island.


Mr Anderson said the reasons for the increase were because of a greater understanding of the condition, improved methods of detection and more research.


Ritalin = kiddy coke.


Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process.


Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves.

It's lazy-parenting, Lxxx, and kids having kids. Self-perpetuating, wilful-ignorance and lack of 'life-skills'.


Spot on, it's not just lazy parenting it's responsibility-less living. By giving away responsibility for your children's health to the state, and letting them diagnose and medicate your children accordingly, you're subjecting your child to the same brain dead way of life you lead.

Or you could use a bit of common sense, see that all children have some form of ADHD of some description (years ago it was just called boredom), cut out all the chemical crap and E numbers you feed them and try and be an actual parent again and stick two fingers up to the pharmaceutical/nanny state mafia.

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Ritalin prescriptions treble over past five years




The number of prescriptions for the drug Ritalin, have trebled on the Island over the last five years.


Ritalin is used to to treat people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD as its more commonly known.


In 2007/08 436 prescriptions were issued, compared to 1,256 over the past year.


It's estimated that around 150 children and young people are currently prescribed the drug – equivalent to 0.9 per cent of children under 18 on the Island.


Mr Anderson said the reasons for the increase were because of a greater understanding of the condition, improved methods of detection and more research.


Ritalin = kiddy coke.


Just another way to drug our children and increase the pharmaceutical industries profits in the process.


Here's a novel idea, why don't parents cut out all the chemical additives they feed their children on a daily basis and cure ADHD themselves.

It's lazy-parenting, Lxxx, and kids having kids. Self-perpetuating, wilful-ignorance and lack of 'life-skills'.


Spot on, it's not just lazy parenting it's responsibility-less living. By giving away responsibility for your children's health to the state, and letting them diagnose and medicate your children accordingly, you're subjecting your child to the same brain dead way of life you lead.

Or you could use a bit of common sense, see that all children have some form of ADHD of some description (years ago it was just called boredom), cut out all the chemical crap and E numbers you feed them and try and be an actual parent again and stick two fingers up to the pharmaceutical/nanny state mafia.


Actually, I think that the blame can be laid squarely at the door of the "triage nurses" masquerading as your local GP who, now he/she has only a five day working week, neither has the time or the inclination to spend the time with a patient.


If they cannot quickly direct them to a "specialist" - any specialist - they feel the need to bash out a prescription to make the patient happy to leave so they can move on to the next patient and so that they can get to their lunch/tea/nap/cash counting that much quicker....talk about who has attention defecit!!


The other problem in this equation is the underprepared and equally intolerant teacher (and by no means the majority of them I hasten to add) who has no skills in being able to properly commuicate with their charges and grab the first excuse to pass the problem on to someone else.


Most children "diagnosed" are just normal active children......................leave the poor beggars alone!! Sorry can't continue as bored now........................

Edited by Dunroamin
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Yes, parents should spend more time reasoning with their hyperactive children. Often, disobedience can be curtailed with fore-thought and other fine examples of understanding and chemical-free parenting. OR.... Forget the 'Ritalin', and modern techniques, a sound thrashing, three times daily, till the symptoms clear up often helps...

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To be honest I think it´s probably a good thing.


When I was at school there was hardly a day went by without some twit kicking off and disrupting the class for maybe half an hour at a time.


Better to dope the selfish wee buggers up so the majority can get on with things I say.


And yes, I was bullied at school.......

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I'm one of the few remaining people who simply were crap at school rather than it being due to some deep-seated medical condition.

I think you're special if that helps.


You have some interesting posts loaf - so I think you might well have caught up throuigh the University of Life.

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I'm one of the few remaining people who simply were crap at school rather than it being due to some deep-seated medical condition.

I think you're special if that helps.


You have some interesting posts loaf - so I think you might well have caught up throuigh the University of Life.



Aww, Albert!! You are a real softie at heart! or are you just trying to 'butter' loaf up?


If kids went out and climbed trees and played in fields, they would soon wear some of that excess energy off, but I do feel sorry for those parents and siblings of kids who do have ADHD, usually as an addition to autism/Aspergers. They really need the drugs prescribed for them.

Edited by Snowflake
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