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Trust The Government Employee's?

Yin & Yang

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I was always told to keep details to a bare minimum when dealing with the Government for this exact reason; it is however usually a relative of the employee who takes on the idea, as the gov job is usually more lucrative than the business.




If anyone wants to go out on a limb and set up their own business after seeing an opportunity then good on them. Yin and Yang's mate should have moved quicker. If it was such as great idea they should just have set it up. I'm sure there's plenty of examples of non-Govt related people setting up a business after hearing of someone else's 'good idea'.

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This evening my friend told me that they put forth a proposal (by phone and email (proof if necessary)), to create a business on the Island.


Apparently they were refused whatever necessary needed to proceed with the proposal, although now the boss of the department has decided to quit their job and start up their own business in what was the original proposal put forth by my friend!!


Any idea how I can help my friend defend what was their idea?


The Isle of Man is not and never has been a transparent democracy; it is in fact an unaccountable cronyistic and nepotistic kleptocracy - a system of government run by thieves. What your friend has experienced is merely the tip of the iceberg. Government employees look out for their fellow cronies in the private sector whenever government contracts go out to tender. They are all about helping out their buddies, but when any other business -- one not owned by their buddies -- wants a piece of the pie they suddenly come out with the "conflict of interest, we don't want to be perceived as favouring one party" mantra. Cherry-picking at its finest. They also cherry-pick who will get funding, and it's usually their relatives or buddies.


As for government posts themselves, they are usually already gone to one of their buddies long before the posts were ever advertised. They also make a lot of posts "internal only" to preclude any competition.


The government also keeps a list of people they consider "political" -- that's their buzz word for someone who is capable of critical independent thought and doesn't blindly go along with every retarded jackass idea that comes down from upper management.


It's amazing how many conservatives there are in the Isle of Man (mainly retirees from the UK), yet we have no real conservative movement. We need a grassroots movement calling for major constitutional reform: small government, transparency (a Freedom of Information Act), fiscal responsibility, greater economic freedom, lower taxes, anti-corruption, a bill of rights, and a separation of powers. How about major reform of the welfare state to reverse the moral decline of our society? We are cutting spending on people's education so we can continue to maintain an expensive welfare state which is being taken advantage of by people to subsidize them having child after child, while being given a free house and a free allowance, while not having to work for a living.


We also need to drop the pretense of being an independent nation, because we're NOT, and get ourselves an MP to represent and speak for us in the British Parliament.

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Yin and Yang's mate should have moved quicker. If it was such as great idea they should just have set it up. I'm sure there's plenty of examples of non-Govt related people setting up a business after hearing of someone else's 'good idea'.


If it's what I think it is, which has also been referenced earlier in this topic, then they'd need the backing of a Government department (DEFRA in this case) before the project can proceed as it involves the use of Government land....

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We've already got a government of neo-cons so enough of that


However, even the progressive centre would agree with a good deal of that to which you aspire


Neo-cons believe in big government so they can use it to redistribute wealth from ordinary people to big business interests (hence the neo-con love of wars). They want monopoly, protectionism and state intervention for big business and the rich, but free markets and "tough love" for the ordinary people. When I called myself a conservative I meant an authentic old-fashioned one in the classical liberal sense.

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I have seen this happen several times. I could even have a good guess at the particular department involved from what you have said. Its a shame that there is very little normal folk can do about the general grubbiness and sleaziness of many people who hide totally protected in the infrastructure of government. I wouldn't take any good business idea to any of them unless I'd boxed off the legals properly and given myself scope to sue if anything went wrong. Sad but true in our freedom to flourish Island.

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Is it something sensible like growing trees for biomass?


Perhaps this amazing business idea involved a film studio, and Yin & Yang's friend was in fact a false flag operative from Pinewood, knowing full well how our retarded government employees would fall for the bait.

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This evening my friend told me that they put forth a proposal (by phone and email (proof if necessary)), to create a business on the Island.


Apparently they were refused whatever necessary needed to proceed with the proposal, although now the boss of the department has decided to quit their job and start up their own business in what was the original proposal put forth by my friend!!


Any idea how I can help my friend defend what was their idea?


The Isle of Man is not and never has been a transparent democracy; it is in fact an unaccountable cronyistic and nepotistic kleptocracy - a system of government run by thieves. What your friend has experienced is merely the tip of the iceberg. Government employees look out for their fellow cronies in the private sector whenever government contracts go out to tender. They are all about helping out their buddies, but when any other business -- one not owned by their buddies -- wants a piece of the pie they suddenly come out with the "conflict of interest, we don't want to be perceived as favouring one party" mantra. Cherry-picking at its finest. They also cherry-pick who will get funding, and it's usually their relatives or buddies.


As for government posts themselves, they are usually already gone to one of their buddies long before the posts were ever advertised. They also make a lot of posts "internal only" to preclude any competition.


The government also keeps a list of people they consider "political" -- that's their buzz word for someone who is capable of critical independent thought and doesn't blindly go along with every retarded jackass idea that comes down from upper management.


It's amazing how many conservatives there are in the Isle of Man (mainly retirees from the UK), yet we have no real conservative movement. We need a grassroots movement calling for major constitutional reform: small government, transparency (a Freedom of Information Act), fiscal responsibility, greater economic freedom, lower taxes, anti-corruption, a bill of rights, and a separation of powers. How about major reform of the welfare state to reverse the moral decline of our society? We are cutting spending on people's education so we can continue to maintain an expensive welfare state which is being taken advantage of by people to subsidize them having child after child, while being given a free house and a free allowance, while not having to work for a living.


We also need to drop the pretense of being an independent nation, because we're NOT, and get ourselves an MP to represent and speak for us in the British Parliament.


What a crock of conspiracy and pub gossip rubbish.

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Welcome to the isle of man, its full of talentless people that just copy ideas and cannot think outside the box.


I hope your friend has learned to keep his mouth shut.


Feel sorry for him, i know how it feels, luckly i have learned to tell nobody about my business dealings.

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