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Summerland 40Th Anniversary


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I have different views on this as to have it just as a memorial garden with it's wide open space and lovely garden that has to be maintained by someone, regardless of all weathers and it's just over the top for me.


On the prom is a memorial statue and each year, we remember the war dead. To add a garden as lovely as it could be, just makes my skin crawl as it's like a constant memory of death and for those visitors admiring the place for it's colour and beauty, will then read on a placard somewhere of those who died in the fire and the joy they once had of the garden, then turns to sadness. Not on, just not on!


Yes I'm sorry for people's loss and can understand the pain, the anguish, of seeing horrors, hearing pitiful cry's, remembering smells, the panic, the disbelief or that of losing a friend or relative, but for this type of memorial, you have to have it more discreet, where people can reflect and share their pain in quiet solitude.


This isn't about spreading the sadness out to the many visitors as this is private and personal. By all means have a specially designed place for remembrance in a discreet place, but the land should be used and whether it's for a car park, office block or some other use, the land should look towards the future and not the past.

Perhaps something for the young people? The new generation?

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Regarding the memorial service last night, it was very moving. but it was disgraceful that at the conclusion, the mayor walked out without acknowledging the families of the dead. I didnt see anyone from the council or government speak to the families. They were just there to be seen and associated with an event they never were involved with.


Summerland veteran.

If that is true it really is disgraceful.

It was noted!! It would have been good if there had been somewhere warm for the families to chat and share their stories and draw comfort from each other.There was one guy called David Hewes he stayed around to chat.(He was very nice) The clergymen were a tower of strength to the families, they are to be highly commended!

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I would hope there must be more to it all, but from a Douglas ratepayer, I would have thought there could have been a reception or something. That would have been very worthwhile - unlike some of the receptions they have at our expense.


Judging by the stream of photographs that appear so often in the newspapers, Douglas Corporation would hold a reception for the opening of a crisp packet (any excuse to get in the mayor's parlour for a councillor's free booze up, it seems to me).

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Not sure how different that lady's version is from the accepted version.


Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Could anyone unpick just what she was saying ? She seems to be suggesting that the official version of how the fire started was incorrect, but (understandably, given the occasion) didn't really make herself clear.

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Not sure how different that lady's version is from the accepted version.

I was a bit confused too.She said there were 2 boys when there were actually 3, It was what she didn't say that was so worrying. I don't know about all the other victims and their families but I found it very upsetting.

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I would hope there must be more to it all, but from a Douglas ratepayer, I would have thought there could have been a reception or something. That would have been very worthwhile - unlike some of the receptions they have at our expense.


Judging by the stream of photographs that appear so often in the newspapers, Douglas Corporation would hold a reception for the opening of a crisp packet (any excuse to get in the mayor's parlour for a councillor's free booze up, it seems to me).

In the e-mail I got I was asked to confirm if I was attending as there was a "buffet etc" after for those who attended!! People had a lot to talk about and nowhere to go, and a lot of them are now elderly, after all it has taken 40 years to get to this stage!Perhaps there was a church hall or similar that could have been used! It was actually very embarrassing!! The lady I sat beside hadn't heard tell of it and she only found out about the service at the last minute and she had lost relatives!! I heard a number of people say that there were others who hadn't known.It was cringeworthy!

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I would hope there must be more to it all, but from a Douglas ratepayer, I would have thought there could have been a reception or something. That would have been very worthwhile - unlike some of the receptions they have at our expense.


Judging by the stream of photographs that appear so often in the newspapers, Douglas Corporation would hold a reception for the opening of a crisp packet (any excuse to get in the mayor's parlour for a councillor's free booze up, it seems to me).

In the e-mail I got I was asked to confirm if I was attending as there was a "buffet etc" after for those who attended!! People had a lot to talk about and nowhere to go, and a lot of them are now elderly, after all it has taken 40 years to get to this stage!Perhaps there was a church hall or similar that could have been used! It was actually very embarrassing!! The lady I sat beside hadn't heard tell of it and she only found out about the service at the last minute and she had lost relatives!! I heard a number of people say that there were others who hadn't known.It was cringeworthy!


I am disgusted to hear that.


There are Douglas Councillors read and post on this forum, I wonder would they like to comment.




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Interesting to listen to that interview. One quote I would pick out;


"I was passed down over the wall. I personally don't remember that, I was 9, because of the panic and shock"


It seems at odd's with a lot of her other memories about events on that awful day. I was not there and I am fortunate never to have been in a similar situation but I am sure that traumatic events and memories can become twisted due to stress, grief, shock and trauma as well as listening to other peoples version of events and trying to link them with your own chaotic memories.


Maybe someone could look up the relevant news story from the papers of the day and prevent further speculation on here which I dare say will be potentially upsetting to those who survived.

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Oh come on, this was a tragedy and we dont need it being turned into a conspiracy theory nutters new focus.


What happened is well documented, why cant we just accept that as fact.


Conspiracy theories will only end up upsetting a lot of people who were connected as can be seen by the previous posts. I really dont think MMTV should have broadcast that interview, very poor judgement in doing so.

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