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Manx Mafia General Discussion


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This is a general discussion thread for the MF Mafia Game.


We're going to play fairly vanilla rules to begin with but each game may have slightly different rules in the future. Please make sure you check the rules in the game thread.


If you're new to Mafia, or just want to check the basic rules out, you can read this quick guide.http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Quick_Guide_to_Mafia


You can post in this thread whether you're dead or alive, but don't make any specific reference to the current game until it's complete. This is more of a watercooler thread. Non players can post here also.


If you're not in the game, please don't post in the game thread. Special rules apply to this section and any non players will have their posts immediately deleted, no matter how funny you think you are. Please be respectful.


Game 1 - Rise Of The Manx Mafia - Moderator Ans - MAFIA WIN ON NIGHT 5

Game 2 - The Unholy Union - Moderator Yin & Yang - TOWN WIN ON DAY 5

Game 3 - Rise of the Mayorsbane Mafia - Moderator Lao - MAFIA WIN ON DAY 5

Game 4 - TBA - Moderator wrighty

Game 5 - TBA - Moderator Declan/Ritchie

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Opened up a topic for Game 1 that's linked above. 14 players is enough to do a first run on so the game is closed.


Any questions? (bear in mind I'm new to modding a Mafia game)

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Yeah, that's the idea. You need to try and persuade your friends and your enemies to do what you want, and you can do whatever you like to convince them. You're encouraged to lie, cheat, misrepresent and do whatever it takes. Rules are pretty light.


Might be worth checking out how an existing game works, some examples here. http://forum.mafiascum.net/viewforum.php?f=37


No idea if this will work on MF, figured it's worth a go for something different.

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Yeah, that's the idea. You need to try and persuade your friends and your enemies to do what you want, and you can do whatever you like to convince them. You're encouraged to lie, cheat, misrepresent and do whatever it takes. Rules are pretty light.


Might be worth checking out how an existing game works, some examples here. http://forum.mafiascum.net/viewforum.php?f=37


No idea if this will work on MF, figured it's worth a go for something different.

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Nope, everyone has a vote. The mafia are disguised as townies. Just remember they know each other so will almost never vote for a mafia scummer. Unless they're trying to fool you...

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Do the times work? Realise it's Day 1 but just conscious that the game sprang into life in the last hour and it's now night.


Would we be better adjusting to Day 8am - 10pm / Night 10pm - 8am. We can make that change on the fly for Day 2 onwards?

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Might be a good idea, although I have to say I did get confused with what day it was starting, I thought 14th was Thursday. I have been quite excited about it, tbh I do not care if I die quickly or not, if the mafia win - so? We can have another game until the townies get better, the only RP game I know about is WoW and thats an MMORPG (or something).


I've got a spread sheet (I am not missing work) and a note pad, not messing around! :)

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I have a lot of moral and ethical considerations to think about tonight.


Yes, I think at least 9:30 would be better than 9:00, but if you move it too late then it closes the window of gameplay for the mafia as even mafia scum might want to go to bed early and they may be rushed in the morning.

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