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Looks like the burglars are back!


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Surely residency for foreigners is provided on the basis it can be revoked?


You would hope that there would be a provision for this in some form of residency legislation. Although no-one would go near it for fear of being branded racist I would imagine.


Any country should have the options to bin out foreigners who are criminals. I'm not talking about minor offences but where it is clearly in the best interests of the countruyy concerned to fuck that person out of there and back to where they came from then it's a no brainer.



Every country has that option should they wish. Unfortunately the western world has become infected with a PC virus and it needs rebooting.

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This forum is turning into some right wing circle jerk for the ever so oppressed white middle class types.


Its like reading the comments section on the DW or the Sun.


Not flouncing but I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


Will just look on in amusement at the self congratulatory gang wanking of people either too old and set in their ways or too stupid to realise they are the problem not the solution.

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This forum is turning into some right wing circle jerk for the ever so oppressed white middle class types.


Its like reading the comments section on the DW or the Sun.


Not flouncing but I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


Will just look on in amusement at the self congratulatory gang wanking of people either too old and set in their ways or too stupid to realise they are the problem not the solution.



Isn't why we have Brexit, Trump and probably more to come?

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This forum is turning into some right wing circle jerk for the ever so oppressed white middle class types.


Its like reading the comments section on the DW or the Sun.


Not flouncing but I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


Will just look on in amusement at the self congratulatory gang wanking of people either too old and set in their ways or too stupid to realise they are the problem not the solution.

Yes. Let's just tell the scumbags to be good boys and not do it again like we did for the past 50 years. Maybe send them on an awareness course about the damage they did to themselves and their victims, while they just laugh in your face as they listen to the beak for the 50th time. Because that has all worked SO well.


It is refreshing that people are at last finding their voices to speak out. Cringing, heart bleeding lefties might yet be saved from themselves.


Tough on crime. Tough on the causes of crime.

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This forum is turning into some right wing circle jerk for the ever so oppressed white middle class types.


Its like reading the comments section on the DW or the Sun.


Not flouncing but I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


Will just look on in amusement at the self congratulatory gang wanking of people either too old and set in their ways or too stupid to realise they are the problem not the solution.


A possible solution might be for all liberal lefties to offer up their house for an uninterrupted burglary, sort of an apology for society casting them adrift and having to resort to such desperate measures to get by.


It's a win-win. The liberals can get all that guilt off their chest and offer themselves up as a sacrificial lamb and the criminals don't have to resort to violence or terrorising otherwise decent members of the public.

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The interesting thing is that the genuine lefties all thought that most people thought their way and it was only the "lunatic" right that didn't. It's coming as an awful shock to the poor lambs to discover that, actually, a huge section of the population had merely been cowed into silent acquiescence by the liberal onslaught that denied debate for decades. At last, we can hope that it may be over.

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I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".

And what type are they exactly? It was the stifling of all discussion by the pc brigade that made ordinary people feel that they had to prefix a perfectly reasonable point with "I'm not ............ (racist/sexist/fascist/whateverphobic) but...." , and then the fact that they did say this was used against them to "prove" that they were indeed ..........(racist/sexist/fascist/whateverphobic).


It is not, for example, racist to object to the total transformation of an area by the injection of a large alien population, just as it is not fascist to advocate harsh punishment for the kind of crime being discussed here. It is moderate and common sense.

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This forum is turning into some right wing circle jerk for the ever so oppressed white middle class types.


Its like reading the comments section on the DW or the Sun.


Not flouncing but I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


Will just look on in amusement at the self congratulatory gang wanking of people either too old and set in their ways or too stupid to realise they are the problem not the solution.

See, even this post is provocative. You give off about not being able to have a decent discussion, and resort to name-calling and villification to other posters who disagree with you. Not very sociable really. While you ooze this kind of high-brow intellectual snobbery who would want to engage you?

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I really don't see the point in trying to talk to a bunch of "I'm not racist but...types".


And what type are they exactly? It was the stifling of all discussion by the pc brigade that made ordinary people feel that they had to prefix a perfectly reasonable point with "I'm not ............ (racist/sexist/fascist/whateverphobic) but...." , and then the fact that they did say this was used against them to "prove" that they were indeed ..........(racist/sexist/fascist/whateverphobic).


It is not, for example, racist to object to the total transformation of an area by the injection of a large alien population, just as it is not fascist to advocate harsh punishment for the kind of crime being discussed here. It is moderate and common sense.

They should kick fuck out of them

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