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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

PK - he didn’t vote for a unicorn, he doesn’t come on here with fantasy facts supporting the unicorn argument, and he has a point about catch and release - it’s not to everyone’s taste. You could argue about angling on another thread, or swap personal insults by pm, but why not stick to the arguments around facts vs #Woodyfacts on here? 

I actually went back over the exchange to see where it went tits up. As far as I can make out, amongst all the Pratwt nonsense, I was pointing out how my nephew was applying for a German passport to ensure he could continue working in the EU which makes brexit a right royal pain in the arse. Pratwt responded with a load of waffle which I posted was a typical brexiteer response to yet another brexit downer.

Cue hysterical histrionics "you must apologise for misleading MF", "apologise for lying" and something like "I've never said I supported brexit" etc etc ad infinitum.

Now NOBODY norrmal likes to be accused of lying. So a quick look back found a post by Pratwt that stated had he voted it would have been for Leave.

Cue more histrionics plus lots of insults  etc etc and then him not voting was "proof" that he did not support Leave.

That's like Tommy Robinson not murdering a migrant is "proof" he's not a racist.....

So with Pratwt's constant demands for an apology HE owes ME.

Many moons ago I caught a Rudd if memory serves. One flank of this fish had a massive, almost certainly mortal, injury inflicted by a pike. Yet it was still feeding! Something of an epiphany that the anti "catch and release" wankers didn't have the faintest idea what they were talking about. But it was so off the pace I'm sure Pratwt just picked up on it and hoped it was a stick he could beat me with. Hah! Good luck with that one......

Not my fault Pratwt isn't man enough to concede he's been rumbled....


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

I actually went back over the exchange to see where it went tits up. As far as I can make out, amongst all the Pratwt nonsense, I was pointing out how my nephew was applying for a German passport to ensure he could continue working in the EU which makes brexit a right royal pain in the arse. Pratwt responded with a load of waffle which I posted was a typical brexiteer response to yet another brexit downer.

Cue hysterical histrionics "you must apologise for misleading MF", "apologise for lying" and something like "I've never said I supported brexit" etc etc ad infinitum.

Now NOBODY norrmal likes to be accused of lying. So a quick look back found a post by Pratwt that stated had he voted it would have been for Leave.

Cue more histrionics plus lots of insults  etc etc and then him not voting was "proof" that he did not support Leave.

That's like Tommy Robinson not murdering a migrant is "proof" he's not a racist.....

So with Pratwt's constant demands for an apology HE owes ME.

Many moons ago I caught a Rudd if memory serves. One flank of this fish had a massive, almost certainly mortal, injury inflicted by a pike. Yet it was still feeding! Something of an epiphany that the anti "catch and release" wankers didn't have the faintest idea what they were talking about. But it was so off the pace I'm sure Pratwt just picked up on it and hoped it was a stick he could beat me with. Hah! Good luck with that one......

Not my fault Pratwt isn't man enough to concede he's been rumbled....


You again state that I am a typical 'brexiteer'.

I did not vote for "brexit".

I disputed a claim by another poster who stated that those who did not vote should be presumed to have voted to remain by saying had I been "obliged" (i.e. compelled) to vote 

I would have voted out. I wasn't compelled ,I didn't care so I abstained.

You have consistently stated  that I am  a rabid "brexiteer"  which as I did not vote is a nonsense.

You have failed  to produce or quote  any of my posts which gives any credibility to your claim  that I have responded with   'waffle' / 'hysterical histrionics / histrionics.

You now compare me to "Tommy Robinson" a particular odious individual  in order to portray yourself as having some  some form of moral superiority .

Way back you chose to lecture a poster on this site as being morally lacking because he/she did not have the excellent qualities you claim you  have adopted , like 'hating racism' (I do and have brown eyes !) helping the homeless and selflessly protecting the rest of us by serving in the armed forces .

I merely was curious as to how you squared this  perfect impression you wished to portray of yourself with your chosen pastime of sport fishing.

Folks on this site will perhaps judge  from your post exactly what sort of individual you really are .


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20 hours ago, P.K. said:

Listen twat supporting brexit is about how you think and putting an "X" on a piece of paper, even if you could have or not, makes absolutely no difference to that whatsoever.




19 hours ago, P.K. said:

Twat. I know nothing about you other than you tell lies and would have voted fot Leave.


22 hours ago, paswt said:


Doesn't matter how many times you repeat a lie , calling me a 'brexiteer " the acid test is how I voted and I didn't.  QED


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56 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

What have I missed here ?

I’ve never seen a single post from

”paswt” that is offensive in any

shape or form

He considers any  post  offensive dilli  if it demonstrates beyond all doubt  that he is a liar or a  thoroughly unpleasant piece of business.  

You have to remember that his loyalty is not to the IOM or the UK but to Germany which he referred to as the "fatherland" (see the "Bullit'" thread).

He also claims to have been in the armed services, but is a bit coy about in what capacity and on whose side ?:lol: and if so in what capacity? ....(a pencil squeezer perhaps:lol:)

He also claims to have helped the homeless and stated he hates "racism" perhaps in order to make himself appear more acceptable,will the "evangelical christian" card be next?:lol:.

He has demonstrably lied about me and now infers that I have something in common with Tommy Robinson , "when you point the finger you find there are 3 pointing back at  you".

He is clearly beneath contempt and will continue to spit out his dummy when caught out "bang to rights" like a petulant child .

On the evidence of his post some nine hours ago he should probably change his posting handle to "Not my Fault":lol:, as nothing ever is:lol:



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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Dear me but your whining seems to be clutching at ever more desperate, unrelated straws.

But hey, I'm well used to personal attacks by abusive lying brexiteers on here.

Crack on if you can't move on I say!


:lol: when you have  been exposed  for what you are you resort to the "victim card":lol:

  • Haha 1
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1 minute ago, paswt said:

:lol: when you have  been exposed  for what you are you resort to the "victim card":lol:

Now THAT'S funny.

You're right of course. All victims tell their abusers to "crack on" don't they...?

I'll be chuckling about this all day.

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