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Exploding hover boards.

Mr Bear

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To be fair, that could be added to the list of roller-blades, skate boards, heelies, running shoes, high-heels, bicycles, tricycles and even Segways for "Things you can drive in front of a bus with.".

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That's rather surprising, I know for unmanaged ones if they drop below 3.3v you're supposed to dispose of them.


If it was a large lithium backup pack for an industrial application then I'd definitely want to stop well short of the very lowest limit. I'd also want to stop short of the upper charge limit at about 4V to make the packs last longer at the expense of some of their capacity.


It's worth mentioning that LiPo rechargeable cells don't actually contain any metallic lithium at all. Just lithium ions in various forms. The deliberate lithium explosions that are so popular on YouTube are caused by the sudden release of energy and the combustible nature of the electrolyte and its plastic separator/suspension film.

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I actually want one. (to take to bits of course) but alas my larger than average size exceeds the weight limit of them. I'd probably need one for each foot.


If anyone in Ramsey has a dubious one that Amazon has flippantly told you to "get rid of" then I'd be interested in getting hold of it to make a YouTube technical teardown video on to ascertain its electrical quality.


Given how many of these have been sold, it's a bit tacky that Amazon have expected the buyers to dispose of the units themselves, especially as being crushed in a bin lorry could cause a fire in the lorry. The only way to properly dispose of these is to deliver them to a suitable recycling point for controlled disassembly.

I get the feeling that what Amazon really meant was "Here's your money back, we suggest you get rid of the unit and that means we are now no longer liable for any injury caused when you decide to keep it."

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I think most people secretly want a go on one. In fact, on Xmas afternoon I almost expect the flat area of ground on Mooragh Promenade to have a few adults doing spectacular faceplants on it. Nobles will probably have to open a special department for hover-board injuries.

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Instant way to look like a twat is to ride one of these.

Especially so if it's on fire.


Under those circumstances one could only hope that someone was filming the incident for YouTube.

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Depending how shite the unit is it may not be charging that does it anyway. If LiPo batteries get excessively discharged (below 3.3V per cell), which is guaranteed to happen unless you put controls in place to stop discharging the battery before it gets to that level - which decently manufactured stuff does - they become very unstable.


Having tested lots of protection circuits dedicated to the task of protecting lithium cells from over discharge, they often go down to around 2.7V before the protection kicks in, whereupon the voltage does float up to around 3V again. I guess that's the absolute lower limit.. They do all however stop more or less dead on the upper limit of 4.2V.

Just an update, there are now high voltage lipo cells that top out at 4.35V per cell, Hyperion is one brand name. A HV cell charged to 4.2V is at around 80% of its capacity if it was fully charged to 4.35V. If you get any HV cells you need a charger to suit them, many lipo chargers won't put in more than 4.2 V per cell,

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To be fair, that could be added to the list of roller-blades, skate boards, heelies, running shoes, high-heels, bicycles, tricycles and even Segways for "Things you can drive in front of a bus with.".



Yeah but it's a lot less bovver with a hover.

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Depending how shite the unit is it may not be charging that does it anyway. If LiPo batteries get excessively discharged (below 3.3V per cell), which is guaranteed to happen unless you put controls in place to stop discharging the battery before it gets to that level - which decently manufactured stuff does - they become very unstable.

Having tested lots of protection circuits dedicated to the task of protecting lithium cells from over discharge, they often go down to around 2.7V before the protection kicks in, whereupon the voltage does float up to around 3V again. I guess that's the absolute lower limit.. They do all however stop more or less dead on the upper limit of 4.2V.

Just an update, there are now high voltage lipo cells that top out at 4.35V per cell, Hyperion is one brand name. A HV cell charged to 4.2V is at around 80% of its capacity if it was fully charged to 4.35V. If you get any HV cells you need a charger to suit them, many lipo chargers won't put in more than 4.2 V per cell,


There's a possibility that I may actually have one of the new high voltage LiPo's in my current phone. I actually think I'd rather just forego the extra capacity and just charge it to 4.2V, which if the same rules for ordinary LiPo cells apply will result in a much longer useful life for the cell.

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Never posted here before but can't find anything locally discussing this.


Anyone else purchased a Breezeboard Pro board from one of the local Facebook sites that popped up? I did and now its in the news they have had boards pulled by customs/trading standards and the company itself seems to have vanished.


Its the kids main present and just wondered if anyone else had had any success getting a refund?


Facebook group below discussing the various issues.



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