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IoM Payments Processor accused of money laundering


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I didn't say he had no connection to eGaming. But to pretend he is some kind of strategy genius to IoM government is simply untrue.


Counting House process some payment traffic for eGamers.


This sanction appears to be nothing to do with that.


Agreed he is no strategy genius, but he is quite closely linked with DED and the local e-gaming industry and the author of DED's principal guide to setting up an IoM e-gaming business http://www.whereyoucan.com/ibweb/res/pdf//YouCanl2014-Digital-3rd-Edition.pdf


Speaks extensively internationally about e-gaming.


Glad Counting House (IOM) Ltd has not been named.


Hope that no IoM e-gaming businesses are affected by the US asset freeze on PacNet & Counting House.

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"In addition, OFAC today designated the following 24 companies, which comprise PacNet as entities owned or controlled by PacNet executives or other PacNet-linked companies...Counting House Services Ltd. (Counting House), located in Canada and the United Kingdom, is a company associated with PacNet. Counting House is owned or controlled by Paul Davis, who is the company’s managing director and sole shareholder. PacNet executives Donna Maria MacBain and Raffaella Ferrari are identified as directors. Counting House is co-located with several other PacNet-linked companies, including PacNet Services Limited."

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Great. Once again someone from across comes here and makes an arse of us all. And once again it will be Manx people and the Isle of Man who will be left with a tarnished public image.

Yup. Another one of Bells legacies. More will probably follow.

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The island has from year dot had to look in the shadows for it's sustainability. It's unfortunately what happens when you have very little to offer and are just a small island in the middle of the Irish Sea.

The net is closing around the world now in the dash for cash as governments everywhere are skint and have a pensions crisis looming.

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Lxxx - I agree with your analysis.


The IOM will find itself gradually cut off from the main world in coming years if our tax arrangements are deemed to be unfair/aggressive. If we can keep our tax arrangements to ourselves and stop international operations from "taking advantage" we may get away with the status quo. Unfortunately I do not see how that will happen as most of Athol St is employed in providing (legal) investment vehicles and schemes to wealthy individuals and corporations around the world.

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(CNN) Editor's Note: Today (22 Sep 2016), a Canadian payment processor named PacNet Services, Ltd. became one of the many targets of an unprecedented crackdown on global mail fraud, which was announced today by (USA) Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


In all fairness, as far as I can find on the Internet although this action has been started by the USA Attorney General to date no one has yet been charged with any offences and as such we should presume that everyone involved has not committed any crimes and is therefore innocent.

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