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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Are you for real?

Please explain why? The uk rates are as low as the testing proceedure allows, most of the 50+ year olds have had a vaccine, covid hospital admissions are virtually zero in the uk and the death rate is below the average.

Please tell me why some-one can't travel back to IOM, test day 1 and 7, then be allowed to shop for essentials and excercise outside for the 2nd week?? 

Don't dare say because the IOM are trying to be covid free, because it's too late for that. Covid is here and it ain't going away - accept it, and work around it.


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27 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

 In a UK context if you hold  a different opinion on the restrictions being imposed, you struggle to find an influential voice (yesterday’s extension to the UK emergency powers as an example). The main stream media, or indeed the parties of opposition do not appear to question anything. It is not surprising that people who hold other view push back.

Well, The Telegraph, the paper of choice for the absolute wrong type of person to be in charge, has been consistently opposed to all the restrictions the whole time. To the point where much of its coverage could almost be described as dangerous misinformation.

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44 minutes ago, Howard the Duck MBE TBC said:

I haven't done anything I shouldn't I think I was the only one in our family now in my Mums bad books because I didn't drop a mothers day gift on the doorstep.

I trust a suitable card was sent, if not flowers by post / courier...

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7 minutes ago, winnie said:

Please explain why? The uk rates are as low as the testing proceedure allows, most of the 50+ year olds have had a vaccine, covid hospital admissions are virtually zero in the uk and the death rate is below the average.

Please tell me why some-one can't travel back to IOM, test day 1 and 7, then be allowed to shop for essentials and excercise outside for the 2nd week?? 

Don't dare say because the IOM are trying to be covid free, because it's too late for that. Covid is here and it ain't going away - accept it, and work around it.


I actually thought the very same.

Are we now moving the goal posts again so the U.K. infection rate is less than 5 in 70,000,000 or other such mythical figure.

People need to get a grip & think about what they are saying / doing!

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32 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Fair point Cap'n. But we were either out or we weren't. The police didn't allow it to go ahead because the law said it was legal. They basically turned a blind eye instead of having to do something difficult. We're all over the Chief Secretary about the Steamy but the Chief Constable is also choosing which laws to enforce.

If this dickhead is going to cop it for arranging an open air swim then the BLM organizers should too.

I'll probably be labelled a racist now too.:D


You make a very fair point. 

The BLM march should not have been allowed to go ahead.

It's about as important as a load of people swimming in the sea when told not to gather.

It's an unimportant activity that the law said should and could wait.  The problem was the CC was spineless and too busy shitting himself over upsetting the Woke crew and thereby being labelled a racist.

Plenty of people are breaking the rules.  I know I am to a degree.  But don't go round advertising all over social media.  And if you're caught and warned not to do it then don't fucking do it.

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42 minutes ago, The Chief said:

i don't particularly agree with the restrictions but this muppet was warned and did it anyway and therefore will have to deal with the consequences.

Everyone was warned, we have all been warned, we all make sacrifices. It is not down to just one person, muppet or not. We are all well aware of the regulations by now. 

Heavy spot fines would have served the purpose for first time, arrest and charge the second. 

Posts over the last weeks from many on here were all about people breaching the rules and putting everyone else at risk. Nothing should change that view.

Too many people have undergone painful changes to their lives and circumstances with family and financial repercussions that can in some cases not be repaired or rowed back on. Anyone and everyone 'gathering' socially like this broke the rules, for their own "whatever", but because mainly because they thought the rules do not apply to them - the belief that they are special and better than the rest of us. Is that the true Manx way now? 

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10 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

I actually thought the very same.

Are we now moving the goal posts again so the U.K. infection rate is less than 5 in 70,000,000 or other such mythical figure.

People need to get a grip & think about what they are saying / doing!

I've understand the current uk testing system will always pick up a certain amount of false positives, and for the amount of testing they are doing it's around the 5,000 figure, which isn't much below what has been reported.

Just open slowly and keep an eye on things, but please start to relax the borders a little.


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Indeed Apple. The virus has turned normal people into fecking eejits.

The reality was (with hindsight) that we have a potentially dangerous disease circulating. Stay at home. If you do have to go out, wear a mask and wherever possible stay 2m away from other people and wash/sanitise your hands regularly. If you can't stay 2m, restrict your close contact to a short a time as possible.

If you do all that, your chances of contracting the virus are significantly reduced.

The difficulty we had was that we've never really had to deal with anything like it before, hence the extremes in behaviours and the tough measures taken by Governments.

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56 minutes ago, Banker said:

This could be very useful in allowing opening up & travel worldwide, pity we don’t have testing at ports like some jurisdictions!





UK regulator approves 20-second coronavirus test which could be used in airports and sports venues 

In the latest technological step forward, a COVID-19 test that takes just seconds has been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). 

The Virolens test, made by British start-up iAbra and TT Electronics, uses swabs of saliva and trials have shown it is highly accurate. 

Trials indicated the test has 98.1% sensitivity, meaning it returns few false negatives, and 99.7% specificity, meaning few false positives.

It was trialled at Heathrow Airport and will now be launching with immediate effect, rolling out further in the coming months. 



Makes more sense than any Covid passports. Especially pub passports! 

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9 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I've just got to say it.

Isn't it just a bit incredulous that the entire Island is arguing whether the Laxey swimmers were right or wrong and yet, despite the law, it could certainly be agreed that it was very probably a low risk activity.

And isn't it just as incredulous that no one is arguing over the absolute balls up the government made of the Steam Packet quarantine policies. That they lied about it, that they sanctimoniously told us that it was 'all in hand', that, due to one or more of the Steam Packet staff who brought the Kent variant to the Island, leading us back to an (eventual) lockdown again - one that could have been avoided had procedures really, truly been in place rather than the people on charge of protecting us just assuming that something, somewhere, with someone was being done, when in fact it isn't.

Had they not behaved in this way and then tried to fudge the truth and tried to avoid any kind of accountability, we could have all been in the sea if we chose, and seeing our mums on mothers' day, and our mental, emotional, physical and financial health would all be in a better place - had it not been for our governement.

There, I said it.

Now, get back to arguing about a few of the 'woke'.

unfortunately the laxey swimmers have given the gov the exact thing they needed which was to get everyone talking about anything but the steam packet.

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2 minutes ago, The Chief said:

unfortunately the laxey swimmers have given the gov the exact thing they needed which was to get everyone talking about anything but the steam packet.

Especially when Howard is talking about “severe action against rule breakers” in the media https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/covid-rule-breakers-should-expect-severe-action-says-chief-minister/


but ‘misunderstandings’ by people connected to the government? Why...people have told him that there shouldn’t be investigations or charges brought. This whole swimming saga has handed Howard a convenient smokescreen to put time inbetween any uproar over the SP directive fiasco. 

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