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Your Worst Accident / Injury

Mr. Sausages

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When I was about 3, I saw something I liked on my Grandparent's TV, and tried to hug it. As you do. I'd guess the TV must have been made in the 1960s, and was a big heavy thing. As I hugged it in front of my whole family I managed to pull it off it's stand. Obviously I couldn't carry the weight of it, and fell backwards, with the corner of the TV landing on my forehead.


I can't remember any of it, but apparently there was a lot of blood. My Dad took me to hospital, shouting at me to keep me from falling unconscious. I was lucky to survive it.


That's why I've always had a huge scar across my forehead, and my skull is out of shape. In case you were wondering. Hooray for irresponsible parenting!


Now tell me your story. Tell me now!

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Falling down a small bank into a barely there river. I put my hands out front of me as a natural response to break my fall. Ended up snapping both the lower arm bones in half on my left arm. Went to the hospital with an un natural dip in my arm :unsure:


Months of my arm being in a cast nearly up to my shoulder, it fixed :D

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When I was a kid - running with a stick in my mouth and then tripping up. Stick goes through roof of mouth and I'm taken to hospital with nice mixture of blood and puke coming out of mouth.


But the most painful by a country mile was tearing the ligaments right off the bone in my ankle.


Happend to me playing football at St Ninians. Very late tackle, teacher refereeing the match rushes up and asks if I'm all right. I reply "No Sir, it's me fucking ankle" and I'm taken off to hospital. Only time I got away with swearing.


A mate of mine was trying to load a crossbow and had it facing down to the ground with hes feet of the bow part, the stock between his legs, trying to draw the bowsting back. His feet slipped off the bow, the stock smashed into his groin and he couldn't lie on his front for a week :D

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When I was about 9 I was playing on my big brother's push bike. I was going up a hill and was standing up on the pedals. Two boys that I knew threw a stone at the front wheel, I braked heavily and my feet slipped off the pedals and I came down with a sickening thud on the metal cross bar.


I can't bear to type (even now) about the pain and distress that occured over the next few hours, but I left hospital with 43 internal and external stiches to my perineum and other more delicate areas together with a sore ear where my mum clipped me for going out on brother's bike.


It was months before I could walk proper.


And I still can't look at a boy's bike without wincing.

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Not a bad accident as such, but definitely a case for Social Services.


When I was aged one and my sister was two, my Mum and Dad were in bed (yeuch) and my sister was roaming unsupervised around the house. She raided a tin of bright blue gloss paint and proceeded to put her blue handprints all over the walls of the house. Then she came over to my cot and covered me in the rest of the paint, from head to toe.


I have a very good long term memory and can remember many things which happened to me when I was a small child and many feelings which I used to get, but my horriblest and earliest memory is screaming in pain as I had blue paint scrubbed off me with cold water and a brush while my mother shouted at me because she'd messed up. Parents, eh?

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