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Everything posted by piebaps

  1. You could collect it from the beach weekly - or even bi-weekly if you wanted to do it greener.
  2. Well for christ's sake, close your account and leave.
  3. My nomination for post of the year🤣 Sorry Bees
  4. piebaps

    Firm closing

    So the Manx are all shit then? Who's being racist now?🤣
  5. piebaps

    MGP 2023

    This fella knew the rules!! "During an interview, he said he thought that he had been flying the drone more than the permitted 1,000 metres away from the course, but CCTV footage showed it landing around 200 metres from the course."
  6. But Rox banker has been inconvenienced. Don't you realise that UK National Air Traffic has crossed a line now. He's going to be weeping like a child for months and air traffic controllers will become the new teachers.
  7. piebaps

    MGP 2023

    All done Rox. Racing was on Fri, Sat & Mon. Friday however never got going due to weather so everything was squeezed into Sat and Mon. Not universally popular with fans but a reasonable balance between bike racing and normal life. May need some fine tuning mind!
  8. No they haven't - I just fired in some random dates and I've got one.
  9. Indeed Quilp and this wasn't even a trans-issue. The whole QE2 thing is just anti-gay.
  10. Sounds like a touch of "green eyes" to me. Perhaps the OP should put in an FOI request and find out some facts rather than implying things.
  11. Bloody Hell. The shit just got real🤣
  12. The issue at QE2 had nothing to do with trans or immigrants. Some "christian" nazis had discovered that a youth worker brought in to help with some references to diversity, had dressed up as a woman on a different occasion. Nothing else. Obergruppenfuher Josem can call it whatever he wants but it was overt homophobia - nothing else. As a result of the homophobia the lessons which could help a victim of abuse understand that they have been abused, are suspended. It's beyond belief.
  13. piebaps

    Firm closing

    Social Media set up and showing that the Central will be a Free House.
  14. Whatever they do, it needs to be quicker. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/child-sex-offender-described-as-monster-jailed-for-additional-five-years/ "During sentencing the court was told the youngster had reported the abuse last year following a lesson about puberty at their school – revelations their mother described as ‘heartbreaking’." There are potentially victims of abuse out there who don't appreciate what's happened to them and this ridiculous suspension of lessons at the whim of a small number of religious extremists is just making it worse. Never in the field of human education has so much harm been done by a few gay-bashing bible botherers.
  15. All on the website https://www.airport.im/airport-landing-fees/
  16. I quite agree Declan. Remember the time-line here. Covid came in on Sunday 15th March via a returning traveller who had been to Spain and flew back to IOM via Liverpool. I was off IOM myself that weekend and remember thinking how lucky I'd been. The CoMin decision was made on Monday 16th so it was too late. Covid was already here. Could the borders have closed earlier? Yes, I guess. But what do you do about your stranded people? If you want to quarantine, you have to find somewhere, sort out food, payment etc etc. Much earlier than 15th March would've been difficult for the travelling public to accept given that the full impact of covid hadn't been see in the UK at that point. Paul is clearly not seeing the bigger picture and seems obsessed with finding a smoking gun which probably isn't there.
  17. piebaps

    Firm closing

    Word on the street is that Paulette is moving from the Royal to the Central which will be open for MGP. Gossip also says that the Barbary Coast will be running the Royal but nobody is sure whether they're buying it or leasing it. This is of course Ramsey pub gossip so its not exactly reliable.
  18. Maybe it got on the morning boat with the other moaning minnies.
  19. Monorail and a felt museum would swing it.
  20. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/emails-throw-light-on-governments-covid-response-630473 https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/almost-all-of-medical-directors-covid-information-given-to-comin/ https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/foi-that-triggered-row-between-reporter-and-govt-published/ I found these local news reports quite easily. The MR report actually gives links to the FOI data and the FOI request numbers to make it easier to locate.
  21. Quite right its so childish. But he was a big poo-head
  22. The only thing for sure is that bog isn't in the Rovers. Look how clean it is.
  23. Not everyone. I saw the thread and the whole conversation. It was clearly and obviously a reference to people who litter and could only be construed otherwise by those with ulterior motives.
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