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Everything posted by P.K.

  1. And then there's fruitcakes like Kim Jong-un who have to be dealt with by the likes of Trump. At Trump's election the world became a scarier place....
  2. And quite rightly imho. Question: Who watches the watchers...? Answer: Actually they have to watch themselves..... "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - author - some famous bloke or other....
  3. Even by your low standards the above personal attack is somewhat weak. Play the ball, not the man old chap. So you're clearly a closet Trump supporter. Why am I not surprised.....? Liked the "quislings at the Grauniad" though. Good effort. Wish I had thought of it myself. I trust you won't mind me using it as I continue to take the piss out of the "BBC left-wing bias" brigade? Thanks. Every day is a school day to the open-minded you know....
  4. But at the very least the Trump camp are made to look stupid, naive and easily manipulated i.e. perfect for Russian subversion. Plus Junior was forced to make public how dumb he is. I'm getting the impression that the Trump camp feel that accusations of "fake news" are like some kind of "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". Sure blindly scattering accusations like that around are going to take in the feeble minded but not the US media - well, apart from Breitbart and Fox that is....
  5. Good job I've booked another massive piss-up with the lads week away fishing with the chaps early September. This time the main quarry is Carp and we will be in Lincolnshire. Nothing like as pretty as The Wye Valley I grant you. Still therapeutic though. Boris only ever looks out for Boris. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he's going to spend his time making the talks as difficult and fractious as possible. So if it's a horlicks the Maybot carries the can and he slithers his way into the top job. Of course, the UK at large will probably be completely fucked over by then but Boris doesn't care....
  6. Oh FFS! "Boris Johnson: EU can 'go whistle' over Brexit divorce bill" From the Marxist / Leninist BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40571123 Approx 10,000 freight vehicles per day, mostly HGV's, go through the port of Dover and the Chunnel. That's traffic to and from the EU, 10,000 vehicles, every fucking day. Now let's hear the MF Brains Trust help Boris to come up with a solution to applying tariffs, contraband searches, checking weights etc etc until the amount collected equals the divorce bill. And any industry that relies on JIT can kiss their business goodbye. What a complete and utter twat. He is absolutely reviled in the EU. I hope it's just more pathetic grandstanding to the baying brexit masses....
  7. Well if you did you of all people are absolutely guaranteed to learn something new. After all, every day is a school day to the open-minded. However it probably wouldn't sit well with your politics....
  8. If God had wanted us to be thin vegetarians He wouldn't have made fat taste so good......
  9. Surely you don't believe all that leftie nonsense broadcast by the Kremlin mouthpiece that is the BBC...? Trump is first and foremost a businessman - but he clearly loves gesture politics. According to the Maybot "No deal is better than a bad deal" but the fact she spouts nonsense like that, albeit to a somewhat "challenged" audience shall we say, makes me wonder if she can actually tell the difference between the two....
  10. What employment demographic are they in and which way did they vote? Because it's been obvious since the vote that probably the main Brexit driver was Johnny Foreigner coming over here with their bloody work ethic etc etc UK now has the lowest growth in the G7. Uncertainty....
  11. Nah. Little Weed is the one you have to watch out for.....
  12. He probably already has! Several I should imagine. I just hope he scares the Russians and Chinese as much as he scares me. He'll be seeing Putin at the G20.
  13. Who bombed the shit out of a Syrian military airbase. But Cruise Missiles aren't bunker busters so the damage was probably not as bad as you would expect from 59 hits. It seems a strange number to fire but then they have a shelf life and El Trumpo was probably looking for a crowd-pleaser. I should imagine the NK assembly lines, facilities etc are well known. So there is a military option available. Squeaky bottom time.....
  14. P.K.


    Unfortunately there are so many of them that they have become a serious political lobby. Which is why the likes of TB, under a serious financial cosh (the UK wising up to the VAT scam) stated that there would be no PS/CS redundancies because they were essentially unemployable elsewhere. What fantastic leadership! Not...........
  15. P.K.


    The stupidly generous and totally unnecessary MARS scheme demonstrated only too starkly how the CS / PS think they are a law unto themselves. So your claim above does not surprise me in the slightest. Unfortunately....
  16. P.K.


    The Peter Principle is alive and well and absolutely thriving in IOMG. But it doesn't have to be that way.
  17. P.K.


    Yes it does always work like that. At least it should. There will be NO non-jobs left. Control will make sure none are created. Albert is right, all ranks should have been thinned out years ago. That's ALL levels that are over-populated for the services / outputs they are producing.
  18. P.K.


    I used to do "rightsizing" for a living and I can assure you that, in theory at least, "Culling the top in an independent and professional way should create a career pathway for all those underneath" simply should NOT happen. The core was a system called DMAIC. Broad brush: Define - the internal and external deliverables Measure - the current performances Analyse - issues like Value/Non-Value process steps and outputs Improve - remove process bottlenecks and non-value add. Control - develop standards, procedures, monitoring and control systems. So, for example, if there is a senior official who is in a role that is simply not suited to that level of grading the role, along with the incumbent, should disappear and the tasks they were performing, that should have been done at a lower level, would trickle down to that level, which is where they should have been in the first place. The result will be a lack of senior roles that would clearly reduce opportunity rather than enhance it. But it sure would save a bucketload of cash....
  19. I believe the word you are looking for is 'institutionalised' which basically means selling out....
  20. Hmmmmmm....... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/03/britain-being-led-to-epic-act-self-harm-brexit
  21. Climate in Paris seemed fine to me, says Trump DONALD Trump is to pull out of the Paris climate accords after visiting Paris and judging the weather to be perfectly lovely. The president visited the French capital on his European tour and has declared all reports of issues with its climate to be fake news. He continued: “The weather in Paris is just beautiful, believe me. They have the best weather."
  22. When have I ever made out that I'm bright? Hah! I do, in fact, donate to the Grauniad as I think it's head and shoulders above all the right-wing proprietor's nonsense that's peddled as mainstream "newspapers" these days. I also use real cash to buy the Saturday printed edition from a shop! How very old-fashioned I hear you say. It is wearing a bit thin I concur but actually I also forgot Woolley isn't around atm because he usually nibbles at it. I did, in fact, download and skim both the EU briefing papers until I fainted with boredom.....
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