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Everything posted by P.K.

  1. Ever more facile nonsense... Palestinians have been firing rockets into Israel since 2004 ffs! The Grad rockets they use have a 20kg warhead. Not exactly "fireworks" now are they? I suspect Israel now regrets the development of "Iron Dome" and instead should have retaliated using their counter battery capability. Because firing rockets at Israel has now become the no-risk norm. You need a serious reality check... Incidentally how is your "single state" solution coming along ie are Hezbollah invited to join in...?
  2. What an appallingly facile remark which is unfortunately becoming ever more typical. Had the Arab nations rallied round to try and consolidate a Palestinian state on partition things may well have turned out differently. But instead they concentrated on the destruction of Israel and It's people. Fail. Which is why we now have refugee camps like Gaza the sole purpose of which seems to be to live off handouts and to keep the hatred of Israel festering away down through the generations. Well done the Arab nations not...
  3. What a stupid comment. The fact you can't or won't understand how things work in the real world is completely your own fault. Your "single state" so-called "solution" is an excellent example of this. I mean, would you give up everything you worked so hard for to live cheek-by-jowl with a bunch of murderous thugs whose ethos is all about butchering you, your wife and your kids so they can then celebrate it by dancing in the streets...? Didn't think so...
  4. But every country has a sneaking admiration for the way they use this policy to reduce the chances of further terrorist outrages. It's deterrence in action. But as per you either can't or won't see it as such...
  5. It's been Israeli policy since the Munich attack in 1972: "The campaign to avenge Munich, dubbed Operation Wrath of God, has come to symbolize Israel’s willingness to track down its adversaries no matter where they are and eliminate them..." You can be certain that right now the Israelis are hunting down all those who took part in the initial Hamas assault.
  6. The US feeds intelligence to Israel all the time. It is highly likely that those Iranians killed in Syria had something to do with the Hamas assault. Which explains the strike.
  7. Palestinian poll shows a rise in Hamas support and close to 90% RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — A wartime opinion poll among Palestinians published Wednesday shows a rise in support for Hamas, which appears to have ticked up even in the devastated Gaza Strip, and an overwhelming rejection of Western-backed President Mahmoud Abbas, with nearly 90% saying he must resign. The findings by a Palestinian pollster signal more difficulties ahead for the Biden administration’s postwar vision for Gaza and raise questions about Israel’s stated goal of ending Hamas’ military and governing capabilities. Washington has called for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, currently led by Abbas, to eventually assume control of Gaza and run both territories as a precursor to statehood. U.S. officials have said the PA must be revitalized, without letting on whether this would mean leadership changes. The PA administers pockets of the Israeli-occupied West Bank and has governed Gaza until a takeover by Hamas militants in 2007. The Palestinians have not held elections in Gaza since 2006 when Hamas won a parliamentary majority.
  8. More complete ignorance. Are you totally blinded to the bleeding obvious...? It's actually part of a wider policy that is obviously directed towards trying to curb Iran's attempts to foment terrorism in the region that is extending Iran's growing influence. You may recall, but most likely don't knowing you, that in January 2020 a US drone strike killed top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. He was in charge of Pasdaran "foreign operations" and we all know, or rather most of us know, what that means in practice! It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this latest strike was a result of US intelligence.
  9. As I thought you HAD forgotten Hamas kicked off this round! Nuclear weapons indeed - what a drama queen... It's also against International law to give military aid to terrorist organisations. Israel has shown before it has a very low tolerance level of this kind of activity. Very understandable when you realise just what they are surrounded by - states and organisations that want the destruction of Israel and It's people... Which is why your single state solution is beyond stupid.
  10. Dear me but there's a lot of ignorance on here. Or have you simply forgotten that Hamas kicked off this round? There is no point in having the regions best weaponry unless you use it. Now you can be certain that the Pasdaran were not in Syria doing laudable things. So we should all be pleased that a nest of vipers has been wiped out. But strangely you're not... Why is this?
  11. Their property portfolio must be extensive and expensive. I guess the biggest cost is Nobles... Are the island's Public Servant's following the UK in that they want "working" from home to continue post pandemic? I think it's highly amusing that all those unnecessary layers of managers that you get in a pyramid structure are feeling highly exposed because it increasingly looks like they haven't got much to manage. Although It's not like their numbers are going to decrease anytime soon. More's the pity...
  12. The biggest cost is usually staff. They should keep an evergreen document on how much a "fully loaded head" is which will vary from department to department and location to location. Includes pension, bennies, infrastructure like IT, heating and so forth. Just business as usual for a properly run organisation...
  13. Cross-charging is a nonsense when you think most departments don't actually turn a profit. I certainly wouldn't want them to because it means I'm being taxed twice. IOMSPCo take note. It's a difficult balance though. Say the education system is squeezed so they cut down on maintenance. Which could mean more false fire alarms. Which are basically a nuisance. Obviously if they're attending a nuisance call when they should be somewhere else then It's serious. Someone, somewhere, should have the figures to put it in perspective. ETA - well I never, a cross post...
  14. Working for the Royal Mail sounded like an ideal job. But I discovered it’s falling apart, just like its vans https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/08/quit-royal-mail-falling-apart
  15. It's an election year. Expect the Daily Mail, the Express, the Sun and the Telegraph to do everything they possibly can to diss anything to do with opposition to the worst tory administration in living memory and possibly forever. Frankly, when you think just how awful the tories are, dissing the opposition really is pissing in the wind...
  16. Rather droll. David Davies finally puts his name to something evergreen and useful: Welcome to the new Davis Downside Dossier page at Yorkshire Bylines. What began as an attempt to show just how mistaken David Davis was in October 2016 when, as the minister responsible, he told MPs “there will be no downside to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides,” has now become something of a cause célèbre. Mr Davis suggested there wouldn’t be a single downside but the list has now grown so large it’s difficult to keep track. For balance upsides are included as well. To make the dossier easier to maintain, more accessible, and useful as a resource we have converted it into a searchable database. Not only that, but you can also – after filtering if you wish – download the database as a .csv file or as a Word document. Sectors are relatively arbitrary but should help to distill out the topics which interest you most. https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/regular-features/the-davis-downside-dossier/ Like the front pages of the Daily Mail, the Express, the Sun and the Telegraph the Daily Mash rarely fails to amuse. Their take on the UK farmers protests: Let's forget about all those 'Vote Leave' signs in fields, eh? By a farmer WE farmers are left with no choice but to protest at cheap, low-quality imports threatening our livelihoods. We’ve done absolutely nothing to deserve it, except that thing in 2016. But I’m not here to talk about Nexit or Qexit or whatever it was, I really can’t remember. I’m here to highlight the influx of cheap food from abroad. I hate abroad and I’d do anything to make foreigners f**k off. But that’s not relevant to this discussion... https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/politics/lets-forget-about-all-those-vote-leave-signs-in-fields-eh-by-a-farmer-20240326246442
  17. It will certainly piss on their Al-Quds Parade...
  18. What makes you think Iran will be ok with an Israeli/Palestinian settlement?
  19. @woolley When we were last there Laxey Mills gave us the impression that it was only their Soda Bread flour that was stocked at Tesco. Which is good as it makes excellent bonnag. Have to admit we have an aversion to trolley-bashing and much prefer deliveries. We use Tesco points to fund their "Delivery Saver" service so It's sort-of free if you know what I mean. Still, I guess we'll find out when the PE Tesco opens in May. Allegedly...
  20. Who cares what Suella Braverman says? She's all about massaging the right wing of the tories to position herself to replace Sunak. That's all what's going on in her essentially empty head in that article and everywhere else. Plus she's totally tin-eared... Back to the "Swords of Iron" conflict. The IDF report 13,000 murderous Hamas vermin have been killed by them. That's out of the Hamas alleged number of 32,000 fatalities. On the October 7th assault the IDF had at least 274 KIA with some MIA. Since their response in Gaza started on the 27th October they have lost 256 KIA and 1,549 WIA. https://www.gov.il/en/departments/news/swords-of-iron-idf-casualties#:~:text=The names of 600 IDF,have been killed in battle.
  21. If the IDF do not eradicate Hamas then they and the Iranians will claim a victory over Israel. This will simply lead to Hamas growing and having another go. Israel will respond. Rinse and repeat...
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