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Moghrey Mie

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Everything posted by Moghrey Mie

  1. The sad thing is that IOM government thinks sustainability means carrying on doing what we're doing now. It doesn't. It means things will have to change drastically. You can't just plant a few trees. They do nothing about food waste or electronic and electrical waste on the island.
  2. Most people don't realise that the government has a plan. I suppose that will come as a surprise to the ministers who live in a bubble.
  3. https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/opqp/2024-PP-0055.pdf
  4. Yes I'm content with local people who want to demonstrate how they feel about unsuitable development.
  5. There's a reason why Laxey and Peel are not 'designated bathing waters'. 'Applications were also received for the designation of Peel, Fenella and Laxey; due to insufficient sewerage infrastructure these were not progressed. The Department will liaise with the Local Authorities when the necessary improvements to the sewerage infrastructure have been approved by planning and construction has commenced.' Local authorities have to apply for designation. Laxey and Peel were refused because of sewage problems. Maybe the commissioners should put up notices to this effect and inform people. https://www.gov.im/about-the-government/departments/environment-food-and-agriculture/environment-directorate/environmental-protection-unit/bathing-water-quality/
  6. Farmers aways say they're not making any money and they are going to give up. Wait until the Annual Tractor Drive and you'll see whether that is true or not. Perhaps IOM government should withdraw subsidies as New Zealand did and let the farmers prosper. https://www.politico.eu/article/viewpoint-farming-without-subsidies-a-better-way-why-new-zealand-agriculture-is-a-world-leader/
  7. Hospitality owners also need to take some responsibility. If they see training as a 'burden' it does not bode well for the sector. They need to be training their staff and creating career paths for those who wish to work in the industry.
  8. Whatever happened to the Hospitality Forum? There are too many venues for a population of 85,000. We can't sustain coffee shops on every corner. I agree about raising the threshold for tax payers. Anybody on the minimum wage shouldn't be paying income tax. I hope employees are in a union to fight for their interests.
  9. 'Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt'. Juvenal / Ancient Rome
  10. Douglas sent a glossy brochure with two pages about Queen Camilla. I would prefer more information about how they are spending my money.
  11. Discount is only 2.25% in Braddan. 5% in Ramsey.
  12. No sure what your 'criticism' is. Sarah appeared on a radio programme and listened politely while an officer from DHSC answered a query from a listener. What's the problem with that?
  13. It was an idea proposed by KPMG in their report two years ago. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/proposals-to-create-island-campus-unveiled/
  14. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/douglas-council-spent-almost-5k-on-queens-visit/ Who's charging £100 for a bunch of flowers?
  15. Interesting that Manx Radio chose to headline personal abuse rather than Teresa Cope's explanation of what she is trying to do at Manx Care to turn a round a failing health service with very little data etc etc.
  16. Running a cafe half-way up a 'mountain' where most people drive past is always going to tun the risk of not attracting staff or customers. The government can't do much about either.
  17. The theory was that higher charges would encourage local authorities to recycle more and stop sending burnable stuff to the incinerator. https://www.gov.im/news/2015/dec/23/waste-disposal-fees-frozen-for-a-second-year/
  18. I believe the contract with SITA/SUEZ and the true cost of incineration were kept from the public when Pam Crowe was minister. Commercially sensitive and all that.............
  19. What's the connection with SITA? They don't have anything to do with amenity sites.
  20. That was changed so that anybody can go to any amenity site.
  21. Question in Tynwald next week about landlord registration. Why do these things take so long? '12. The Hon. Member for Legislative Council, Mr Mercer, to ask the Minister for Infrastructure – What progress has been made with the draft regulations and consultation necessary to implement the Landlord Registration (Private Housing) Act 2021; and if he will make a statement.'
  22. For goodness sake it shouldn't take 8 years to sort this out. Haven't we got a High Net Worth individual who would like their name on a plaque? https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/no-further-progress-for-new-changing-rooms-at-pulrose-pitches/ https://modulek.co.uk/modular-sports-changing-rooms/
  23. I suppose Julian and Juan from Mannin Line will be asking long-winded questions which are not really questions but an excuse for them to hold forth.
  24. No seriously. The Financial Director has to report in detail at every Board meeting and they have made savings in agency and bank staff etc. . 'March Board Meeting minutes. 'The Cost Improvement Plan had performed very well and the target had increased target to £7.5 from £6.4m during the month. Bank and agency spend had also been helped by recruiting substantive staff which has also helped workforce stability. Agency spend was £2m less than last year and all agency posts were regularly reviewed and agency staff were only employed in areas considered very fragile.' When does our Chief Financial Officer have to appear before a committee and justify his spending of £386,000,000?
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