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Everything posted by thebees

  1. You're casting nastersians at the men there, it might well have been a lady.
  2. It looks well stalker like, but I've sent it
  3. Same bloke that did the Tower of Refuge invasion? Rhumsaa's got some beardy funny man competition for sure. I think not
  4. I spotted Merkin on Facebook, got all excited came here to tell him only to find, its not him at all, he's had a complete change of avatar and now looks nothing like his facebook person anymore. Pfft, can I have half a point?
  5. I suppose you're talking about the same guild as I am in but, what ever, I don't mind what goes on with it, I'm billy no wow mates, go on, take my guild away, see if I care.
  6. Yeah, if it wasn't for the Douglas rate payers, you country bumpkins would never get to see fireworks (to music) - youse need to pay more! lol... You don't think someone is trying to push bad stories about Chris do you? From what I know, he is not just looking at rates, oh gosh no. He has his eye on everything government, you can ask him anything, in the unlikely event of him being unable to answer straight away I bet you 50p he would do his very best to find out in a rapid amount of time. The Isle of Man is extremely lucky to have politicians like him & Mrs Beecroft (she is actually a woman with balls of steel, I like her, lots). It is a great pity that popular Douglas caterer woman (from a long line of popular Douglas people) beat Butch (only 1st generation Douglas innit?) in the council election, says nothing, agrees with the rest of them and bye Douglas, no wonder out of towners only come here to work, theres naff all else worth doing. Pfft! Maybe if Douglas corporation had more money they could buy more etched stone work, LED lights, chains for all council members, booze for their apres meeting soirees, fireworks and speakers.....We are doomed what ever happens.
  7. Shut up, M&S is excellent value. Imagine you are 90 odd, living at home on your own...How else are you going to have an excellent diet with variety and ease? M&S FTW.
  8. I too was in town today, I cannot say I noticed you BrayHill, sorry.
  9. I almost went to the hand over, sadly I have been nerfed by Nobles hospicrap, along with having a festering wound I have also spent over £10 on prescriptions in the past 2 weeks. Is this a new way of raising funds? Make people sick so they have to buy medicines? Poor me aside...how did it go?
  10. I've got you on my stalk list. I've paid someone you know (that I know) to tell you I'm nice
  11. Hearthstone is on live beta, way ace, I do so like it
  12. Twonky, I /w someone in game, he/she told me to make application on their web site. Against my 'I am 41 what are you on? filling in a form to join a guild' nature I did as told but I have not heard anything. I'm not hugely fussed on being in a guild but I would prefer to go places with people I know (ish, of a fashion) and you said....
  13. Ha, yes, I think I have a char there, ohhh yes my mage. Bubblenine is a great tank and most excellent at wow, he is totally genned up on all that hit points and stat stuff, yeah yeah, dedication, I just mess about and hope for the best
  14. I like it but I'm crap at games and it's easy if you want it to be I don't play with other people, none of my friends admit to me that they still play. At the moment I am collecting pets to battle with, this provides me with hours of thinking of nothing other than getting a rare pet - not for all but I'm happy enough.
  15. Anyone got guild change privilege for Manx? MrBees is not in the guild and its just reached level 24 so if anyone could change me so I can inv people, that would be very good. My char is Nikkinija
  16. thebees

    Body Found

    Silence Craggy Steve, everyone knows the only way to get assistance with a refurb is to say it's for the many tourists who have nowhere to stay.
  17. thebees

    Body Found

    I saw a funny headline yesterday, it said "Swedish police shoot man dead for the first time".
  18. thebees

    Body Found

    On the way to Port Erin from Douglas, turn left at the Whitestone and head to Port Erin it's one of the little villages (no doubt soon to turn into another sprawling mess of estates like the rest of the Island)
  19. thebees

    Body Found

    It was Miss Scarlet, with the lead pipe, in the library.
  20. thebees

    Body Found

    Well, that's several Christmases ruined. Tragic.
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