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Everything posted by thebees

  1. thebees

    Adhd Island

    I've just spat my tea, brilliant.
  2. thebees

    Adhd Island

    I'm sure every parent thinks this at some point .........daily......
  3. Twonky me darlin, if I'm too chicken to go in a PUG what are the chances of me being man enough to press the LFR button? I tend to avoid Rugby too, hookers, wingers, fly halfs pffft, who does Black Jack play for?
  4. I'm bored with wow as it is Twonky, there's only so many "kill 8 badgers" quests a person can do and I can't PUG, my friends don't play anymore so I'm little billy no mates questing on my own I haven't got the gear to raid and Furrys DPS went worse than ever when I changed her to fire so I hate her now, pointless mage. I thought if I got into the beta I might not be so 'left behind' as I feel now who said gaming was fun?
  5. Mad, I have D3 and it's beta but haven't looked at them yet because I've been trying to install the feckwitted panda game for 2 days (12 hours 36 minutes and 25 seconds) AND now the poxy wow forums are down so I cannot see if there is anything new I could try. Don't suppose anyone knows of any mirror sites that have the beta?
  6. WHoooooop whoooop beta testing the panda mists - gtfit
  7. Imagine not telling me you were having a wow night, MrBees told me about it this morning, handy that! 2 days late. I did actually cry. Ostracized, left out.....I hate you all.
  8. I have a drawer full of my friends poetry, it's wicked. Some of hers a written in that style....she's a bit mental (good mental)
  9. I've watched Neds and the girl with the dragon tattoo trilogy (the dubbing is funny) recently, Neds is heartbreaking but 'about right' and TGWTDT trilogy were a good story but mediocre films (books waaaaaaaay better).
  10. Brightspark, that minilogue has a riff similar to Happy Pills (Younger Brother) and Eternal bliss of the Grateful souls (Shulman) - I don't necessarily think either of those tracks were too advanced but we listen to weird alien music ourselves
  11. I'm going to see for my birthday, can't wait. My friend showed me the other day, I have just had to buy the album, spectacular and well addictive. Bye Younger Brother, you're sooo last year now.
  12. MrBees has permitted me to move a char Furry should be in EoM today, shes got rubbish gear though (skillz to match). My friend suggested a demo of Gyzor - handy little helper that is, my DK is flying through levels & it's helped me sort out my talents, I wish I was so into the game I cared about .003 extra dps but I'm not, I just like the social and mucking about killing things. Mr Twonky, what stats should I be going for with a frost dual wielding? I was going for stam & strength but I haven't got a clue & every forum says something else, you seem to be quite good at your dk Bubs is wicked innit? Looking forward to D3 too, I haven't played anything other than wow for ...omg enough said.
  13. Some people will not afford to pay £35 to move their char so they have made new chars. Tis a nice guild.
  14. Ooooh yes and there were loads of bakeries when I was a child too. Cakes, my gran used to get 4 cakes in a square box every Tuesday awwwe they were great.
  15. No such thing as bad publicity...saps.
  16. Is that horrible woman sissons dead yet? No love lost there. Mr Miller the science teacher was the best teacher in the world, ever.
  17. Pffft never mind moss on your roof I've just been trying to find out why roof is pluralised by s and not ves, anyway, it seems that there is no real reason, it is an exception to the rule and thats that. English is great.
  18. rooves.... are you sure? Hoof goes to hooves but I'm sure that there is some reason why you cannot put a ves on roof (minus the f). You could always try a jet wash machine like a Karcher or something, even if it didn't work it would be hilarious to see...don't warn the neighbours .....so long as you do not live next door to me, that is.
  19. We 4 manned Ulduar on Sunday, ok ok ok so it was just the first half - massive rep bill on the second but noone was on to see that lol. Me, me husband and me 3 Swedish friends are back playing, I cba leveling a new char or any of that so we are playing in the Manx guild, which has, as Cronky says, more or less died...less of chat about all the good players going, C & E are wicked players and are die hard social players, one day we might find some other people who are like us & don't NEED to progress the minute there is new game content. I made a guild event for tonight to try clearing Ulduar but seeing as our other regular is in New York ...its a no goer but ya never know.....I hear you can do things with people from other realms now, so, if anyone wants to add our little group I think I am thebees@manx.net
  20. Consider the lion poked /gkick for Furry?
  21. What utter tosh! We used to be but now everyone joined a serious raiding guild because their own guild was not making enough progress, so really its just me, my Swedish mates and a couple of others who aren't in the least bit bothered about "downing end game content every day" -
  22. OK so they got Baines....little old man, close to the end of his days (I'd hope not, he looks quite young) When will they go get the rest? Let us not pretend that he was the only one, or is he the only one who could be caught? The world is full of shady people, honest people who err land in prison while total 'cf's' get awards from the Queen and Pope... Really, I couldn't care less how rich people make their money, it's not a tasteful way of life, be it in Africa house or a 4 bedroomed council house in Willaston, showing off wealth is tasteless. Society is a bit crazy.
  23. Yeah but you only need keep them for 6 years, so what if it was wages from 7 years ago?
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