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Everything posted by thebees

  1. Is exactly what I was wondering too Twinkle. There was a lot of name calling and chest bumping going on but no story. How many pages do we have to go back before we find out what you're talking about?
  2. Rog! Way to go, you're alive! Welcome back.
  3. The very cheek of it! I am certainly NOT old enough for a Saga holiday, cruise or otherwise I saw Saga people, they were in big groups.
  4. The commerce side of this is not even a problem, that's the positive side of the whole idea. The power of Irish sea is being ignored, how on earth are they going to protect the ships from the sea? mental.
  5. Not only are there cruise ships and cruise ships but also there are independent travellers and package tourists on those cruise ships. Here is some good freeBee advice - When booking a cruise do it independently avoid the likes of Thompson and Saga (like the plague), we were in a group of 6 on our boat & they were nice people, the other group was made up of 30+ ruffians, we had better food, a better excursion van & our guides were amazing.
  6. It wouldn't just be fridge magnets, cruise people eat out and take local tours too. It would open a new area of enterprise for local tour guides (not that many of them are local but you know what I mean). If it wasn't for the power of the sea, it would be a great idea.
  7. There has been a pattern but "statistics can be twisted and our contexts aren't realistic". I am still astounded (as an ex smoker of weed and fags) that I can buy the seriously mind & metabolism altering chemical nicotine freely in the shops but I'd be arrested for growing a plant that is not addictive and might actually be good (you know? Like for example GWPharma are making medicine that is effective & not as addictive or damaging as popular meds) absolute madness. I hate smokers they're nothing more than selfish scummy junkies, that is how it is. No pity from me lol. And as for vaporisers... sake.
  8. Peel castle dungeon is still there isn't it? That's the correct place for women who get pregnant when they're not even married.
  9. I have just seen this! I did not see you & I generally do when I do - poke me next time
  10. "Sky is looking quite grey bzzzz bzzzzz" - guess who I introduced myself to (whilst singing the Mission impossible theme tune) with that line I was with Mission at the time ofc. I love my little MF family, we're all very lovely (except for the ones I don't like).
  11. They were lifted years ago, for what ever no life reason I read the court listings.
  12. TLDW, can someone tell me what he's on about? I like the guy, he is harmless and worked hard to get into council. In a way I wish I could be arsed watching him talk but it's too painful. Sorry little Kev xx
  13. Anything will be an improvement on the current situation. We go there maybe once a year, there are other beaches with glens and they're better than Port Soderick. The annoying part is the 'tourist accommodation' spiel that will be used to extract money from the government to fund a venture for an already rich enough person, sorry, I mean, company.
  14. Of all the hocus pocus Runes are most credible. Star alignment curious though
  15. Beecroft needs telling right off over this, she's letting her personal opinion interfere with parliamentary process which is really quite bad. Considering she is supposed to represent a whole load of people to not seek professional advice over such an important matter is failing do her job as a Manx parliamentarian - sack her.
  16. Ramsey has already got all the best stuff, give them the horse trams too. Ha, it's always sunny in Ramsey and it's flat Cheekyboy could even have his bike tracks laid up there.
  17. Hahaha I am truly THE worst, smokers smell, they're drugs addicts, like smack heads only worse because they are addicted to a really shit drug that does nothing Like I say, the worst. It's not all negative ofc, I have nagged two people to the point that they are on the book, one has been off the nicotine for 13 days (job done, mostly) and the other is getting the book (and avoiding me because I am a no smoking bore). I will never smoke tobacco again.
  18. I now think this is a great idea! In the grand scheme of things £50million is not a lot of money (just twice the amount were going to spend on the prom, I'm reliably informed). We need this. If I was the government I'd be biting their hands off. Think of the knock on effect, jobs for tour guides, more train passengers, cafe customers and maybe you'd even see people in town!!! These boats carry 3000 people, I've just had my head turned, it's a grand idea - get it on
  19. thebees


    & us - lovely young man (and handy).
  20. I think you worry too much.
  21. I have it already, I am sick of stuff. People die and then you're left with their stuff and they have stuff that belonged to other dead people before they died and then you can't throw it out because it was blah blah blah's. On top of all the dead peoples stuff you have years and years of stuff of your own, I keep buying instruments & material. I keep trying to get rid of things but as soon as I do someone else brings something else, I'm stuffed out
  22. http://www.kompakt.fm/releases/cow_chill_out_world_cd CBA making a link but that is what I am listening to right now It's what you'd expect.
  23. I am a Manx Radio fan and I am proud! I do not listen to it all of the time, just sometimes, I like Ashley and I like the man but I don't know who he is. I don't like that they have competitions where you have to text in - how can I do that when I am driving? FFS. I didn't used to like MR, but then, my friend was going on and on about how much she loves it and then as I drove home from Sulby that very night...the only radio station I could get was MR, the Ashley show was on and I got totes bopping away (concentrating hard on the road too, ofc) and so then I thought "Give it a try." - I switch back to Radio 3 most mornings, blithering idiot on MR annoys me (but that is more likely to be me, not him if you get me...).
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