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Everything posted by thebees

  1. ROLL UP ROLL UP......please We need more people. I'm still as rubbish at wow as ever but it's not just about DPS you know, mages make sheep and water and cakes.
  2. Barrie Stevens, the same one as wanted to be an MHK? Praise be he didn't get in. What a load of rubbish post "the cleaners told me, 'meow meow meow meow'".
  3. I doubt it driver, noone really cares. Rich people doing what rich people do best, conning fools....
  4. Oooh the SIB, I had forgotten about that little episode. Must find out more.
  5. hmmm yeah its alright but I prefer Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius pip meself. Went to see them last month what a funny night.
  6. Declan that is quite funny, I have a secret stash of James Last........
  7. Younger Brother have brought out some pop music but there are some good things on the EP too, go on buy it, make them pop stars innit?
  8. Weeeeeeesh thanks Dec (I know its the IoW ones not me, really) I should tell them off, I was the bees long before they were even born.
  9. Oh yeah, you might find some stuff you like here Cliff, that particular song reminds me of the summer festivities
  10. , was posted on FB yesterday, so I reposted it its by a man who went off to make a video about the human cost of war who we'd only just been talking about 3 months ago.
  11. They're all from the same tree cops n robbers innit? I live in a different world to them, it's great here, tea cakes and sugary loveliness. I wonder if Trevor Baines had thought, you know? actually made a conscious connection about what he was doing and the (much bigger than personal) effects, would he have continued? Time people on the whole .
  12. It is all a whole load of rubbish, who actually really cares about any of this? seriously, the laws, law makers and criminals all just make me laugh, what is the worst thing to happened? prison..ooooooh nice rooms, heated, TV, gym, food, comfort, someone to talk to etc etc etc....a lot more than a lot of people have and it's called punishment. I often think about handing myself in for a little break from 'the daily grind', I just need to think of a crime to do Its all bullshit, none of it means anything. All that has happened to Mr Baines is he has been sent to prison for a bit, not the biggest deal and he hasn't had a shitty life, has he? hasn't worried about every penny or been watching over his shoulders, it's just a scene from a b movie. 100 years ago people made financial gain from slavery and smuggling, the Baineses money was good in the 70's and will be fine again come the next generation.
  13. Yep, and his son Liam too according to the Indy last week. Certainly wasn't Oak trees he'd been planting anyways.... You are not joking are you? I know I'm a bit liberal when it comes to pot.....but how unnecessary is having 2 people in prison at 'no expense spared' for growing a bit of weed? Ridiculous! Who can I complain about this to?
  14. Straps, he is a local character. Player of bongos, wearer of wonderful colourful clothes, planter of trees (IIRC he is replanting indigenous species). Where is he these days? I enjoyed his drumming.
  15. The elder members of the guild (Twonky and them) are really very helpful
  16. Yes, come join the best Manx guild in the world. We are ace, well, some people are ace, they know all the stuff and are very very helpful and if you fancy bringing an old 70 over from another realm, there are a few knocking about who would be most happy to level with people who do not say "Preeeeast FFS heal" just before they die (and I am a mage btw.....can't do too much wrong that way innit).
  17. Not me gidderwook, sorry. Ah haaaaa Minxie, ace
  18. At least 3 Slinkydevils at Bushy's Nice to make your acquaintance.
  19. I do not have a beard
  20. So are you saying you spotted yourself? That is cheating.
  21. Yes, t'was indeed us. Mini hippy is ace, he gave a fine example of how not to do a backward roll, absolutely hilarious. We spotted Twonky in Ramsey town at about 1pm yesterday, carrying a white plastic bag.
  22. You lot are so gay I like it
  23. Mrbees and I 2 manned it, I was 21 pala he was 16 shammy. We 4 manned Molten core with our big boys - ahhh, why am I still here?
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