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Manx Bean

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Everything posted by Manx Bean

  1. I suspect it's perfecting timing -go out on a high and hope his nominations for a Knighthood get submitted ready for the next New Years Honours List.
  2. Manx Bean

    Manx Care

    I can't agree with you more. But the photo that tweeted was not only piss poor messaging by senior government (please don't be fooled by this "Manx Care" being independent baloney, as most of the senior management are civil servants of old), but actually in essence a glorious display of arrogance and their perfectly honed ineptitude to relate to the public. There are many people who are suffering in one way or another with their mental health with being stuck and forced to work from home - often in difficult circumstances. We are trying to comply. We are doing what Howie has asked us to...but these people through their actions are basically flicking the bird at the likes of you and me.
  3. Manx Bean

    Manx Care

    So, what have we gleaned so far about what is different about Manx Care? To me it seems just a new logo.
  4. Manx Bean

    Manx Care

    Yes, but what concerns me is that we could well find we have spent tens of millions on this new Manx Care (which to me is little more than a rebranding exercise and job creation scheme for a bunch of high salary posts) and ultimately carry on as normal. It's still going to be staffed by the same health professionals and the same administrative personnel and middle management - they are just going to be "employed" by a new name. If you look back in time, no matter how you try to change or re-brand a Government Department it doesn't normally take too long for the newbies to have their enthusiasm knocked out of them.
  5. It's mixed messaging and weakens the stance that would have been taken this time last year - not to mention the fact they fragrantly and knowingly broke the law. Families have had to bury loved ones where they had been restricted to 10 socially distanced people, and have therefore had to tell other family members that they can't attend because it would breach the rules, but it's OK for these clowns to go for a jolly swim and then cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds in Police time?
  6. It's also on Sky News today, so doing the rounds - https://news.sky.com/story/home-secretary-considering-sending-asylum-seekers-thousands-of-miles-away-to-be-processed-12249308 The scheme could fill all the B&B and homestay beds though.... (joking).
  7. Oh, another "I'm alright jack, sod the rest of you"... There are many people out there, who for a variety of genuine reasons do need a physical counter.
  8. I wish this gobshite would do one..https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/mhk-astonished-at-lack-of-vaccine-for-spc-crew/ Has he actually ever achieved anything whilst in his seat?
  9. But if you actually listen to the audio clip, David Ashford is NOT saying what this sensationalist headline is!
  10. And..early out off the starting blocks is Wonder Woman Julie Edge in her question in Tynwald today: Q 18. The Hon. Member for Onchan (Ms Edge) to ask the Member of the Department for Enterprise responsible for Tourism: Why the Laxey Wheel is not operating? Can I please just say here (please forgive me mother) - What fucking planet is this air head living on??? Seriously, what the actual Fuck! 1). Nobody, but nobody actually cares right now because (Hello!!) it's the middle of Winter; 2.) In case the daft blonde twonk hasn't noticed (clues in the fact they are sitting by Zoom today), we are in the middle of our second lockdown. Isn't it about time in all seriousness that the President calls idiotic questions like this out? Questions like this cost tens of thousand of pounds a year to answer - never mind frustrate the shit out of the poor civil servant who has to spend time preparing a response for this sort of tripe. Is it me or what???
  11. Can anyone explain what the feck this has got to do with Chubby Ray? Surely, its up to the Boy David to speak on this subject, or the Fat Controller? https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/government-wont-be-complacent-on-coronavirus/
  12. Maybe he had plans to move anyway, and the recent improving property market and the inability for his family to visit combined to push his decision. Speculation of course.
  13. I do suspect she may have been categorised as "Gobby Comeover" by now.
  14. Rightly or wrongly, I can't see this situation ending well. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/covid-19-testing-scientist-hits-out-at-government/
  15. Anyone want to guess what the Fat Controller is going to say in his Presidential Address to the Nation on Thursday? My guess is "We will be monitoring the situation in the adjacent Isle very carefully" followed by a round of the usual fuckwit questions from our local "journalists"
  16. Well said. Yesterday's dramatic Howard announcement just goes to underline that the policy now needs to be rapidly reviewed. The fact that it had to be held at 10am on a Sunday finely illustrates two things - Howard loves creating a drama and its also trying to emphasise the Island's very badly out of control paranoia. Was it necessary? In my opinion, no. Apart from the drama, there was also the cost of putting it all on. Frankly, it could have waited until today. But when you think through the subject matter, it was to say that a person who had been off island had travelled to the island, self isolated, been tested and was positive so was remaining in a further 14 days self isolation. However, the flip side of that is that it would appear that every other person on the flight was not considered to be a risk according to the contact and trace team. Stop there for a minute and pause. Ok, so this tells us that: Of the several thousand residents that have gone away and then returned, or have repatriated one, ONE, ONE has tested positive. So, therefore, if we combine that fact with what we are being told about the efficiency of the processes and procedures in place, why can we not now look at allowing in close family of residents on a controlled basis i.e. so many per day/week?
  17. Whatever it is, Howard and his comms cronies are obviously going into full panic/war mode again. Unless we are about to be attacked by a flotilla or infected zombies, I would have to question why this couldn't wait until Monday. But no, our Howard does like to create a drama, puff out his chest and "Captain the ship" - Titanic or otherwise.
  18. I'm really uncertain about the need to charge £50 for the test. It seems pretty petty against the background of the other statements getting wheeled out yesterday - the economy, mental health - if not just been seen to be doing the right thing for residents. In the general scheme of things to charge this fee is silly. Knowing IOMG, by the time they have developed a process and system to administer it would have been more cost effective just to test everyone for free on arrival.
  19. Call me cynical, but on the very day the CM is due to make a State of the Nation address over COVID, our state sponsored radio station publish the following article which is basically referencing Level 3. Oh, and as if by surprise one of the interviewees is a Suzi Holland who is a part-time journalist whose husband was a former spin doctor for the IOM Gov. What a coincidence... https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/uk-based-manx-people-call-for-iom-border-change/
  20. And in fresh news, the boy David announces it is too soon to relax the border restrictions. Is it? How much longer can we go on living in a bubble without seriously damaging trade, tourism and totally pissing off EasyJet? Thoughts? https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/too-soon-to-relax-border-restrictions/
  21. As predicted, when his holiness the Chief Cockwomble was interviewed on BBC Breakfast this morning, his only reference was about TT visitors being able to get here. No mention of the effect on residents - you know, us dickheads who pay his wages. Typical politician - why do they all think the whole world revolves around the TT? Fat idiot.
  22. I was actually surprised to hear U-Turn Ray actually growing a pair. Go Ray.
  23. Brilliant. More gross incompetence from Messrs Black & Robinson. But don't worry folks. This blunder will only cost us another £1m. Chickenshit in the overall league of cock-ups. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=53327&headline=Red signal for Prom scheme&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020
  24. Manx Bean

    Manx Tunnel

    Put Ian Longworth in charge. Obvious choice.
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