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  1. It was definitely less profitable for them
  2. "Council of Ministers" as opposed to "Collection of Incompetents" ?
  3. Never assume because its on the Government website there's actual competence behind the news there.
  4. So whilst I remember the announcement ( https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/plans-approved-for-egaming-campus-on-former-cunninghams-camp-site/ ) but does anyone know if any government funding was provided as part of the development?
  5. If there is an ongoing investigation, then it would have to already be well underway for the GSC to make a public statement on it. I suspect they found out after, given this was issued late afternoon when it had become apparent what was going on, as per OP.
  6. Nobody is painting him as any kind of man of honor here. Pointing out that whether pushed or not, he resigned when it became apparent he was at fault. I've not seen Alf, the former Treasury Minister who signed off on a good portion of our current complete clusterfks, even acknowledging he had a hand in them. Usually they storm out with vitriol about others on Comin, or get flat out fired by the CM. Ashford is the first i can think of that had a resignation speech that bordered on actually admitting he was at fault (though if i remember correctly he worded it that he felt he was a "Distraction" because of the ongoing Ranson case and respectfully stepped down. Spinning to the very end.)
  7. Untrue. Ashford fell on his sword last year. I was so shocked I nearly spilled my pint. First one to do that in forever. Usually they've a brass neck so long you can use it as a barrier at Shaws Brow
  8. Also, that office of there's is clearly cursed. First Louis Group, now these guys.
  9. I think its a bigger deal in terms of certain individuals in government who touted this scheme as a massive win for the island despite not having any insight into who they were endorsing. I wonder if there's some sword falling to be done
  10. Aaaand there's the dumbest thing I've read on the Internet today. I have however only just logged on, so plenty of time to top that one. Perhaps "The Police are too woke for not instantly beating the suspect to death" or "The Victim deserved it for wearing an England shirt with that Woke badge on it". Carry on. Just waiting to see you top that one.
  11. I'm sorry Is someone trying to present Daniel Fucking Hannan as an objective viewpoint on Brexit or anything related to the Johnson government? That's a first
  12. I mean, we could always say "Maybe companies shouldn't be using firms that use child labour resulting in deaths" rather than say "Its all the loony left and their Eco-Madness' fault" Because Capitalism and such ...
  13. The concept is "Not to be at the behest of an unstable market" , and the UK energy market is a basket case. Can we generate it here, yes. Is it cost effective? only if they install it in the Wedding Cake and power it on hot air.
  14. Didn't do herself any favours over the whole criticism of businesses opening during the Jubilee, then doing it herself.
  15. This has echoes of a former keys candidate, recently convicted of Acts Against Public Justice, who loudly pronounced on Facebook that someone was trying to groom her teenage daughter? I'm guessing sometimes those cases do actually result in the accuser facing justice
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