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Dirty Buggane

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Everything posted by Dirty Buggane

  1. Digging down the back of the sofa to fund the civil service pension.
  2. Another bite of the cherry, it was so easy last time and just walked away. Isle Of Man the gift that just keeps giving
  3. So if we take the starting price of £15,000,000 for Liverpool dock and shed, estimated finish price of north of £80,000,000. The £40,000,000 that is the windmill starting price will leave us out of pocket to the tune of £215,000,000. That is if we take it at the average we seem to get fleeced. 🤑
  4. The government has not listened to the population for the last 20 years, just lurched from one grandiose shit show to another. Hope Hooper will soon be back among the plebs an have to try some fiscal management on his own outgoings, tho suppose the golden pension he will receive would be more than enough to live comfortably.
  5. You mean no one asked him. Just what the fuck you do these days to justified £70,000+ per year. Apart from appearing not to be able to be held accountable for any thing and getting mightily upset at any one who has the temerity to challenge him.
  6. STILL hanging on in there for his point by point rebuttal, now all the court cases and inquiries are complete surely he can not be hiding behind sub justice. Can He, I still will not be holding my breath.
  7. So as to use variable tariffs, so they can hike the price when and where they see fit. To increase your standing charge when you do not seem to be using enough electricity, and as for that bullshit that it put's you in charge of your usage. We already use as little as possible, nothing left on standby, if it ain't on unplug it, walk around with a carbide potholing lamp when I get up for a piss and they just want more and more money. Simple look online tells you the non smart meters are still available and as said before meters last for decades so the spares speel is a total load of crap. Coffee time
  8. You would be better keeping an eye out for flying porcine than expecting them to be able to give honest answers to question's. People will scoff at the mention of people being planted to ask questions that they have been preped for by spin doctors from the ever expanding civil service. But that is my own opinion and therefore is not based on any proof or reality, a bit like the world our MHK's seem to inhabit.
  9. Looks like the Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK is coming true, one supermarket at a time. "Power to the people"( Wolfie Smith 1977)
  10. Like when the disability gets better
  11. How would offering a higher salary change your perception to the employer not offering enough resources to enable you to do your job properly. Unless you go arr fuck it job can't be done, but happy to sit on me arse and ride the gravy train for that kind of wedge. Let's go work on me Linke dInky Silver.
  12. And very wisely keep their mouths shut and wage secret.
  13. Hold on we should not be speculating, said so on the wireless.
  14. Here I go again, 50 odd cars parked on walkway at war memorial last night (no doubt due to the drizzle) If they are going to allow parking they should at least mark it out and have clear pedestrians walking zones to use. Throw in some disabled parking while they are at it, sooner or later it will become the norm and we end up with another bus station debacle. This is my own opinion and is no way influenced by alcohol or caffeine.
  15. Because there is bugger all else to splash their wedge on that includes the common people and nor just the cheese and wine brigade.
  16. You are Paul Phillips and claim my free T shirt.
  17. The way the pricing is going it would be cheaper to book car two passengers, then turn up at dock say car has broken down but will be going any way. Will just go down ramp with a steering wheel in hand making brum brum sounds and arguing with the missus for greater authenticity. 😁
  18. Why are we singling out these people, the whole of the government is made up of clowns and mime artist's. Or am I being harsh, in fact it is harder to point out any one who seems to be at least trying to make any difference and inhance the life of the public in any shape or form. I may be mistaken, lord I wish I was.
  19. But they need to feed the pyramid scheme that is the civil service pension.
  20. My bad, auto correct/failure to proof read 😳
  21. But I'm sure dbc is adequately recompensed for any damage caused out of the charges for what the sellers are paying for there pitches, I am told you are looking at £12,000 for the two weeks for a burger van type/size. Also with the increase in area where sales are taking place leads to reduction of parking which used to be charged for, so where are all these people supposed to park to partake in the increase size of the "TT Experiance"
  22. Or it could decide any one on over £25,000 pension is an unnecessary drain and iliminate's them, see how quickly the cs renegotiate's its terms and conditions.
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