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When Skies are Grey V2

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Everything posted by When Skies are Grey V2

  1. And today's gem, advertising the airport as a place to do plane spotting with the kids. Who the hell runs their FB page, Alan Partridge! Next up, Youth Hostelling with Chris Eubank!
  2. I thought we were getting rid of low value coins
  3. I trust this new found police pro-activity will extend to those oiks who superglue themselves to the M25??
  4. This years pantomime is going to be fun!! Anyone contacted Amy yet to track down the IP address of the sender??
  5. I used to do D&D sessions...equally as fanciful, but more wizards! Roll D6 for surprise!
  6. I hate it when a MF thread gets full of facts and expertise commentary ...it limits my scope for inane hyperbole!!
  7. Wheres the new airport BD fella that was all over the front pages a little while back?? Ominously quiet or quit already.
  8. They make it sound like they are actually doing us a favour!! Even that must make the spin doctors dizzy!!
  9. Electric Fleeces is ironically the Instagram username for MUA
  10. And now its Project Bluebeam.....they are persistent at least.
  11. Cant even keep the 999 land line working......so this seems a lovely, if a little far fetched, idea!
  12. And the Steam Packet workers debacle at the start of lockdown......
  13. Climate lockdowns will be next *Dons tin foil hat......
  14. The CKMR sponsored by Best Car is on this weekend. Despite the cancellation of the Ramsey Spector Stage planned for this evening, it should be an interesting and slippery route. Stage information link.
  15. Ballakermeen already announced rolling year closures over the next few weeks. 5 days in school out of 15....
  16. Its an odd thing this national mourning! Okells press release was just bizarre.
  17. The next generation with their rampant consumption of electrical gadgets....not to mention their search for charging points.
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