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When Skies are Grey V2

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Everything posted by When Skies are Grey V2

  1. Memory unlocked - the coin operated tellies - I recall having a day trip from Douglas to visit them!! 🙂
  2. See Mercer has settled out of Court...... https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-tt-rider-left-with-life-changing-injuries-after-crash-settles-damages-claim-with-organisers-692279
  3. He used to do a decent pop quiz in the Outback to be fair.....
  4. I reckon we'll get GTA VI before we ground broken on this!
  5. that pic doesnt look like Bray Hill??
  6. A bus that cant stop or let anyone off......would make a good film
  7. How much!!!!! Christ on a bike!!! Anyone got the phone number for Quill???
  8. Algorithm doing its thing!!
  9. Having lost the round of the BRC, we will struggle to get anywhere near the requisite rules for a WRC event Build slowly Regular well attended Clubman events BRC IRC WRC Never say never - little acorns and all that.
  10. thanks for the contribution Fred
  11. Over subscribed event with various Championship points on offer, shows what a draw the Island's stage have for competitor from all over! Continue to do these events well - no need to over-reach for WRC (yet) Oh and keep the sun switched on!!
  12. Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May Bumper entry of 150 cars - 30 second starts - glorious weather - stage maps here
  13. Oh the drama.....10 points to be deducted from Everton!
  14. 6 months time - post incoming complaining about huge rise in bank charges and account maintenance fees
  15. The net is closing....or the Moneyval arrival is imminent - high profile headline making enforcement Tick in the box
  16. Moneyval visit due soon? Coincidence?
  17. And whilst I'm scrunching up my used milk cartons and separating out my tins and glasses, Elon launches another rocket! I'll pass. Best part about the future is...I wont be around for most of it!!
  18. Sustainability in a free, widely circulated "paper" that mostly goes straight in the bin!!
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