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Harry Lamb

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Harry Lamb last won the day on April 18

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  1. Jiminy Cricket clearly hasn't caught up with him yet
  2. When I was a lad, men used to go round the streets with a bin on wheels. They had a brush and shovel, and cleaned up rubbish and dog shit. This could be part of the commissioners' duties - talk for an hour then off on the jobbie.
  3. There are many cases where the victims, knowing what their experience will be in the process of evidence gathering and trial, have decided to withdraw from the process and let the perpetrators go free, so a proper, modern facility to ease the experience and ensure the highest standards of practice is to be welcomed. That said, it has not been clearly established that the proposed building is appropriate and that a cheaper alternative might not have been suitable. As usual the press fails to secure all the info and we're left with half a story.
  4. They've put in place a raft of by laws concerning dogs, but they have no real means of enforcement so they are appealing to curtain twitchers to do the enforcement for them.
  5. All appointed by the government, so fiercely independent. Ex civil servants, retired bankers, a real cross-section of society.
  6. All the Which survey actually demonstrates is that the sample of SP customers they asked complained more than the sample from a few other companies - we have the best moaners ( something I suspect we already knew!)
  7. Why? Government is currently making a profit.
  8. Not Crazy Dave, just singing from the same hymn sheet
  9. She's a politician tackling a real problem that affects her constituents, and you sound like a misogynistic bore.
  10. A degree alone is not an assurance that the individual has any aptitude for a job or profession: several MHKs have degrees.
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