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Everything posted by Sign in

  1. Does the prison do vocational training schemes like bricklaying, plastering and joinery? The large building firms are always on the lookout for persons with experience in these areas and dare I say it - may rehabilitate them? (edited) New instructor available https://www.facebook.com/reel/952837499962227
  2. I see there's an online petition to save Peel Sailing club. Link to Three FM story here
  3. And here we go again - Three new officers have been recruited to the planning team. Link here Clare Barber putting up a case There were 8 officers in 2023 and now 11 officers ---------------- More staff = more money required and all the add ons to the public purse. Will it ever stop or is this another ongoing project to create jobs?
  4. I am aware that 'there are' persons who feel that if a person wishes to commit suicide, then they should be able to do so, regardless of their age, health or mental ability? I personally, can't understand this logic as anyone having a bad moment could top themselves without at the very least - talking things through. That said, its only my opinion and I'm sure there's one or two more out there that have views either way and I therefore see the cracks forming and a bit like opening a can of worms. Nevermind, move on, nothing to see here.
  5. We also took the kids to the Tower but some twit returned them back to us!
  6. Unless you got a photograph, cctv or mobile video, then how are they going to poove it? (Sorry, crap joke)
  7. When he's finished colouring in the paper, can my daughter have her pencils back?
  8. I saw this today and instead of waving or barging on to sea what other junk I could find, I did wonder as to what the felucca's going on? I suppose I'm trawling and might have to ketch up some other time. 🤣 https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/peel-commissioners-wont-renew-sailing-club-lease/
  9. Where can I find the data out about how much energy we have been using over the last 10 or so years? It might be further back, but we're on the 59th page and I'll look if its been said, although it'll be later tonight.
  10. The Courier excelled themselves this week over the 40 page Greenlife publication and if there's one word that constantly stood out amongst all the rest, it was the word sustainability. Did anyone get round to reading it? Sustainability was ever a truer word wrote as I observed it in every article and sad to say, I counted 13 on one page alone. Surely they can't keep writing like this as its not sust.......! 🙄
  11. Wasn't there a trial run, years back in the UK where heroin addicts were given their requirements and then they went on with their day to day lives without having to find ways of paying for the drug?
  12. Hope they did it behind a screen? 😅
  13. I know people who already do this. Too much bloat in the system already and if they used AI, then that would probably clear out 50% of non effectives! Saying that, is there any effectives?
  14. Ah gotcha! I can see the influx of passengers now, travelling far and wide on the boat/plane or if not available, by skijet to see the egotistic impression of a puffer fish or two. The joys of being a grandioCity of exaggerated beliefs and NPD 🙄
  15. It would have been so much cheaper and simpler if the Lt Gov did the presentation instead of Camilla and her entourage. However, its done now, but what benefits do we gain from this City status?
  16. Very good point as I accept that nothing will come of it, regardless of whats said 👍
  17. Oh shit! We're not going to run out of toilet paper again are we? Operation Poo paper now in affect ----- Quick Mabel - to Tesco before the shelves run out!
  18. I so hope a question is raised at Tynpotwald regards the cost and who will be footing the bill?
  19. Not sure, but their cut outs are great for target practise on a dart board 👍
  20. Considering that Camilla is so important to the stuffed ego's of certain ministerial and old boy types, then you would have thought that they would have spruced up the place a bit? From the airport to the Newcastle Road big roundabout that turns off left to B&Q/ right to Ferry or straight on for Anagh Coar, its pretty much the same old, same old. From that roundabout, the 'city of Douglas' has been fancifully created using plants/flowers in one of the flower beds, but from there to the Lt Gov's place (especially near Anagh Coar), the trees were a mess, the grass wasn't cut and no effort has been put in to tidy the place up. Now I'm no fan of pompous, self important buffoons trying to get their name on some silly plaque, but you really would have thought they'd have put some effort in to tidy the place up?
  21. 'Hearsay' and may not be true - somehow! 🙄 Apparently there's a chap in a blue T-shirt thats staying in a nearby Jurby hospitality centre, who's seeking temporary release to wave flags on a corner in Ramsey. 😆
  22. It appears that a funeral parlour may have given out ashes that didn't belong to the deceased persons relatives and some 34 bodies removed. Daily Mail article Hopefully this would never happen on the island although its been said that politicians look more comatosed each year!
  23. Is it the real Camilla or someone with a mask on like previously seen - providing no-one had photoshopped the photo's then? ps: Can't locate them now, but there was a difference at the neckline which was supposed to be covered presumably? Thing is these days, you wouldn't know if someone had a mask on if concealed well. Does make me wonder about Rob C though? Mmmm... 😅
  24. Still waiting to see a new community chest card addition to the monopoly game. Go to Tesco's Go directly to Tesco's Do not pass any aisle without purchasing Do not spend less than £200
  25. I knew that I should have taken maths equations more seriously, but hey, there's more to adding up than when first thought. 🤔 https://prnt.sc/CnVVtV_O1LfI The article mentioned by Dr John Campbell claims that the ons.gov.uk stats have been recalculated so that excess deaths are seen as a lower number. Who'd have thought the government corporation would do that? 🤓 I now wait for the comment - The number of deaths have reduced significantly due to ....... climate..... felt production ....... sustainability .. and other blah blah comments before an election.
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