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Stu Peters

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Everything posted by Stu Peters

  1. I can’t be arsed finding mugshots of gangs convicted in Rotherham, Rochdale, Blackburn, Bradford etc etc. And are you really using the BBC and Guardian as impartial reporters?
  2. When Manx families with history going back to the Vikings decide to sell ‘your’ land to developers, it’s the fault of people not born here? It’s always amused me that people blame the developers for their ‘greed’ and not those who sell their bit of your precious Island to them!
  3. Indeed. Last visit I drove from Knott End to Heysham. Cart track.
  4. How very dare you! Two more strikes of positivism and you’re out. Oh wait, you’re out (of here) already…
  5. Of course that's what I'm saying. Look at the mugshots of the rape (sorry 'grooming' is more politically correct) gangs across the UK. Honour killings too.
  6. Partly, but isn’t it also the case that men from some different cultures have a much lower opinion of and respect for women?
  7. Indeed, I’ll write to the European Parliament and ask for a couple of billion euros.
  8. Had you ever won a seat on the ‘gravy train’ you’d better understand what is and isn’t possible as a backbencher. You’d maybe also reflect that lobbying for PS reform is only one of the many issues and roles I have to consider.
  9. Whoa there Pilgrim! I don’t try to justify PS bloat, but I’ve realised there’s nothing much can be done with an historically organic system like we have. I’ve also realised that the way things are done these days in both the public and private sectors (as opposed to when I were a lad) inevitably requires ever more staff. I think the only way to reform it is to start again from scratch and lose some of the costly legacy jobs that add little but paperwork and bureaucracy, but it’s too late and unthinkable that 8000 staff, many highly effective and hardworking, should be hung out to dry. Interesting that we should protect frontline healthcare workers above all others. Not wanting to tempt fate maybe? There are probably a few Ratcheds amongst the Nightingales, but that’s OK? There are constant ‘initiatives’ to identify redundant roles, and I’d love to see a reduction in headcount, ideally through natural wastage (remember we’re dealing with real people with real mortgages and commitments). I just don’t know how to do that responsibly (and obtain a consensus to even have a chance).
  10. I spent a long (because of the storm) weekend in Dun Laoghaire a few weeks ago. Must be 30 years since I was last there to catch the ferry to Holyhead. What a fabulous town it is now - lots of ‘heritage’ areas (including the high street) interspersed with modern chrome and glass buildings in a perfect juxtaposition of styles. Admittedly they were probably funded by Brussels, but my Victorian hotel overlooked the best of modern architecture. It felt vibrant and alive.
  11. It’s subconscious marketing to make you buy two loaves..
  12. I’m wasting my time. You paid him. Not Alf, not me, not CoMin. The committee did exactly what was asked of it, to the point of scrupulous transparency. You may not like the outcome, but to suggest Mr Wright was anything other than thorough and fair and not simply a mouthpiece with a prepared script does him (and us as a committee) a grave discourtesy.
  13. This constant assertion that all MHKs do as they are told is tiresome and just plain wrong. Richard Wright KC was chosen from a number of equally qualified applicants we interviewed as part of the selection process. The committee then took NO part in his review, and only had sight of it an hour before you did - we had decided from the outset that there must be no suggestion that IOMG had had any influence on it.
  14. Damn you and your facts.
  15. You’re right to a point. I might equally suggest you’ve spent too much time over a mash tun and have lost the ability to be sceptical of science as it is now practiced.
  16. Without fashioning tinfoil headgear I think it's a mix of the two. I think it's political rather than scientific, I think scientists know which side is buttered. The 97% consensus was a fudge - it was a small sample and included mostly non-climate scientists (psychologists etc). I'm told that science is nothing to do with consensus and that science should never be considered 'settled'. I've also seen enough (I think) incontrovertible proof that the raw stats which form the basis of most doomsday hypotheses have been fudged (like historical temperature records that began with a box in a field are now in a box in a huge concrete carpark). Why do I fel like this? It began with Al Gore, and it made my spidey senses tingle with discomfort, and that has never gone away. So many people disagree with me that I try not to fall victim to confirmation bias, try to see the other side and am aware that I may be completely wrong. But I find the evidence against anthropomorphic climate change more compelling (as a lay person) than the evidence for it, and more importantly, the way any resistance is immediately discredited and closed down. Even if you're a Nobel prize winner. Even my kids disagree with me, but like I've said about many of the 'modern' causes they espouse, it's them that will pay the price - I'll be long gone.
  17. He also played a great synth part in 'Great Gig In The Sky'.
  18. Another ad hominem insult. Anyway, I try not to look at myself in mirrors as all I see is an old man looking back.
  19. Yes, although I’m a consistent minority of 1 in Tynwald.
  20. That may be your interpretation. Mine was that he identified areas where additional training would be of benefit.
  21. I don't know about other cases but in this one I know you're wrong.
  22. I've only scanned most of it, but saw from some of his findings that in fact it was Dr Ranson's lawyer who was instantly on the (highly) offensive. Jordan Peterson said something interesting a few years ago that may be relevant, to the effect that men working together can get into someone's face if a disagreement becomes a dispute. Women flatter their rival but then go about the systematic and absolute destruction of their reputation.
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