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Two Dead Already


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i was following the rescue vehicle with the sidecar on as it turned into Police HQ.


I always think to myself a short while before TT how odd it is that there are people walking around now that will not be doing so in a few weeks, and from their own choosing, and it's a sobering thought...


i dunno. throw down any gauntlet and there will be someone to pick it up i suppose.


dark skies tonight. i noticed that much.

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There was an incident at May Hill during the sidecar practise session. The conditions of the crew is not known at present, however the road is still closed at this time.


The road is closed because of the amount of oil that was left on the course.

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I live next to the H-pad up at the New Hossy and near the union mills course and im sick off choppers. every 5 minutes their going past, no wonder poeple in iraq are shooting them down. But i shouldnt complain cus they are there to help peolpe and they do a great job here at the TT and in iraq.

Anyone know how roger hurst got on at the billown circuit

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Very sad news and lets hope no others will happen.


Yes I convince myself of the same old cobblers every year, and every time my "hopes" prove to be totally bloody irrelevant as the toll gets higher.


We can all "hope" as much as we like, but it will make bugger all difference at the end of the day.

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and it makes me sad that they go to Tibet and climb Everest and still some do not come back.


Why do these people do these things?



and it makes me sad that they go to Scotland and climb Ben Nevis and still some do not come back.


Why do these people do these things?



They go to enjoy life itself, to challenge, to explore, to test,


They go because they don't sit at home and in the office wasting their one and only precious life.






The analogies should not be lost.

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and it makes me sad that they go to Tibet and climb Everest and still some do not come back.


Why do these people do these things?


The analogies should not be lost.


The "lets hope no others will happen" quote just struck me as naive - because anyone whose lived here all their lives and seen the mop up operations and all the garbage about it being "their choice" should know better. Their choice is an excuse. But its not a good excuse.


And I'm sorry but all this "don't sit at home and in the office wasting their one and only precious life" stuff again is just pure garbage. And there are no analogies - I don't see the Chinese Grand Prix advertised as "The ultimate challenge; we've put a lampost on every corner and added a few walls". Nor do you see the Himalayan Government advertising for people to go up Everest and kill themselves, or putting on free entertainment to encourage more people to go up and die from frostbite.


Get a grip please - all this "hope it won't happen again" stuff is just naive nonsense. Pretty soon the first road death will be accompanied by all the "Well its TT week at least there was only the 1 / 2/ 3 / 4 / 5 which is less than usual" crud that everyone also starts spouting every year.

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