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The Last Film You Saw....


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Just started watching it last night

Not got that far in but it's very good so far

As Twonky says, very well filmed, very aesthetic.


Drive needs a second watch, on my second runthrough (knowing exactly what was going to happen) its themes and arc became apparent.


There are moments when it's almost painfully beautiful.

Finished last night

Thoroughly enjoyed it

Great film

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Watched 'The Skin I Live in' last night' Spanish film, didn't know that when I started watching, but stuck with it and glad I did, very good. Twist is in the middle of the film rather than at the end


Thoroughly recommend "All About My Mother" and "Volver" for more by the same director (Pedro Almodovar)

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Ghost Writer, with Ewan McGregor, finally got to this after having read the book some time ago, very good adaptation and well put together.


The Innkeeper, predictable horror, reminded me of the old Hammer House Of Horror films.

Edited by monty2k04
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Last night's film was WARRIOR.


Crikey, what a bag of shit! Can't believe how well it's generally been reviewed.


There are spoilers below, but don't worry, on a technical level you can't really spoil a bag of shit, can you?


The cast did well with what was an unremarkable, predictable, plodding script. Tom Hardy certainly looked convincing enough, Nick Nolte gave a decent if somewhat clichéd turn, and the other main guy was alright too.


But the basic thrust of the film appeared to be that to fix any and all personal problems, you just need to fucking club people in the head until the problem is resolved. So it's lucky that the two brothers were very accomplished at kicking and punching and what have you. The fight scenes were reasonably well done but completely OTT and ridiculous, no more 'real' than Rocky goading Dolph Lungdren into smacking him around the head with twenty punches on the trot, one of which would have killed him, all the way back in Rocky IV.


In fact, the original Rocky is a FAAAARRRRR better film than Warrior, and on balance I'd say the most recent Rocky Balboa reboot is too. In terms of entertainment, Rockys II and III are preferable, it's only the awful Rocky V that I'd take Warrior over.


I can't quite put my finger on what annoyed me the most about Warrior, there was just some sort of American violence brutal capitalist thread running through it, the whole YOU MUST BEAT PEOPLE INTO SUBMISSION OR YOU'LL LOSE THE HOUSE vibe I found quite offensive on a moral level. Plus they spent so long developing Tom Hardy's character only to have it all resolved with VIOLENCE, VIOLENCE is the answer. A man desperately traumatised by violence is FIXED BY VIOLENCE meted out by his own brother. YES!


Also it was far too long.


Overall I give it 4/10 and it falls into the 'I want that time back category'.

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Had this sat on the shelf for ages (since it came out on DVD in fact) and have just never got around to watching it, partly because I thought the basic premise of the whole film was daft.


However, my interest was reignited upon discovering that Ryan Gosling (him out of DRIVE) was the main star, so I whacked it on.


And what do you know? It's really good, very funny, very moving, very emotional, perfectly pitched from start to finish, and it does indeed manage to take what sounds like a ridiculous premise for a 'proper' film and turn it into an engaging film that ticks all the boxes.


Unreservedly recommended!

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The Butterfly Effect was last nights movie, was going to watch the BAFTA ceremony, but got bored with it after 15 minutes.


Really enjoyed the film. Looked it up on Wikipedia afterwards and the version I watched seemed to be the Directors cut, which has a totally different ending to that shown in the cinema.


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The Butterfly Effect was last nights movie, was going to watch the BAFTA ceremony, but got bored with it after 15 minutes.


Really enjoyed the film. Looked it up on Wikipedia afterwards and the version I watched seemed to be the Directors cut, which has a totally different ending to that shown in the cinema.


The Director's Cut is a far better version, and has the correct bleak ending on it, the theatrical cut's ending really grates a bit IMO.


Quality film overall.

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Quality film, really good fun, genuinely likeable main characters, plenty of laughs - me and the missus thoroughly enjoyed it.


Delightfully compact and bijou at just 85 minutes long.


I've seen this too. Heads up to anyone thinking about giving it a go - don't watch the trailer; the one I saw was more like a highlights of all the good scenes in the film and spoilt it a little.


Enjoyed the film though, good few laughs in it.

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I've seen this too. Heads up to anyone thinking about giving it a go - don't watch the trailer; the one I saw was more like a highlights of all the good scenes in the film and spoilt it a little.


I would honestly advise people to steer clear of trailers full stop these days, they're often 2-3 minutes long and in many cases are basically a synopsis of the entire film, including plot development, twists, major events etc.


I've got into the habit of watching a film's trailer AFTER I've seen the film itself, and time after time I'm like, 'Bloody hell I'm glad I didn't see that before I saw the film.'

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Last night's film was BLUE VALENTINE, sort of appropriate for Valentine's Day except it's a harrowing, upsetting, unflinchingly desperate portrayal of the end of a marriage.


Well regarded at the usual haunts (imdb, rottentomatoes, metacritic), I was drawn to it 'cause it has Ryan Gosling in it (DRIVE, LARS AND THE REAL GIRL, THE IDES OF MARCH), he's fast becoming one of my favourite actors, and he doesn't disappoint here either.


It juxtaposes the early blooming of the protagonists' relationship and marriage with its final few days when it all finally comes to end (these aren't spoilers, there's no 'twist' in what the film is about), and at times it's dreadfully upsetting.


Very highly recommended. Was originally given the 'kiss of death' NC-17 rating in the USA by the MPAA (senseless violence appears to be fine with them, bit of sexy stuff not so much so), which was lowered to an R on appeal. There are sex scenes in there but they're contextualised and relevant.


Few quotes from rottentomatoes:


Almost unbearably harrowing but also deeply cathartic


This is a marvel of a movie, but in the interest of perpetuating the human race, I'd counsel dewy young couples embarking on life's journey to check into a sex motel instead.


Gosling and Williams have the most palpable chemistry of any screen couple this year, never striking a false note in this achingly tender tale of a love that implodes before our eyes.


Agonizing to watch yet relentlessly compelling.


Blue Valentine leaves you with the shattering vision of its truest victim -- the one who'll someday look for safety in places it might not be. And the psychodrama will go on and on ...


Blue Valentine has a rare emotional intensity. There is no way to prepare for its final frames, inevitable as they are.


Edited by Twonky
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Twonky, not having a go but the post before you say dont watch trailers these days as they spoil the film, and in the very next post you embed a youtube clip of a trailer. A little bit hypocritical no ?

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