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Iran: A War Is Coming


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New Statesman


Very scary stuff.


They could also run long articles on the US's plans to invade China, take over Taiwan, invade Russia or Sudan or Somailia, block the Staits of Hormuz or the Straits of Malacca.


Or why not run artilces on Russia's plans to invade the Baltics, take over Georgia or the rest of the Caucases or head back into cental Asia or use a oil and gas embargo to blackmail Europe.


Or what of the Chinese military's plans to invade Taiwan, central Asia, North-Eastern Russia or India, or use information warfare to take out the west's financial system.


Militaries plan for this sort of thing. Yes its scary stuff, but don't let the hype get to you! It is not a coincidence that all this is coming up before a UN security council meeting on Iran on the 21st of February.


The press love this sort of thing: they get to go on aircraft carriers and show stock footage of cruise missiles going off - the polititians know this too - it gives them a way to get their pro and con messages out. Media manipulation and all that - bet Crozza's a fan - nod.

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The United States is planning what will be a catastrophic attack on Iran.

Can I have the lottery numbers for next saturday please? I mean, if they already know it will be a "catastrophic attack" then next saturdays lottery numbers should be no problem at all for them.


It's just pathetic. "If you want peace, prepare for war" was a Roman Legion philosophy. So they work out scenarios and rabid anti-government rags like "The Daily Rail" immediately propose it as what will happen. Peppered, as usual, with words like "might", "could", "possibly" etc etc etc.


Like the "special rendition" CIA flights where the current vogue is "If they aren't denying it then it must have happened". Of course, if it didn't happen then they have nothing to deny, but that just doesn't appear credible to "The Daily Rail" and it's readership of thicko, middle-England idiots who like to be angry about any issue that could have a faint connection to the Labour gov of the day. There have been some flights that have been openly admitted to, all the rest is all conjecture. But according to "The Daily Rail" it must have all happened as they're not denying it.....


I sometimes despair that folks read The Daily Mail and believe the total crap they print. Talk about state of the nation indicators....

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Can I have the lottery numbers for next saturday please? I mean, if they already know it will be a "catastrophic attack" then next saturdays lottery numbers should be no problem at all for them.


It's just pathetic. "If you want peace, prepare for war" was a Roman Legion philosophy. So they work out scenarios and rabid anti-government rags like "The Daily Rail" immediately propose it as what will happen. Peppered, as usual, with words like "might", "could", "possibly" etc etc etc.


Like the "special rendition" CIA flights where the current vogue is "If they aren't denying it then it must have happened". Of course, if it didn't happen then they have nothing to deny, but that just doesn't appear credible to "The Daily Rail" and it's readership of thicko, middle-England idiots who like to be angry about any issue that could have a faint connection to the Labour gov of the day. There have been some flights that have been openly admitted to, all the rest is all conjecture. But according to "The Daily Rail" it must have all happened as they're not denying it.....


I sometimes despair that folks read The Daily Mail and believe the total crap they print. Talk about state of the nation indicators....


I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about the Mail (except that you're probably being too reticent about declaring how bad that rag is!) but, the stories on Iran - and the possibility that a complete nutter such as Bush couold attempt yet another invasion - is naturally of concern to everyone and the possibility is not confined to the far right newspapers.


Senior British government sources have told The Times that they fear President Bush will seek to “settle the Iranian question through military means” next year, before the end of his second term if he concludes that diplomacy has failed. “He will not want to leave it unresolved for his successor,” said one.

The Times February 23, 2007


…anyone who has been following the US press will know that the prospect of a 'strike' against Iran is now being discussed, and the insane Bush-Cheney axis, fresh from its 'triumph' in Iraq, is, depending on the source, either seriously contemplating such a strike or (in menacing tones) not ruling it out.

The motives of Bush and the neo-Cons with regard to Iraq are probably best explained by psychoanalysts; but the only rational explanation for the Cheney approach to Iraq was that it was largely about safeguarding the supply of oil.

The Observer February 25, 2007


US Vice-President Dick Cheney has renewed a warning that the use of force could be an option if Iran continues to defy the West over uranium enrichment.

Mr Cheney, speaking in Australia, said diplomacy was the preferred course.

But in a newspaper interview he backed US Senator John McCain's view that the only thing worse than a military clash would be an Iran with nuclear arms.

BBC News 24 February 2007

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I would be very surprised if the US carried out an invasion of Iran. Basically it won't happen. However I can see them doing all the planning for an air strike to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities. This strike would then be carried out by the IDF. After all, the US doesn't give them all that cut-price military hardware and tax breaks for donations for nothing.

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I would be very surprised if the US carried out an invasion of Iran. Basically it won't happen. However I can see them doing all the planning for an air strike to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities. This strike would then be carried out by the IDF. After all, the US doesn't give them all that cut-price military hardware and tax breaks for donations for nothing.

and you dont expect retaliations pk? that in turn will surge lol

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yes i would be very surprised if america carried out an attack on Iran too. But i wouldn't be surprised if there was another false flag operation attack like Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty scenario. Also if Israel attack Iran themselves, the amerticans have promised to fully defend with military action any war Israel find themselves in, whether they provoked it or not.

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