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You obviously have no rational thought. If a dog was terrorising a child it is obviously extremely poorly trained. It is the owner you should take up your physical threats with not the dog.


If my dog started misbehaving whilst walking I would have no second thoughts about putting him on a lead. I would also take the time out to train him so he dosent do it again. If you own a dog you need to be responsible with it. If a dog is not trained properly it is usually unhappy. This leads to behaviour problems. My dog comes when I call him, the reason for this is because I took 6 months of hard work making sure he was trained properly.


Children are the same, if you dont teach them right and wrongs and dont look after them properly whilst there growing up they will most likely end up unhappy and causing grief around the streets fuelled up on cider.


Your sweeping statements makes me think you have a lot of pent up aggrssion and like to take it out on things that cant fight back.


Basically mate you're a twit


Shill ... The points you make are YOUR opinions.

With opinions like those it is you who is the twit.

A dog is an animal, and, tough shit, animals that attack humans should expect to get kicked.

Anybody with opinions that suggest they would hesitate in protecting a child, or would hesitate to punish a dog that attacked it in favour of democratic discussion is .... King of all twits.


There is punishing a dog and giving it a good kicking. I have no issues with dogs being punished for misbehaviour. Thats how you train them. I draw the line at giving them a good kicking. I suppose I maybe over reacted. And for that I apologise. I have seen poorly treated dogs and dogs that have been badly beaten. It's not nice.

I still maintain in the majority of cases it's the owners lazyness and or stupidity that gives dogs a bad name.

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I think you're confusing the kicking as being the punishment. As I understand it, and partly agree with, the kicking is to stop the dog doing whatever it's doing. I can assure you if it comes down to one of my kids being attacked by a dog and me kicking a dog however hard is necessary to get him to stop, the dog loses. If the attack has stopped and the dog is back under control then no, a kicking is not appropriate. That's what cattle prods are for.

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Dogs not under control on Marine Drive. This was taken shortly after they mugged my dog and child. I always carry a "walking stick" when out and about with the dog, it helps sometimes.


And why oh why did the owner (maybe not the ones in the top picture) have to throw a black bag containing dog shit into the bush?


Unfortunately that's the sort of twattish behaviour by a minority of dog owners that give the rest a bad name, if you spotted the offenders, you should have picked up the bag and smeared the contents on the car of the offending owners.



no no, not on the car exactly, you should smear it under the driver door handle and clean off any excess so it looks normal. when they try and open the door they get what they deserve. ;) shit hands for shit heads.

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no no, not on the car exactly, you should smear it under the driver door handle and clean off any excess so it looks normal. when they try and open the door they get what they deserve. ;) shit hands for shit heads.


I regularly, on walks where I'm going to pass back the way I came, will pick up my dogs doings and bag them up and then put the bag somewhere (off the path but somewhere that I'll remember on the way back) so that I can pick it up on the return and bin it at an appropriate place. Perhaps what this person was doing? Nice to assume that they're just shit heads? Or perhaps the sight of a plastic bag offends you?

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I regularly, on walks where I'm going to pass back the way I came, will pick up my dogs doings and bag them up and then put the bag somewhere (off the path but somewhere that I'll remember on the way back) so that I can pick it up on the return and bin it at an appropriate place. Perhaps what this person was doing? Nice to assume that they're just shit heads? Or perhaps the sight of a plastic bag offends you?


Temporary littering is still littering. Shit head.

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I regularly, on walks where I'm going to pass back the way I came, will pick up my dogs doings and bag them up and then put the bag somewhere (off the path but somewhere that I'll remember on the way back) so that I can pick it up on the return and bin it at an appropriate place. Perhaps what this person was doing? Nice to assume that they're just shit heads? Or perhaps the sight of a plastic bag offends you?


Temporary littering is still littering. Shit head.


Poo brain.

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Seemingly its not the dogs fault so no action there, and the owner will wring there hands and plead, i've picked it's shit up for years, is that not training enough?



Chop the dogs, fine and hit the owners for compensation and ban them from owning animals ever again.

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Seemingly its not the dogs fault so no action there, and the owner will wring there hands and plead, i've picked it's shit up for years, is that not training enough?



Chop the dogs, fine and hit the owners for compensation and ban them from owning animals ever again.


That action seems a bit wuff to me mollag

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Seemingly its not the dogs fault so no action there, and the owner will wring there hands and plead, i've picked it's shit up for years, is that not training enough?



Chop the dogs, fine and hit the owners for compensation and ban them from owning animals ever again.


That action seems a bit wuff to me mollag

FUR enough, this may inCUR someones wrath or LEAD onto something else, but there could be a TAIL in this if some WAG picks up on it, maye what is put should be VETted, or as one GREAT DANE said "to be or not to be...." ok maybe I should stop before you start HOUNDing me

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no no, not on the car exactly, you should smear it under the driver door handle and clean off any excess so it looks normal. when they try and open the door they get what they deserve. ;) shit hands for shit heads.


We had it years ago with a neighbour who used to let his dog roam the street crapping in everyones gardens. Every day he'd get to his car to go to work to find a fresh turd sat in the middle of the bonnet. It took a whole week for him to work out why it was happening!

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We had it years ago with a neighbour who used to let his dog roam the street crapping in everyones gardens. Every day he'd get to his car to go to work to find a fresh turd sat in the middle of the bonnet. It took a whole week for him to work out why it was happening!


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Seemingly its not the dogs fault so no action there, and the owner will wring there hands and plead, i've picked it's shit up for years, is that not training enough?



Chop the dogs, fine and hit the owners for compensation and ban them from owning animals ever again.


That action seems a bit wuff to me mollag

FUR enough, this may inCUR someones wrath or LEAD onto something else, but there could be a TAIL in this if some WAG picks up on it, maye what is put should be VETted, or as one GREAT DANE said "to be or not to be...." ok maybe I should stop before you start HOUNDing me



Hang on a minute, i think someones havin a pop, but what can ine do about it? it has given me a foul dis temper.

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