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Mezeron & Steam Packet Master Thread

Sean South

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How are Graylaw not getting slagged off as the instigator of this turmoil ?

they are sitting back and letting the shipping companies carry the can :angry:


This Mezeron business will only benefit the Island in the long run.


If only we could find a company which can build roads more efficiently that the DOI / DOT (I have Bowring road in mind here) then it would be very good news and a nice wake-up call.


what we need is a monorail tunnel, from Ramsey (well it would give some purpose to the town !) to Barrow, and if they started from both ends and missed in the middle, we get 2 for the price of one :D

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Steam Packet Can Only Move Forward Once Debts Are Cleared


Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne has been speaking to 3FM following on from his meeting with workers union Nautilus and RMT Union General Secretary Bob Crow earlier this week.


He said the meeting enlightened him to a number of issues he otherwise hadn't been made aware of yet.


The protests have intensified over the past week with the Steam Packet workers worried about the future of their jobs due to the emergence of Mezeron's new freight service and the impact its had on the Steam Packet's finances.


Minister Gawne said it's the debt that the Steam Packet and its associated companies carry that is the root of the problem, and for the company to move forward a strategy of how to remove the debt needs to be formulated.






Packet must decide how to deal with competition

Published online at 25/11/2010 13:23:04


The Ben-my-Chree at Douglas


Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne says commercial decisions by the Steam Packet are a matter for the company, even in the face of possible service cuts.


Mr Gawne says he is aware of the worries of staff, which centre around the competing freight service run by Mezeron.


They claim the company could cut back on passenger services under the user agreement with the government, as the competition takes its toll on profits.


Mr Gawne says any such decision would be for Steam Packet management to make:

Mr Gawne is spot on there. Just because one company fucks up it's finances shouldn'y mean another company, or the travelling public suffer.

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what we need is a monorail tunnel, from Ramsey (well it would give some purpose to the town !) to Barrow, and if they started from both ends and missed in the middle, we get 2 for the price of one :D


Actually, the DoT started one in the '70s, they're still trying to make landfall, ANYWHERE!

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So if I get this right you are saying that Mezeron do not have to stick to the legally enforcable minimum wage as layed down by the IoM and the EEC even though the vessel is entirely operated in Manx/EEC waters and therfore it's employees come und the local laws and maritime laws and the SP has to comply with this law.



Correct they don't have to comply, the crews rates and conditions were agreed in Estonia, its the same for the foreign crews on North Sea and Channel ferries.

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So if I get this right you are saying that Mezeron do not have to stick to the legally enforcable minimum wage as layed down by the IoM and the EEC even though the vessel is entirely operated in Manx/EEC waters and therfore it's employees come und the local laws and maritime laws and the SP has to comply with this law.

Correct they don't have to comply, the crews rates and conditions were agreed in Estonia, its the same for the foreign crews on North Sea and Channel ferries.

As Estonia is in the EU they presumably have to adhere to Estonian/EU (EEC) rules on minimum wages, hours of work, safety etc that are legislated in Estonia? and do they pay minimum or market wages based on Estonia? Certainly the Estonian minimum wage is about 1/4 of the UK one.

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So if I get this right you are saying that Mezeron do not have to stick to the legally enforcable minimum wage as layed down by the IoM and the EEC even though the vessel is entirely operated in Manx/EEC waters and therfore it's employees come und the local laws and maritime laws and the SP has to comply with this law.

Correct they don't have to comply, the crews rates and conditions were agreed in Estonia, its the same for the foreign crews on North Sea and Channel ferries.

As Estonia is in the EU they presumably have to adhere to Estonian/EU (EEC) rules on minimum wages, hours of work, safety etc that are legislated in Estonia? and do they pay minimum or market wages based on Estonia? Certainly the Estonian minimum wage is about 1/4 of the UK one.



They average wage in Estonia is 520euros per month and the average working week is 50 hrs Wiki

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further pub gossip was that steam pkt actually shipped the crane over for them (obviously not knowing of its usage)irony is a darned thang,but


That is true, and yes the SP did not know who it was for as it was booked on by a diffrent company,


How are Graylaw not getting slagged off as the instigator of this turmoil ?

they are sitting back and letting the shipping companies carry the can :angry:


cant see its graylaws fault.


mezeron did not have to ship to douglas, they diden have to do anything graylaw wanted,

they seen an opeing and they took it.

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They average wage in Estonia is 520euros per month and the average working week is 50 hrs Wiki

It may be higher than that.


According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2010, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 11,874 kroons (759 euros) and the hourly gross wages and salaries were 72.00 kroons (4.60 euros). Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2009, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were by 0.9% higher and the average hourly gross wages and salaries were by 0.3% higher.


I can find some Eurostat figures for minimum wages - the UK minimum wage in 2009 was the equivalent of €1010. Eurostat shows the Estonian mimimum as €278 in 2009 - so about 1/4 of UK minimum. Source


I assume that their wages are regulate under Estonian law and therefore come within EU oversight but not UK/IOM oversight.

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They average wage in Estonia is 520euros per month and the average working week is 50 hrs Wiki

It may be higher than that.


According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2010, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 11,874 kroons (759 euros) and the hourly gross wages and salaries were 72.00 kroons (4.60 euros). Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2009, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were by 0.9% higher and the average hourly gross wages and salaries were by 0.3% higher.


I can find some Eurostat figures for minimum wages - the UK minimum wage in 2009 was the equivalent of €1010. Eurostat shows the Estonian mimimum as €278 in 2009 - so about 1/4 of UK minimum. Source


I assume that their wages are regulate under Estonian law and therefore come within EU oversight but not UK/IOM oversight.


The two Mezeron ships operating from Douglas are run by Tschudi Ship Management Tallin Estonia. One cannot be certain that their crews are all Estonian. The ship caught with explosives going to Pakistan a while back was Estonian flag with a Pakistani crew. Quite common to employ foreign crew. IOM does it all the time.


The old Baltic Exchange blown up by the IRA in the 90s was dismantled and ironically is being re-assembled in Tallin, Estonia. Ships in the "tramp" or chartering trade really do have crew from all over subject to flag laws.

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They average wage in Estonia is 520euros per month and the average working week is 50 hrs Wiki

It may be higher than that.


According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2010, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were 11,874 kroons (759 euros) and the hourly gross wages and salaries were 72.00 kroons (4.60 euros). Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2009, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were by 0.9% higher and the average hourly gross wages and salaries were by 0.3% higher.


I can find some Eurostat figures for minimum wages - the UK minimum wage in 2009 was the equivalent of €1010. Eurostat shows the Estonian mimimum as €278 in 2009 - so about 1/4 of UK minimum. Source


I assume that their wages are regulate under Estonian law and therefore come within EU oversight but not UK/IOM oversight.


The two Mezeron ships operating from Douglas are run by Tschudi Ship Management Tallin Estonia. One cannot be certain that their crews are all Estonian. The ship caught with explosives going to Pakistan a while back was Estonian flag with a Pakistani crew. Quite common to employ foreign crew. IOM does it all the time.


The old Baltic Exchange blown up by the IRA in the 90s was dismantled and ironically is being re-assembled in Tallin, Estonia. Ships in the "tramp" or chartering trade really do have crew from all over subject to flag laws.


Isle of Man ship management firms arrange a lot of employment for "foreign" crews.

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A little competition is good for everyone concerned, IoMSPCo aside.

It's unfair that they have the advantage of a unique vantage point such as the island, where no rival operators exist, with the exception of air-travel. But for those who need the option of taking a car across, or even freight, obviously it's convenient. But at what price?

It's not like going across to the UK is an extravagant experience for us foot passengers. It's Liverpool (currently Birkenhead) or Heysham! We may as well be (and I know were not!) part of the UK. We have family and close contacts in the UK, and for it to be cheaper for someone living in the UK to fly to Spain, for example, with the likes of no-frills airline Easyjet is not fair. I could probably compare the SPCo to Easyjet anyway. You get the bare minimum. A seat. Those defending the SPCo need to stop being so 'Loyal' to the so-called Manx economy. Because for one: Revenue is going to the Aussies, and two: Why pay so much?

Before all this Mezeron business all we did was complain about the prices beforehand. Now locals (not all) are complaining about change! The IoM needs to favour new things and look at the benefits. If were not used to it, we scorn at it. But it's not what we're used to, it's what we're not used to! We need to welcome change. Everything had to start somewhere, including the SPCo. So take advantage of this and let the monopolists endure their wake-up call. Nowhere else in the world has the exclusivity of the dependence of an entire nation for overseas travel. Why should they?! It's about time they stopped charging what they like without justifying it. I'm fed up about hearing of their millions in annual profit. All from our ticket sales. I'm not surprised the likes of Tesco and Shoprite (Who's entire trade and motto are based on "Buy Manx, we do!" have decided to go elsewhere because it's cheaper for the exact same service. Good on them. Wouldn't you? If you wanted a service/product of exact quality, and you knew it was cheaper down the road, you'd make the extra little walk, surely?


I for one hope the fat Cats at the racket are well and truly shitting themselves.


Just think what Manx Telecom, in comparison to the offers and value from operators accross, were like before the arrival of main competitor Sure. Make sence? It's US that get the benefits in the end.


May I also remind you all that Mezeron is a completely island-based company? :)

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further pub gossip was that steam pkt actually shipped the crane over for them (obviously not knowing of its usage)irony is a darned thang,but


That is true, and yes the SP did not know who it was for as it was booked on by a diffrent company,


How are Graylaw not getting slagged off as the instigator of this turmoil ?

they are sitting back and letting the shipping companies carry the can :angry:


cant see its graylaws fault.


mezeron did not have to ship to douglas, they diden have to do anything graylaw wanted,

they seen an opeing and they took it.

they are totally to blame, as without graylaw switching their custom from SPCo to Messyron this situation would not exist. If messyron didn't have graylaw business it would not matter if they used Douglas or not


People need to consider the bottom line, if this has directly benefited them, I expect the vast majority of people will only find increases in their travel costs, they will not get anything cheaper in the supermarkets as a result


the reaction on here is just the crab syndrome, not wanting to see aussie pensioners benefiting from our spending on travel and shipping

Edited by Tempus Fugit
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The figures are actually from Riga, Latvia, a bit down the Baltic from Estonia. They do though, illustrate the problem of the EU.. The eastern Europe states are still paying 'Soviet' wages but the Western European Countries are piling Western priced goods into their markets with devastating effect on the citizens of the former USSR. The economic woes are building up to a far greater extent than the more publicised problems of Greece, Ireland et al.


One would hope that the seamen are at least, getting more than their home market rates.

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The figures are actually from Riga, Latvia, a bit down the Baltic from Estonia. They do though, illustrate the problem of the EU.. The eastern Europe states are still paying 'Soviet' wages but the Western European Countries are piling Western priced goods into their markets with devastating effect on the citizens of the former USSR. The economic woes are building up to a far greater extent than the more publicised problems of Greece, Ireland et al.


One would hope that the seamen are at least, getting more than their home market rates.


The Estonian crews may be glad of the work from Mezeron otherwise the option may be ships layed up and no work for the crews and I bet no dole money. Any company taking over the Steam Packet should be MADE to employ MANX workers who pay tax and insurance here first and English second. non of this Guernsey crewing rubbish.

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The figures are actually from Riga, Latvia, a bit down the Baltic from Estonia. They do though, illustrate the problem of the EU.. The eastern Europe states are still paying 'Soviet' wages but the Western European Countries are piling Western priced goods into their markets with devastating effect on the citizens of the former USSR. The economic woes are building up to a far greater extent than the more publicised problems of Greece, Ireland et al.


One would hope that the seamen are at least, getting more than their home market rates.


The Estonian crews may be glad of the work from Mezeron otherwise the option may be ships layed up and no work for the crews and I bet no dole money. Any company taking over the Steam Packet should be MADE to employ MANX workers who pay tax and insurance here first and English second. non of this Guernsey crewing rubbish.

I do hope you were under the influence of drink when you wrote this.

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