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Oft In Toothless Investigation Shocker....


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Cost savings start here ! get rid of the fxxxxxx lot, has anything they have ever done gone any way to justifying their pathetic existence ?




Edited to add just listened to that spineless jellyfish Gelling on the soundbite he says "we have taken the decision" who has ? and guess what he has no idea of the cost of the report to this stage either I smell a longfella !!

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Logically any work they do following up any situation is going to be out of date when it is published. No point in having them then like we have said all along. We have paid for the report so we should have it published. Who makes these decisions and has this decision been signed off by a minister?

Exactly the comments I made earlier on isleofman.com but, like OFT, have still to be published!

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Whilst no report will be published, the Office would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the public and businesses that submitted their views during the public consultation phase of the investigation.


Sorry OFT but we, the taxpayers of this Island, paid your time to research and prepare that report. Whether the findings are in date or not you gutless overpaid civil service w@nkers are paid to do a job and that is to investigate accusations of sharp practice and commercial unfairness. End of story. That is the job that the tax payees of this Island reward you handsomely for.


You can just imagine the OFT setting up the 9/11 Commission Report and then turning round any saying "Sod it 9/11 was over three years ago so we have no idea how 3000 people died as the information we have is now out of date!"

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Whilst no report will be published, the Office would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the public and businesses that submitted their views during the public consultation phase of the investigation.


Sorry OFT but we, the taxpayers of this Island, paid your time to research and prepare that report. Whether the findings are in date or not you gutless overpaid civil service w@nkers are paid to do a job and that is to investigate accusations of sharp practice and commercial unfairness. End of story. That is the job that the tax payees of this Island reward you handsomely for.


Maybe they are embarrassed by what they were going to publish. Well we have paid for it so we have a right to see it anyway. CoMin - instruct them to publish!! It may tell us more about OFT than SPCo but that would be a result.

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agree with everything in this thread.


also, this made me laugh:

I remember the story now - it was about how dangerous 'leccy blankets are when you are old and piss ones self in bed at night. They insisted that you got your bladder checked out for stray and broken wires at the fire station. Some bloke waved what looked like an anvil with a pitch fork attached over your John Thomas and you had to produce 5Kv from a deep fat fryer filled with hot chip fat.

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Whilst no report will be published, the Office would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the public and businesses that submitted their views during the public consultation phase of the investigation.


Sorry OFT but we, the taxpayers of this Island, paid your time to research and prepare that report. Whether the findings are in date or not you gutless overpaid civil service w@nkers are paid to do a job and that is to investigate accusations of sharp practice and commercial unfairness. End of story. That is the job that the tax payees of this Island reward you handsomely for.


Maybe they are embarrassed by what they were going to publish. Well we have paid for it so we have a right to see it anyway. CoMin - instruct them to publish!! It may tell us more about OFT than SPCo but that would be a result.


In all likelihood the "report" is probably just a file note of a telephone call that some junior made to Mark Woodward which simply records "Mr Woodward told me to sod off and referred me to their lawyers" after every question they wanted to ask.

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I wonder if the IoMSPC would have any legal comeback if we just booted them out and got Stena Line in?


They would have to go through OUR courts, and the Isle of Man Goverment is not above changing the laws to suit a situation.

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I wonder if the IoMSPC would have any legal comeback if we just booted them out and got Stena Line in?


They would have to go through OUR courts, and the Isle of Man Goverment is not above changing the laws to suit a situation.


The problem is if you do this once, why would Stena Line not think that we'd just do it again

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Do we even have freedom of information legislation yet?


No we don't. Imo, the present government are to terrified to pass it as it will open everyones eyes to see how much of the total cocks ups are their fault.


How come Mr Gelling is in the OFT when he used to work for the VAT ? I can't see any comparisons to each office.

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No we don't. However I think there is a code of practice in place. If you were to contact the OFT and ask them then I believe they would have an obligation to tell you & shouldn't even ask why you want the information - that is if this sort of thing is covered by the cop. The impression I've got is the the foi act is an expensive formality of what already exists & this has been the reason for the heel dragging.

I may be wrong but it might be worth a few of us contacting them and asking. We'd probably get the same answer as MR got though ie. "we don't know."

Was it only me that was surprised that they have a chief officer or whatever the fella on the radio was. What does that make the boss who goes on talking heads all the time then? D'ya think they have a chief/indian ratio similar to the FSC? It would be interesting to know what the wage bill for the place is.

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