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Bus Drivers Smoking On Empty Bus


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A band i was in had this far-out roadie who drove us to and from gigs, on an old bus and sometimes the journey's were for a couple of hundred miles. The guy chain-smoked pure skunk joints throughout. Being summertime, as you could imagine, it was hot and impossible to avoid passive inhalation and consequently, we would arrive wherever not inconsiderably zonked! It got so bad on one trip that we begged to him to open the windows but he mumbled that the electric motors were bolloxed and we'd have to endure. After a hundred miles, and 18 bags of 'Haribo's' he admitted he'd purposefully removed the fuse. The only reason we were complaining was because his feet stank....

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If he was freebasing meth or tooting on a crack pipe I may be a little more concerned but blazing a few tabs on an empty bus is fair play.


I smoke in my work place all the time, although you can never smell it over the stench of fish.


You know smoking is called an "anti-social" habit for a reason..non-smokers shouldn't have to put up with the smell, filth and inherent dangers of second/third smoking.

Those dangers are non existent if he is smoking on an empty bus.


It is definitely NOT harmless!




Nicotine in third-hand smoke, the residue from tobacco smoke that clings to virtually all surfaces long after a cigarette has been extinguished, reacts with the common indoor air pollutant nitrous acid to produce dangerous carcinogens. This new potential health hazard was revealed in a multi-institutional study led by researchers with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).


“The burning of tobacco releases nicotine in the form of a vapor that adsorbs strongly onto indoor surfaces, such as walls, floors, carpeting, drapes and furniture. Nicotine can persist on those materials for days, weeks and even months. Our study shows that when this residual nicotine reacts with ambient nitrous acid it forms carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines or TSNAs,” says Hugo Destaillats, a chemist with the Indoor Environment Department of Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division. “TSNAs are among the most broadly acting and potent carcinogens present in unburned tobacco and tobacco smoke.”


Since most vehicle engines emit some nitrous acid that can infiltrate the passenger compartments, tests were also conducted on surfaces inside the truck of a heavy smoker, including the surface of a stainless steel glove compartment. These measurements also showed substantial levels of TSNAs. In both cases, one of the major products found was a TSNA that is absent in freshly emitted tobacco smoke – the nitrosamine known as NNA. The potent carcinogens NNN and NNK were also formed in this reaction.


The study’s findings indicate that opening a window or deploying a fan to ventilate the room while a cigarette burns does NOT eliminate the hazard of third-hand smoke.



I'm sure the bus driver isn't aware of all this - nor are the taxi drivers I've seen sneaking a cigarette when they think no one's looking - so they shouldn't be either fired or fined for a first offence. They should, however, be given a severe warning that any further occurence will result in dismissal/fines.

Or maybe they've got the sense not to worry about this sort of bollocks.

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A band i was in had this far-out roadie who drove us to and from gigs, on an old bus and sometimes the journey's were for a couple of hundred miles. The guy chain-smoked pure skunk joints throughout. Being summertime, as you could imagine, it was hot and impossible to avoid passive inhalation and consequently, we would arrive wherever not inconsiderably zonked! It got so bad on one trip that we begged to him to open the windows but he mumbled that the electric motors were bolloxed and we'd have to endure. After a hundred miles, and 18 bags of 'Haribo's' he admitted he'd purposefully removed the fuse. The only reason we were complaining was because his feet stank....


Are you from the Simpsons?

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If he was freebasing meth or tooting on a crack pipe I may be a little more concerned but blazing a few tabs on an empty bus is fair play.


I smoke in my work place all the time, although you can never smell it over the stench of fish.

I'd change your staff if I were you!

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Yes, Monkey Boy - I'm sure the properly researched scientific evidence presented in that link is far more likely to be 'bollocks' than your opinion. whatever.gif

Oh yeah, all scientific evidence is properly researched, it is never funded by anybody who has an interest in the outcome, never contradicted by other scientific research, always reported without bias in the media, never found to be flawed in the future etc.etc.

All the more reason not to worry - as it has been scientifically proven that worrying is bed for you.whatever.gif

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Interesting that they concentrate on the Nicotine/Nitrous Acid reaction - given that Nicotine and AcetylCholine (a principal neurotransmitter in the human Peripheral Nervous System and also used in the CNS) are chemically closely related perhaps the body is using a potential carcinogen as part of it's normal workings? Perhaps they should spend some time researching that as it would have far wider ramifactions that cigarette smoking. Can we expect a similar war against the use of non-vented gas appliances and motor vehicles to the one the Health Gestapo is waging against smokers? Or would that not suit the political agenda?

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I'm waiting for the research that says 'even looking at a cigarette photograph has been proved to cause harm'. And I say that as someone who gave up buying tobacco a year ago tomorrow!

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