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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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It is worth noting who are named as producers or executive producers of the films that IoM funds are or have invested in. It is normally one or more of a range of parties, including Cinemanx, Steve Christian, Gas Work Productions etc. I would place a substantial wager that they charge for these services.



It would also be interesting to hear from the Treasury Minister how many films (with producers other than the above) have been rejected by Treasury as worthy of investment.

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During the year Pinewood Pictures advised on investments by IOMT in two films –



(Pinewood Productions/Pinewood Pictures/GasWorks Medi

a), a co-investment with Pinewood Productions, and

The Christmas


(Pinewood Pictures/Christmas Candle LLC).

((During the period Pinewood Pictures advised on investments by IOMT in two further films:

Our Robot Overlords



, bringing the total to four to date. ))

Camera trap is described as "A wildlife film crew pursue local sightings of a rare wildcat in Central Asia using high-tech camera equipment"


That does not immediatly stike me as being a great topic for a lot of local spend etc which is where fast Eddie says the IoM benefits.

I dont know we have a few odd looking wild cat type things glaring at visitors to the wildlife park and with the benefit of CGI the whole thing could be filmed here.................................................

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Fishing cats!

Thats them, mangy looking things they are. What cat worth its weight in Whiskas would go near water let alone fish, fishing is for blokes to do on a Sunday as an excuse to get out of the house away from the wife/ children.........................Like golf and other male pursuits.

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Fishing cats!

Thats them, mangy looking things they are. What cat worth its weight in Whiskas would go near water let alone fish, fishing is for blokes to do on a Sunday as an excuse to get out of the house away from the wife/ children.........................Like golf and other male pursuits.

Tigers love water and frequently lie down in it to keep cool.

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We used to live on a boat and the cat often jumped in the water and appeared to enjoy swimming. No joke. As far as we know it was just an ordinary moggy. Maybe it wanted to get ashore or just fell in once and enjoyed it and then carried on.

I just know I've left myself open to ridicule now.whatever.gif

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left a gang plank down with a fender for a float on it's end. The first time I had to fish it out in the dark so I thought I'd better do something in case it fell in again.

It never did it while we were moving but did get off in some locks and then jumped on again when we started moving. It must have recognized the engine note because it always came when we started up.


I've always wondered about that but strangely was reading a book last night which verifies that fact.


I love cats and they always amaze me. I once read a series of books called the Minack Chronicles where a little kitten appeared one stormy night and that's exactly what happened to us five years ago with our present cat.


Sorry everyone, I know the thread's not about cats.

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Sorry everyone, I know the thread's not about cats.

They are fascinating creatures. Ours somehow senses our approaching cars from a distance. Will wake up from an apparently deep sleep and go to stand on the window sill. Invariably 3 or 4 minutes later, missus will pull up on the drive. He's then satisfied and goes back to his slumbers. She says same happens when I am approaching. Spooky stuff.

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Oh man, you're being had so badly by these film people there, it hurts.


I'm going to apply for funding as well, seeing as every pisstaker under the sun is already in on this. I would like 500.000 pounds for my documentary on blind, cocaine addicted horses. I will spend the money on a camera and on traveling the planet in search for such horses....oh, and I'll buy a manx flag in Douglas so they can say there was local spend as part of the budget. Where do I apply?

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  • 3 weeks later...

As previously stated the files that are available out of Companies House regarding the films that have been funded with IOM taxpayers funds will be posted on this site so that the public can access and read them if they wish to do so.


As the accounts are published from the Companies concerned and related entities and put on the Companies House website in the UK they will also be accessed and then republished on this site.


This is a sample of the files that will be available and on this site shortly. Should anyone think this is a breach of Commercial Confidentiality please consider that these files and the accounts detailing investment and expenditure in the Companies that have received money from the Isle of Man Film Investment Fund as managed by Pinewood Film Advisors Ltd are in the public domain and can be accessed by anyone at anytime for a very small fee paid to Companies House UK. UK Company Law requires companies incorporated in the UK to file annual returns and accounts that are made available to the General Public on demand.

Majestic Properties (London) Accounts 2012.pdf

Pinewood Film Advisors Mortgage Charge 2013.pdf

Pinewood No 4 Annual Return Camera Trap.pdf

Pinewood No4 Gasworks Media Charge A.pdf

Pinewood No4 Gasworks Media Charge B.pdf

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YE GODS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Cant wait for Teare to comment probably something along the lines of " our partners in Wales bringing the equivalent of a zillion bed nights to the island and contributing billions to our economy "


If ever there was a far reaching enquiry needed Pinewood is it and an enquiry which goes back into the accounts of the dissolved companies whose balance sheets were never seen.

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