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Mail On Line Report On Tt


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I'd be embarrassed if I ran a sporting event at which 11 spectators were hospitalised and all I did was sweep up the debris and send the competitors out.

You are a bell end and are possibly one of the reasons this site has gone to shite over the last few years, but I don't think your alone. Sadly!

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Well to be fair, every time I went out the back for a smoke today, there was either a trans-atlantic jet flying overhead or a helicopter filming the bikes - I don't really expect either to drop through the roof but I guess there's a remote possibility that they could.

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I'd be embarrassed if I ran a sporting event at which 11 spectators were hospitalised and all I did was sweep up the debris and send the competitors out.

You are a bell end and are possibly one of the reasons this site has gone to shite over the last few years, but I don't think your alone. Sadly!


He's perfectly entitled to his opinion. Interesting choice of username there, doofus...

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I think you're (Monkey Boy) reading a little much into a word (embarrassment) that I foolishly used to tenuously tie the point I wished to make (that the race shouldn't have been re-started) to the opening post.

Personally, I'm not that bothered about what the rest of the world think about the Island due to the TT. Negative and positive probably balance out, but most of the World aren't that interested in the TT anyway.

So when I heard of the crash, naturally, my first thought wasn't embarrassment (after all at that point I didn't know that they'd callously restart the race) but concern.

When I heard they'd restarted the race my emotion was incredulity.

And this piss poor retraction is a reason I refer to you as a bell end

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How's the bottom of bray hill, ie on a straight bit of road not the outside of a corner a high risk spot?

You are joking right?


Bray hill is a high speed, down hill left hand bend.


Should someone have an accident on that bend they will end up roughly at the end of port e chee avenue.


Slim, here is the corner - the high speeds accentuating the bend




[i've gone Streetview crazy!]

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I'd be embarrassed if I ran a sporting event at which 11 spectators were hospitalised and all I did was sweep up the debris and send the competitors out.


You are a bell end and are possibly one of the reasons this site has gone to shite over the last few years, but I don't think your alone. Sadly!

He's perfectly entitled to his opinion. Interesting choice of username there, doofus...

I have many on line names, your point?

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I am really sorry to hear about this, hope everyone gets well soon.


I drove past there the other day and when I seen that scaffold I thought who is the halfwit to put that there ?


if you follow the racing line and camber it all goes towards that area?


You would have to be mad to even think of standing there?

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Getting out of bed in the morning is unsafe, if you want to wrap yourself up in cotton wool, good luck to you.


I don't. But I do wonder if those watching the race are aware of the risk and are making the judgement call.

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You are a bell end and are possibly one of the reasons this site has gone to shite over the last few years, but I don't think your alone. Sadly!

He's perfectly entitled to his opinion. Interesting choice of username there, doofus...

Thanks for the support Mission, but we've got to face facts, the forums' glory days were before I joined.

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I guess what we'll probably see a lot more of next year is these...




It is (motorsport in general, not just the TT) dangerous, it always has been and probably always will be but hey, that's why we (motorsport fans) love it and wouldn't want it any other way I guess.


From a following the race point of view, you're better off listening to the radio or watching it online / on the television but from an atmospheric point of view, you can't bet being trackside.

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I guess what we'll probably see a lot more of next year is these...


My point though is that the course is open to all. It's possible to disclaim risk towards adults who should know better, but any nipper can wander up to the trackside and watch this race. Posters who know more about the TT than me say you've got to stand behind walls and be ready to run to be safe. These two things don't seem to go well together.

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