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PE Teacher announces work permit shake up

Norville Rogers

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One of the reasons, they claim, is that there are not sufficient local applicants with the necessary skills or training. I wonder why that might be? Could it be because businesses aren't willing to give them any???


What is the value of encouraging such businesses here in the first place? If they're not employing locals, except a few token ones to look after the paperclip draw, what do they bring to the island? Revenue from income tax of employees? But how does that help locals if those employees aren't locals? All it means is that the Government gets more revenue to subsidise minimum wage employers with social welfare payouts to their employees, or to pay for JSA, or -- and I suspect this is more the real reason -- to pump the Government's coffers so they can continue to give themselves pay rises. Either way, we have a Government which has a silo mentality. They talk about silo mentality in individual departments, but the whole Government has a silo mentality in that it sees itself as an economy unto itself, instead of serving the broader Isle of Man economy.


Truly, we are fucked.

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Is there still such thing as the stereotypical lazy Manx worker? Has he or she ever really existed?


Not in my experience.


Fact is that not all jobs in the island can be filled by people already there. You want a booming economy, you'll have to import some talent now and again.


Could start with the incumbents at Kiare as Feed.

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Another thing: why do we have an Education Department which has pushed for work permit rule changes to encourage more UK teachers here, when it's been claimed on here (and I've heard others say it to me personally) that there are quite a few locals who are qualified and not being employed. What is that all about?

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Work permits do not protect Manx workers, never have. The system needs getting rid of completely. What protects Manx workers is a successful diversified economy where there is plenty of opportunity


So presumably, John, you and your fellow advocates will be only to happy to allow qualified lawyers from any jurisdiction in the world to do all sorts of legal work in the Island without any need for permission, joining the Manx Bar or whatever.

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Conveyancing - the loss leader of the legal world, but I think you already knew that.


Nope. I always assumed it was (lots of) easy money for old rope. Carried out by a lackey, who, with the abolition of the work permit requirement, might be able to carry it out at a significantly lower cost to the advocate in whose name it is being carried out. But I'm no expert of course.

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Well I wonder when the IOM will have Licensed Conveyancers?....Moving on...


It has been known and voiced for some twenty years that the Work Permit system would be phased out. It was retained and Protocol 3 in part built around the idea when the UK joined the Common Market and the Island chose to stay out of the Single Market principle. Even back then "Europe" agreed to the idea in order to get the UK "In" and to help with the awkward IOM and CI issues...


However even then it was said that as "Europe" evolved the status of the IOM and CI would become increasingly indefensible and such as Work Permits would fade away as they became obsolete...Even in the 1990s the UK said that there was a limit to its ability and willingness to defend the Isle of Man and Channel Island anachronism...


The Maastrict Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty have apparently accorded a sort of European Citizenship and as I raised several times in the local paper if more and more people are less and less Manx and fewer have "that stamp" in their passport then surely "We" are mostly EU folks now so as natural persons most of us are in the EU even if the territory of the Isle of Man is not.


Some of the Protocol 3 differences are being eroded meat derogation, bread prices, now Work Permits. My conspiracy theory is that once the tax dodging aspects of the Finance Sector are sufficiently under control then Protocol 3 itself will fade away to the scrap heap of treaties and the Island be allowed to market its services in the EU from which at the moment due to not being in the Single Market it is largely shut out apparently


In other words, phase out or emasculate the Work Permit system slowly through evolution whilst slowly absorbing all things EU and gradually you join the Single Market by default as Protocol 3 becomes meaningless so that most things "EU" become standardised...the differences all go ...and the Island allowed to market more services.


The final showdown will be the UK changing the constitutional status of the Crown Dependencies to some sort of EU peripheral region as it has long been voiced in Brussels that "they" regard the Islands as offshore counties, artificial creations and that the UK persists in sheltering this legal fiction (as "they" see it)

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Conveyancing is money for old rope...I did thirteen of them unlawfully when I was there. It was for mates who hated Advocates and I did not really want to do it but they offered me two thirds of the usual fee and it is money for old rope...Save that the Advocates have insurance...I would never do my own conveyancing or write my own will....

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Work permits won't affect Conveyancing as it is covered by the Advocates Act last I looked. The professions are different.


You can do your own Conveyancing yourself with your own hands for your own property if there is no mortgage. You can engross Conveyancing documents if working for an Advocate but you are a very naughty boy if you offer to do Conveyancing for punters who own their property with no mortgage and you as an unqualified person not working for an Advocate undertake the work especially for a fee....


That is how I recall it but I have not done any since 2008 so may have forgotten or there has been change....


They did have me in for an interview on the pretext of a job interview and threatened to prosecute me but I could just see the headlines. "Cleaner Stands Trial for Conveyancing"....Kinda gives the game away that it is money for old rope if the cleaner can do it!

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The work permit system has been "phased out" for years in that firms with a little imagination and/or ambition have developed simple techniques for getting around it. Basically you advertise a vacancy with requirements that only your chosen one can fulfill. Tick a few boxes and Hey Presto!


However, I would be interested to hear how many are directly employed in staffing the current WP system? Lessons may have been learned and savings may be made.

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Conveyancing is money for old rope...I did thirteen of them unlawfully when I was there. It was for mates who hated Advocates and I did not really want to do it but they offered me two thirds of the usual fee and it is money for old rope...Save that the Advocates have insurance...I would never do my own conveyancing or write my own will....

A clerk working for one of the self styled heavyweight lawyers on the Isle of Man use to do a lot of this.


The guy is dead now, but I will call him an utter cunt for the mess and upset he caused with his little time bombs of sneaky and incompetent conveyancing. I will also call the people who thought they were being smart using a clerk to do some cheapo conveyancing. They are cunts too.


Our John will know who I refer to. Actually, I think he used to work with him.

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