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Israel vs. the rest of the world?


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Good speech from a Rabbi at a rally in Manchester.

So where's the proof he is as he appears? A get up such as he is wearing can be rented from most theatrical costumiers ant those Pe'at don't look right to me.

You really are bordering on insanity.

I'm surprised you respond to Spook Lxxx, he usually makes me laugh, but on this thread he disgusts me , but then again what do you expect from religious fanatics?

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I'm surprised you respond to Spook Lxxx, he usually makes me laugh, but on this thread he disgusts me , but then again what do you expect from religious fanatics?

So I have carefully avoided any mention of religion and have kept to the subject, the response by Israel to continued and escalating terrorism from Gaza city. Based on that just what is that I have written that disgusts you? Do tell.
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The IDF does everything possible to limit civilian casualties in Gaza. Hamas exploits these efforts by encouraging Palestinian civilians to ignore the IDF’s warnings.




In contrast, Hamas places civilians in the line of fire. Just days ago, Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuri encouraged Palestinian civilians to serve as human shields.



Source: http://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/07/16/idf-done-minimize-harm-civilians-gaza/

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on this thread he disgusts me

just what is that I have written that disgusts you? Do tell.


They don't take kindly to people who aren't Jew-haters like themselves.



TJ, if you are accusing me of being a "Jew-hater" I would suggest you couldn't be more wrong.


I, unlike some on this forum, find it difficult to accept the killing of non combatants particularly women and children as "acceptable collateral damage".


An old jewish friend of mine (now sadly no longer with us) , a survivor from Buchenwald, would have called you a "Know nothing Schmo" (because he was polite) for trying to play the "victim card" . Your post would have disgusted him ……….


You have admitted to telling lies in posts on this site and have constantly portrayed yourself as a victim , I wonder if you are really of jewish extraction .

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I, unlike some on this forum, find it difficult to accept the killing of non combatants particularly women and children as "acceptable collateral damage".


It has already been made clear that the Israelis go out of their way to avoid civilian loss of life. Hamas, on the other hand, deliberately target Israeli citizens, and encourage their own citizens to act as human shields.


An old jewish friend of mine (now sadly no longer with us) , a survivor from Buchenwald, would have called you a "Know nothing Schmo" (because he was polite) for trying to play the "victim card" . Your post would have disgusted him ……….


Off topic


You have admitted to telling lies in posts on this site and have constantly portrayed yourself as a victim , I wonder if you are really of jewish extraction .


Off topic

Edited by Thomas Jefferson
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218 kids dead.


Just fucking stop it. All of you.

The 'civilian' population were warned to get out of what was to a war zone. The did not, in spite of having lots of places that they could go to. The fault is theirs.


Israel must be unique in giving prior waning of an impending attack when a war is being prosecuted. Britain did not before deliberately targeting Dresden which was a deliberate attack on a civilian population in order to 'demoralise' the Germans, the US did not before attacking Japanese cities including using nuclear weapons, yet Israel gives prior warning.


People need to get their heads straight, it's not the IDF that are the guilty parties, it's hamas. EVER death and injury is their fault, in fact the whole sorry mess would never have taken place if the Gaza Palestian had held up their part of the land for peace.


They didn't deliver the peace, IMO Israel should now recover the whole Gaza strip.

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218 kids dead.


Just fucking stop it. All of you.

The 'civilian' population were warned to get out of what was to a war zone. The did not, in spite of having lots of places that they could go to. The fault is theirs.


Israel must be unique in giving prior waning of an impending attack when a war is being prosecuted. Britain did not before deliberately targeting Dresden which was a deliberate attack on a civilian population in order to 'demoralise' the Germans, the US did not before attacking Japanese cities including using nuclear weapons, yet Israel gives prior warning.


People need to get their heads straight, it's not the IDF that are the guilty parties, it's hamas. EVER death and injury is their fault, in fact the whole sorry mess would never have taken place if the Gaza Palestian had held up their part of the land for peace.


They didn't deliver the peace, IMO Israel should now recover the whole Gaza strip.


Get out of a warzone, brilliant. To where exactly?


You are a total fucking cock.

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The war is being fought in a part of Gaza city. Even if it was taking place in all of Gaza city there is a whole lot more to the Gaza Strip than Gaza city.


There are towns and villages well out of the region where fighting is taking place. Just look at a map or better Google earth to see how much space there is well away from where the fighting is taking place.

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The war is being fought in a part of Gaza city. Even if it was taking place in all of Gaza city there is a whole lot more to the Gaza Strip than Gaza city.


There are towns and villages well out of the region where fighting is taking place. Just look at a map or better Google earth to see how much space there is well away from where the fighting is taking place.


I'm sure its that easy.


As far as I'm concerned the governments of both sides are evil fucks, they are killing innocent civilians. For what reason, presumably in the name of religion, i.e. in the name of some made up fantasy shit.

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