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Driver admits causing death of walker

The Sick Moon

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cliff I know this my point was someone said he will just go to jail come out and be the same I was merely pointing out he can do courses to prepare himself for a job, knowing the guy I agree with you, he should be locked away for good as he wont change but the bleeding hearts will think that is inhumane etc etc

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If killing someone on a road closed to the public

Why was it closed?

It was closed for months for repairs wasn't it around that time? I could well be wrong though.



>It was closed for months for repairs...


The road wasn't closed at the point of the accident, which was around 500 metres east of the Sulby Dam Car Park - uphill toward The Bungalow.


There would have been reduced traffic though, as it was closed to through traffic from The Bungalow to the Sulby Hotel.


I'd advocate a (long) custodial sentence on account he's less liable to cause society any problems from a locked cell.


He's had his chances already and shown no interest in taking them.


Desperately sad for the family and friends of the deceased, I really feel for them.



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Dreadful business this. Is there any truth in the rumour that he was being chased by the police at the time?


Not sure if he was being 'chased' the actual words used were he was 'evading' the police.


Oh right thanks, it's just three different people had told me he was yet I'd seen no mention of it in the news reports. Where was the word "evading" used? I must have missed it.

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Dreadful business this. Is there any truth in the rumour that he was being chased by the police at the time?


Not sure if he was being 'chased' the actual words used were he was 'evading' the police.


Oh right thanks, it's just three different people had told me he was yet I'd seen no mention of it in the news reports. Where was the word "evading" used? I must have missed it.



Man in the pub style gossip suggested that they had earlier been stopped by a policewoman but had knocked her to the ground and sped off. This hasn't been reported because of police embarrassment.


I think this is a load of shit though,

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I am relieved he pled guilty and even though he is apparantly a shit bag, he has at least spared the family the distress of a trial, unlike the 'fortunate ones' who have the money for shit hot lawyers, and despite the fact they drove like twats and killed someone they get off on some sort of legal technicality or pathetic excuse and the family of the innocent having gone through hell and graffic descriptions of how their loved one succumbed, that poor family of the deceased get no justice. At least he has taken responsibility for his reckless actions, unlike those who are so up their own asses that it's everyone's fault but theirs.

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I am personally of the belief that if you take a life purely as a result of your driving, with no mitigating circumstances, then a lifetime driving ban should be enforced. Driving is a privilege, not a right, so shove it up your human rights arses.

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Trying to reiterate my original point...But what of those, who are living Scott free after killing someone, because they were driving their car like a tool, but their hot shot lawyer that their very wealthy family got them off...that shot bag lad killed someone, and at least he admitted it, whether that be through remorse, or advice from a lawyer. He admitted it. He had the decency (well I hope it was out of decency) to admit it. Not like some jumped up person, who feels they are beyond responsibility, despite killing somebody, and their well paid lawyer gets the off...It's a shame that people with money can get away with it...even though they are killers. They probably carry on with their privileged lives, not even giving a second thought to the person they killed.

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Trying to reiterate my original point...But what of those, who are living Scott free after killing someone, because they were driving their car like a tool, but their hot shot lawyer that their very wealthy family got them off...that shot bag lad killed someone, and at least he admitted it, whether that be through remorse, or advice from a lawyer. He admitted it. He had the decency (well I hope it was out of decency) to admit it. Not like some jumped up person, who feels they are beyond responsibility, despite killing somebody, and their well paid lawyer gets the off...It's a shame that people with money can get away with it...even though they are killers. They probably carry on with their privileged lives, not even giving a second thought to the person they killed.

Is it a class thing then?

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I don't know, is it? I have no idea whether this lad (probably on legal aid) has pleaded guilty out of remorse or for a lighter sentence, but I reflect back to the case where a lad who killed someone on the mountain, who could afford a hot shot lawyer, got off on a whim (some sort of reported brake issue on the car in the past or something like that, even though they were (I better say here allegedly) driving like a looney and killed someone) do the upper class tend to get off with it...I don't know, I'm just reflecting on one case..

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Far be it from me to advocate capital punishment, but if they forgot to relieve him of his belt and shoelaces he might have resolved that particular ethical dilemma of his own accord.


What a silly post!


Well, I won't sleep tonight after that stinging constructive criticism.

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