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People In ICT And e-business Won’t Need Work Permits


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Christ, the attitude of some youngsters is worrying - perhaps they should all be sent to boot camp in New Zealand for 2 years


Dare I be sexist and ask if the female of the species has a better attitude?

The boot camp has already unfortunately started; it's called economic reality and realising that we are part of a global skills and job market. That's why I don't think the work permit system adds much.

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In many respects, whilst I'm against the waiving of the work permit system for specific sectors per above for ICT, removing the whole thing could be a good idea. Employers would have to stop using it as an excuse and, as the Sultan says, realise that we're part of a global market - and behave accordingly. Work permits are not of themselves much of a barrier to bringing staff in from off-island, the work permit barriers are the uncertainty and slowness of the process.


Existing long-standing work permit exemptions include teachers and nurses, yet the island is apparently chronically short of both demonstrating that exemptions don't work anyway, if employers struggle to get staff they must simply compete more effectively.

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Existing long-standing work permit exemptions include teachers and nurses,

Are you sure about teachers craggy? I'm sure I recall an eminently suitable candidate for Director of Education, who had been selected as the best at interview, allegedly told to take a hike when the local candidate objected. Surely the only way that can have been effected is by denial of a work permit? Or has summat changed since then?


I think the main reason some professions have trouble recruiting is that we seize their PS pension if they stay here long enough (and then want to return to the UK) and sometimes treat them badly when they get here. Word must eventually get around.

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Are you sure about teachers craggy?

100% https://www.gov.im/media/1349040/gui20150928-wac.pdf Page 31 onwards - teachers in secondary schools. A Director of Education wouldn't be a teacher.


Dunno if you're right about pensions & treating them poorly, but clearly the problem is not work permits so it must be that the employers are not being sufficiently competitive in their striving to secure staff.

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I wonder whether the work permit system can be challenged once we have an Equality Bill.

Is it fair to deny people an opportunity to earn a living on the isle of Man?


Equalities Acts don't cover things that require a period of residence, providing the way of qualifying doesn't discriminate in other ways. The definition of Manx worker is pretty inclusive compared to some places, so it's unlikely to come up against any problems. Even if it did there's nothing to prevent an Equalities Act making exceptions to cover it.

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I thought this was Manx forums not a forum in the Isle of Man where imports believe they can tell the local peons how wrong and useless they are and turn it into the cesspit they ran away from.


yes there are lazy and feckless peons the world over. however this is the Isle of Man and however you wish this was elsewhere it isn't. how dare you denigrate Manx born with work ethics.


a work ethic in gambling don't make me laugh. what! the local peons are not ruthless enough parting the desperate from their money or exploiting the greater fool. not enough desperate idiots delusionally thinking they can beat the house and scam idiots while placating the distractors with donations to gamble aware.


you should get over yourselves. a Manx idi Amin is needed to purge the undesirable elements.


gambling has existed from time immemorial and to place a veneer of respectability on it because it is delivered to greater fools by electronic means is ridiculous.


time to get real. as this island lunges into financial armageddon and the entitled eat themselves a groundswell of local opinion will eventually emerge to purge this island of the entitled imported pseudo know alls that have nested here for too long. A groundswell that will elevate the work permit to a status of you want to do business here then you must use Manx people.


Ict is merely a tool not an end to everything. that the headless and traitor politicians on this isle relegate the true indigenous population to second class citizens in their own land says much about them.


a groundswell of revolt by indigenous folk is coming whether you like it or not. right now all Manx should boycott imported business. ask if Manx owned and employ Manx people if not walk away.


as the imported assholes who believe they know better jump ship and they equity in their business and pwopertee implodes the Manx take for buttons on the pound. whose the entitled clown now?


as far as I'm concerned we should take a leaf form other countries tha out their indigenous citizens first. the know all come overs believe they know best dont let that be so.


boycott non Manx business now. fuck them they believe your lazy arrogant inbred fools.

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I thought this was Manx forums not a forum in the Isle of Man where imports believe they can tell the local peons how wrong and useless they are and turn it into the cesspit they ran away from.

yes there are lazy and feckless peons the world over. however this is the Isle of Man and however you wish this was elsewhere it isn't. how dare you denigrate Manx born with work ethics.

I'm local so stick your views on imported beliefs up your ass and start living in the 21st Century.

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local is subjective. all Manx fuck the imports fuck them do not do business with them.

Local is not subjective at all. Your attitude is typical of some of the people's I referred to above. Maybe if you stopped moaning, stopped believing you must get something just because your Manx, and stopped blaming others for why you appear not to have got to where you believe you should be on the career ladder, you might not be so bitter and blinkered.


The work permit system doesn't really work anyway and I think it gives some people a misguided view of how they should be treated. I would much rather our education system churned out people with all the tools to allow them to compete head to head; not try to protect them and pitch them as preferred candidates regardless of their skills or qualifications.

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a ladder eh what ladder is that? fuck you interviews by your attitude your interviewing assholes. it's all going wrong isn't it? fuck you and your not the worst but fuck you and what your trying to propagate. I guess your an Uncle Tom a sellout to true Manx. live with it when the locals beat you to fuck being a traitor when the money masters flee.

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a ladder eh what ladder is that? fuck you interviews by your attitude your interviewing assholes. it's all going wrong isn't it? fuck you and your not the worst but fuck you and what your trying to propagate. I guess your an Uncle Tom a sellout to true Manx. live with it when the locals beat you to fuck being a traitor when the money masters flee.

Your attitude is unbelievable. But then we've seen that chip on the shoulder and heard these arguments before haven't we Thomas?

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Your attitude is unbelievable. But then we've seen that chip on the shoulder and heard these arguments before haven't we Thomas?


You really must stop accusing everyone who you disagree with of being TJ. I'm fairly sure there's more than one obnoxious idiot on the Island, they can't all be glove puppets on the same hand.


(Also 'Norville Rogers' only made 195 comments in the last two years. TJ would get through that many in a morning).

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As an IT Graduate and grateful beneficiary of the eGaming boom.....I have to agree with Norville.


I'm as capitalist as the next guy. But this little rock is my home. And my children's.


Efforts should be put into educating our people (or their children) or creating a sustainable economy.


Admittedly, that won't contribute to IOMG Pensions or increase the value of your semi-detached in Dandara land, but it's the right thing to do.


And if you can't think of a decent reason for eGaming to leave, I suggest you can't think of a decent reason why it's staying.

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Your attitude is unbelievable. But then we've seen that chip on the shoulder and heard these arguments before haven't we Thomas?


You really must stop accusing everyone who you disagree with of being TJ. I'm fairly sure there's more than one obnoxious idiot on the Island, they can't all be glove puppets on the same hand.


(Also 'Norville Rogers' only made 195 comments in the last two years. TJ would get through that many in a morning).

As far as I'm aware it's a one-off observation based on a completely humorous and irrational forum meltdown by an apparent mentalist.

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