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Vegan Eateries


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I haven't eaten a chip in years. I eat all fresh, homemade and organic meals made from scratch. No ready made rubbish. I love cooking and eating. You can't deny that the animals are being mistreated by being enslaved and killed. It's just a fact. I recommend becoming vegetarian and transitioning to a vegan Diet. I've been vegan over and decade and I look much younger than my peers.



I second this :)

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I'm vegan

Nuff said.

Coming from a cyclist, "nuff" said.

You gave yourself the label Vegan, I reject your labels.

And I reject your consumption of murdered animals. Eat your bike.

Suppose if you eat chips and organic baked beans makes you a vegan, i imagine I eat much healthier than you.


The animals are not murdered they are farmed and I don't consume, I celebrate their meaty protein rich goodness, the ones I see when I do go out cycling all look happy with their lot.

I haven't eaten a chip in years. I eat all fresh, homemade and organic meals made from scratch. No ready made rubbish. I love cooking and eating. You can't deny that the animals are being mistreated by being enslaved and killed. It's just a fact. I recommend becoming vegetarian and transitioning to a vegan Diet. I've been vegan over and decade and I look much younger than my peers.



Do you have a T-shirt that you wear with that written on? Might be worth getting one done if not, saves telling everyone you meet the same thing.

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