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Extinction Rebellion, Yessir!

Manx Bean

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3 minutes ago, Ganesh said:

Too many people eating meat is an overwhelming part of it. Stop eating meat.

Could also be too many people like you spouting hot air. Stop it and save the planet...

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3 minutes ago, Ganesh said:

Too many people eating meat is an overwhelming part of it. Stop eating meat.

Could also be too many people like you spouting hot air. Stop it and save the planet...

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Just now, Max Power said:

Yep, half the people would need half the meat! But that won't sit well with those billionaires in the meat business!

The population of cattle is being artificially kept high to sustain the meat industry, and this relies on land being used to grow feed for the cattle. If people gave up eating meat, that land could be used to directly feed the human population, while the cattle population numbers would not need to be kept so high. This is something that would take (will take, as it's already happening thanks to good old fashioned capitalist supply and demand) decades. Meat prices are already dropping which is why the same corporations behind meat are investing in the meat alternatives. They're hedging their bets. This is a generational change and nobody is saying it should be forced, just to be clear. It is a natural change in consumer habits and attitudes.

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3 minutes ago, Ganesh said:

Donald is a Soros / Rockefeller shill (possibly unwittingly) but I doubt he'd be invited to Bilderberg.

This year he sent his son-in-law. And his Vice President.

(I have never understood why people somehow think an hereditary billionaire is somehow going to be on the side of ordinary people rather than other hereditary billionaires.  But then some people trust Boris Johnson).

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

I think that tackling the population issue by restricting people to one child per married couple is probably the only way to tackle the population crisis. This will in turn improve the effect we are having on the climate and the environment in general. 

Trouble is there's no fair way of implementing that I think. Partly why I thought my suggestion of 2.4 x amount regardless of if you have one or ten offspring running about, its fairer as the first one = always unexpected costs. This is also slightly fairer as its not limited to "first two" so there's no discrimination against the others either. Its paid if you have one or one hundred, same amount. :)

Not sure on this thought I've seen where they are having endless offspring as its worthwhile financially ?  I can't see that unless you've got more than about eight perhaps.

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47 minutes ago, Ganesh said:

Too many people eating meat is an overwhelming part of it. Stop eating meat.

I had some of those McCartney's sausages the other week, having tried a few other brands (despite said others having good reviews generally I never enjoyed) the MC's were really nice actually. :) Partly I think because they looked cooked anyway and me being me microwaved them despite lack of info on this, I did ask them but they just told me to oven cook etc, figuring one or more of the other brands were zappable, these were too. They were! Did need a bit of Google research first on the best way to do it though. Same as zapping regular oven chips...


Back on topic as such, its more a lifestyle thing and we are not to blame for the majority of it. Take a look 'across the big pond' to the USA for instance where foods are relatively cheap and plentiful. I've already partly covered the 'motor industry' part of the issue here in a previous post so I'll skip that. Can't see them reducing their meats consumption that much somehow.


Mind you there was talk of lab grown meat a while back not sure how practical that would be scaled up or its environmental cost. It may be a way forward perhaps.

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Green Peace are a money making scheme.

Green Party are just a slightly more Greenish version of Liberal Vannin looking to promote themselves.

Extinction Rebellion is a grassroots organisation of normal people who are actually concerned about the environment and protesting for Government to do more. 

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2 hours ago, Ganesh said:

Too many people eating meat is an overwhelming part of it. Stop eating meat.

There are just too many people. If we hadn't increased in number from under a billion to almost 8 billion in just over a hundred years we could eat as much meat as we like. And forget about cutting down on burning fossil fuels. We can't service that massive population without doing so for power, transport, agriculture, infrastructure. We are destroying habitat and using up irreplaceable natural resources. All comes back to too many people and the quest for never ending economic growth.

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

There are just too many people. If we hadn't increased in number from under a billion to almost 8 billion in just over a hundred years we could eat as much meat as we like. And forget about cutting down on burning fossil fuels. We can't service that massive population without doing so for power, transport, agriculture, infrastructure. We are destroying habitat and using up irreplaceable natural resources. All comes back to too many people and the quest for never ending economic growth.

Logan's run it is then!

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

There are just too many people. If we hadn't increased in number from under a billion to almost 8 billion in just over a hundred years we could eat as much meat as we like. And forget about cutting down on burning fossil fuels. We can't service that massive population without doing so for power, transport, agriculture, infrastructure. We are destroying habitat and using up irreplaceable natural resources. All comes back to too many people and the quest for never ending economic growth.

I was once told that a few hundred years ago in certain countries cannibalism was practised, no shortage of food then :( How true that was I do not know I've never researched into it. Suspect it was the UK when ti was the 'empire' interfering in other countries perhaps.

Question is why are there so many people now ? Is it because technology has improved (including a bit in third world countries) where the survival rate is much higher than it was for newborns ? By this I mean it was normal to have a lot of offspring because some were sadly not expected to survive, whereas now they do but no on said not to have so many. I also wonder if religion plays any part in this in perhaps not permitting the use of any form of contraceptive perhaps but that may well be something for another topic another time.

Ultimately question is *why* has the population exploded so much in the past 100 odd years...

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