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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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8 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Bananas? Sometimes authorities on this island behave like a Banana Republic. 

Perhaps it's my age but the expression " just come over on the banana boat"  goes back to derogatory expressions about West Indian folk in the "Windrush" era.  Would have thought that a more suitable expression to indication one wasn't stupid would be "I haven't just come over on the morning boat . Just saying :flowers:

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1 hour ago, The Phantom said:

Although someone I was chatting to a couple of days ago asked if I had worries about catching Covid (they've already had it) in a manner that suggested I was some kind of pussy and have been hiding behind the sofa for the last 2 years. 

There is nothing that some people won't try to turn into some form of macho display.  Who could forget all those people who claimed they had caught Covid before anyone else? (Presumably a bat flew over from China to bite them personally).  No amount of evidence could persuade them that their mild cold hadn't been world-shaking and the worst anyone ever had.

But of course there was already a lot of evidence that people could catch Covid more than once.  Because Omicron is genetically distant from previous variants, that has increased the chance of reinfection considerably, both of those previously infected and/or those vaccinated to whatever degree.

The good news is that while those things don't stop people catching Covid again, they do seem to reduce the symptoms of infection.  There's some evidence this may be due to T-cells previously produced being effective against Omicron as well.  (That'll cheer wrighty up, he likes his T-cells).

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2 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I agree but with the proviso that I do wonder if catching it would help me fight it off in the future. No one really knows do they and in the meantime if I went under then no one in my street would eat and their children wouldn’t get an education.

It’s a dilemma. 😊

Quite a few people suggesting now would be a good time to catch it. If I were one of those gov types I would suggest a catchy slogan 'don't seek, don't freak' for the next few months.

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7 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

  There's some evidence this may be due to T-cells previously produced being effective against Omicron as well.  (That'll cheer wrighty up, he likes his T-cells).

I do like T-cells - I’ve been going on about them in covid since the start of the pandemic. They’re just not as easy to test as antibodies, and their function is harder to understand, so when it comes to immunity the popular press tends to talk almost exclusively about antibodies.

Another thing that everyone talks about is the spike protein, and its mutations, without at all referencing the other viral proteins.  If you get immunity from infection, rather than immunisation, you’ll probably have a longer lasting, broader immunity since you’ll have antibodies and T-cells active against the other viral proteins. It probably explains why some people seem largely immune to covid in the first place - cross reactivity with other coronaviruses. 

And finally, while I’m banging on about my favourite sub-topic in immunology, the graph of death rate against age for covid matches the graph of T-cell function against age. (death rate doubles, T-cell function halves, for every 6 years of age) T-cell senescence explains, in part, why older people are more susceptible to severe covid. 

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4 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And finally, while I’m banging on about my favourite sub-topic in immunology, the graph of death rate against age for covid matches the graph of T-cell function against age. (death rate doubles, T-cell function halves, for every 6 years of age) T-cell senescence explains, in part, why older people are more susceptible to severe covid. 

To my mind the principal question that remains to be answered is how well do older people manage to trigger all those magical functions of the immune system. We know, and can measure (as you point out),the antibodies that people generate from vaccination, there are loads of studies doing just that showing increased levels after each dose, and when they start to wane etc. And there are studies into the other responses, I've read a few, but I've not seen one looking specifically at older people, where we know the risk is still relatively high. The answer to that question will determine the future response, especially around potential further boosters.

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Does anyone have thoughts on this article?  Should we on the island be leading the way with a brave approach based on a lot of current evidence?

“The vaccine does not stop transmission. Fact. Furthermore, the virus (dominated by the Omicron variant) is becoming endemic due to two equally important factors, namely, vaccine immunity plus natural immunity. We, therefore, beat the virus thanks to both vaccine and natural immunity, and finally herd immunity is in sight. 

We, therefore, need to seize the moment in early 2022 and focus on the post-pandemic recovery. To date we’ve been, as a country, too reactive and pessimistic. We need the leaders of this country, be they political leaders but also societal and business leaders, to transmit positivity based on the virus becoming endemic. Our economic recovery depends on it. 

To my mind, the first measure of the post-pandemic era should be to abolish quarantine rules especially for asymptomatic positive cases; to allow and promote self-testing and ultimately self-regulation; “

The article is from Malta but I think sections apply here as well.

Go on Mr Cannan and COMIN. Show us what you are made of an let’s get the IOM back on its feet and on the map for the right reasons.  Vaccine uptake is good and the rollout has been a success.  Let’s take some bold steps.


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13 minutes ago, Trevor535 said:

Does anyone have thoughts on this article?  Should we on the island be leading the way with a brave approach based on a lot of current evidence?

“The vaccine does not stop transmission. Fact. Furthermore, the virus (dominated by the Omicron variant) is becoming endemic due to two equally important factors, namely, vaccine immunity plus natural immunity. We, therefore, beat the virus thanks to both vaccine and natural immunity, and finally herd immunity is in sight.[...]"

Yes it's stupid and callous nonsense.  From Malta Today:

,147 new COVID-19 cases were registered on Tuesday, figures published by the Health Ministry show. 

One new death was registered in the last 24-hours, bringing the total number of deaths to 480.

Active cases stand at 14,121 after 285 recoveries were registered.

There are currently 124 coronavirus patients being cared for at Mater Dei Hospital, of which five are in the ITU. 

It's worth saying we have seen this sort of "Ignore Mr Covid and he'll go away" stuff from Malta  for about 18 months now and it's not working, even in their own limited economic terms.   No matter how much the Chamber of Commerce urges, people are unwilling to go out and spend more if they are feeling ill and the elderly and vulnerable are not really keen to go out and kill themselves so someone else can maintain their profit margins.  Funny that.

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