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49 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:



Under-reporting: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16689555
Further, 2 papers from the below journal have in the last 10 days said that myocarditis pre-covid was 4 per million and post covid vaccination program - amongst children between 13-18 - is now 25,000 per million:
In an interview with GB News this week Uk MP Andrew Bridgen quotes the numbers - his references in my previous post - and confirms mRNA VAERS 'adverse events' are greater than all VAER over the last 40 years!







From the very site you link, in that lovely large text, and bright red colour. Note, medrxiv is not a journal, it is a preprint repository. 

Never mind boring facts like COVID itself increasing rates of myocarditis, before any vaccination programs had even started. 

Caution: Preprints are preliminary reports of work that have not been certified by peer review. They should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information.


Edited by AcousticallyChallenged
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6 hours ago, Thereisnt said:



Under-reporting: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16689555
Further, 2 papers from the below journal have in the last 10 days said that myocarditis pre-covid was 4 per million and post covid vaccination program - amongst children between 13-18 - is now 25,000 per million:
In an interview with GB News this week Uk MP Andrew Bridgen quotes the numbers - his references in my previous post - and confirms mRNA VAERS 'adverse events' are greater than all VAER over the last 40 years!







It’s true that there’s bound to be under reporting, especially of the low level side effects. The more serious the side effect the more likely it is to be reported, because serious side effects come to medical attention. But there’s still no demonstrated causality between reports and vaccine, other than proximity in time.

Your faith on medical matters, in an MP, especially one as inept as Bridgen, who is just an unsavoury conservative ultra right bully, with a history of lying for personal gain/publicity, is both touching and disturbing.

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Andrew Bridgen is platforming Aseem Malhotra, so that tells you everything you need to know. Malhotra is a fucking disgrace.

You've got to wonder how Bridgen is still an MP. He got in serious legal trouble earlier in the year over some family rip off nonsense, he's known for accepting gifts and lobbying for those who offer the (he's had a commons suspension for it), he's straight up corrupt.

You'd have to be astonishingly thick to use anything he says to try to back up your position.

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9 hours ago, Thereisnt said:

Further, 2 papers from the below journal have in the last 10 days said that myocarditis pre-covid was 4 per million and post covid vaccination program - amongst children between 13-18 - is now 25,000 per million:

If you're going to quote from the site linking to COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv, perhaps you could tell us which of the current relevant 25,896 articles you are referring to.

We've discussed the very slight increase in myocarditis on here before, the number you quote is at best a misunderstanding on your part, and there's evidence that Covid itself is more likely to trigger myocarditis in this more vulnerable group than vaccination is.

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As Dr John Campbell says in the below video only 2-4% of minor adverse effects are reported. The 10% figure is of SERIOUS side effects, eg; myocarditis, blood clotting and death:
Whilst it is true that those reporting and drawing attention to the devastation - that is the correct word - being caused by these vaccines are the outlying minority, more and more are doing so, despite speaking out being career threatening. Last week top orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ahmad Malik publicly simply asked for an investigation into the safety of the covid vaccines - he later revealed he was quickly asked by 2 hospital groups to remove his postings, such is the censorship of this topic.
More and more people, including Dr Campbell and many others like him, are beginning to understand the censorship and suppression is not because the evidence is not there - the opposite is true - but because of the grip the pharmaceutical industry has of the medical profession, the health industry - and it is an industry - and tragically, also the regulatory agencies also (the Australian TGA - their equivalent of the UK MHRA - recently acknowledged that 85% of their funding comes from the pharma industry - it is similar in the UK and USA). Despite the risks to their careers thousands of medical professionals are in fact speaking out - the recently formed World Council for Health being representative of their concerns: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org
Neil Oliver - formerly known as ‘the Coast guy’ - puts the issues, and evidence (including the explosion in myocarditis I quoted previously) very clearly in his broadcast on GB News:
Although this forum’s seeming experts on everything wish to rubbish any view different to that put out by government and media, the reality is that more and more of us know someone who has suffered, sometimes irreparable, harms from these vaccines. If indeed we have been lucky enough to escape those side-effects ourselves. This is a scandal that is only just beginning..
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17 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:
As Dr John Campbell says in the below video only 2-4% of minor adverse effects are reported. The 10% figure is of SERIOUS side effects, eg; myocarditis, blood clotting and death:
Whilst it is true that those reporting and drawing attention to the devastation - that is the correct word - being caused by these vaccines are the outlying minority, more and more are doing so, despite speaking out being career threatening. Last week top orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ahmad Malik publicly simply asked for an investigation into the safety of the covid vaccines - he later revealed he was quickly asked by 2 hospital groups to remove his postings, such is the censorship of this topic.
More and more people, including Dr Campbell and many others like him, are beginning to understand the censorship and suppression is not because the evidence is not there - the opposite is true - but because of the grip the pharmaceutical industry has of the medical profession, the health industry - and it is an industry - and tragically, also the regulatory agencies also (the Australian TGA - their equivalent of the UK MHRA - recently acknowledged that 85% of their funding comes from the pharma industry - it is similar in the UK and USA). Despite the risks to their careers thousands of medical professionals are in fact speaking out - the recently formed World Council for Health being representative of their concerns: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org
Neil Oliver - formerly known as ‘the Coast guy’ - puts the issues, and evidence (including the explosion in myocarditis I quoted previously) very clearly in his broadcast on GB News:
Although this forum’s seeming experts on everything wish to rubbish any view different to that put out by government and media, the reality is that more and more of us know someone who has suffered, sometimes irreparable, harms from these vaccines. If indeed we have been lucky enough to escape those side-effects ourselves. This is a scandal that is only just beginning..

The problem is that neither “Dr” Campbell nor Neil Oliver have any expertise in the field. They’re conspiracy theorists.

Its nothing to do with censorship by big pharma, or government, it’s not even de platforming. It’s to do with reputable bodies protecting themselves from the adverse effect of disgrace and discredit by association.

And, as for the so called “World Council of Health”? You’re having a laugh. Totally discredited, along with Children’s Health Defence and World Doctors Alliance.

Have you any idea how dangerous, and how much real damage, these quacks, and their snake oils, are possibly causing world health by promoting vaccine hesitancy and associated conspiracy theories.

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1 hour ago, Thereisnt said:
As Dr John Campbell says in the below video only 2-4% of minor adverse effects are reported. The 10% figure is of SERIOUS side effects, eg; myocarditis, blood clotting and death:
Whilst it is true that those reporting and drawing attention to the devastation - that is the correct word - being caused by these vaccines are the outlying minority, more and more are doing so, despite speaking out being career threatening. Last week top orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ahmad Malik publicly simply asked for an investigation into the safety of the covid vaccines - he later revealed he was quickly asked by 2 hospital groups to remove his postings, such is the censorship of this topic.
More and more people, including Dr Campbell and many others like him, are beginning to understand the censorship and suppression is not because the evidence is not there - the opposite is true - but because of the grip the pharmaceutical industry has of the medical profession, the health industry - and it is an industry - and tragically, also the regulatory agencies also (the Australian TGA - their equivalent of the UK MHRA - recently acknowledged that 85% of their funding comes from the pharma industry - it is similar in the UK and USA). Despite the risks to their careers thousands of medical professionals are in fact speaking out - the recently formed World Council for Health being representative of their concerns: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org
Neil Oliver - formerly known as ‘the Coast guy’ - puts the issues, and evidence (including the explosion in myocarditis I quoted previously) very clearly in his broadcast on GB News:
Although this forum’s seeming experts on everything wish to rubbish any view different to that put out by government and media, the reality is that more and more of us know someone who has suffered, sometimes irreparable, harms from these vaccines. If indeed we have been lucky enough to escape those side-effects ourselves. This is a scandal that is only just beginning..

If it’s broadcast on GB News, you can bet it’s probably not that great in terms of factual accuracy or journalism. 

Of course, your scientific method here has dropped from “journals”, which transpired to be a preprint repository, to YouTube videos. 

Dr Campbell of course is reputed for the poor quality of some of the videos he makes, and alleged facts he draws on. Cherry picking and wilful misinterpretation are rife in his works, if you can call them that.

Nobody is rubbishing any alternative view, but when an alternative view relies on misinterpretation, questionable and shoddy science, and claims from “deplatformed” people across social media, you’d expect any rational person to question them.

Instead, people wear it as a badge of pride and belonging, and therefore treat any scepticism of their anti-vax views as scepticism of them as a person. This often means they double down, and it must be the “system” trying to shut them down. 

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People will no doubt decide for themselves where the truth lies. The evidence is already mounting to show whether it is good health and natural immunity, perhaps aided by vitamins D & C and well proven medicines that is dangerous, or a rushed to market genetic vaccine.
Dr John Campbell gained millions of followers during the pandemic for his no nonsense, factual broadcasts on YouTube. He was not called a 'conspiracy theorist' during that time. As he, and many others, has discovered the harms being caused by the vaccine roll-out (myocarditis for example, increasing from 4 cases per million pre-vaccine program to 000's per million), and the seemingly perverse decisions being made by government and the regulatory bodies, his views have become more critical - apparently in the interest of the health of his viewers. His 2.6m subscribers seem to believe he has become more, rather than less, credible as a consequence. Dr Campbell talks about ‘misinformation' and the obvious conflicts of World Health Organisation below. Viewers can decide if what he says appears like sensible fact or ‘disinformation':
Dr Jay Bhattacharya was also labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ during the pandemic - his views were different to those being peddled by the US Centre for Disease Control. Dr Bhattacharya is Professor of Medicine and Economics at Stanford University - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Bhattacharya - and was an opponent of forced mask wearing and ‘lock-down’, as well as being critical of mass vaccination. For clear and obvious reasons. He is interviewed below, alongside Dr Gigi Foster, by John Anderson, the straight-talking former Australian Deputy Prime Minister. Viewers can decide for themselves if what is being said is truthful common sense or unfounded conspiracy theory. At the closing stage of the interview Dr Foster - Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales and a commentator of ethics in public life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigi_Foster- suggests that some people will be spending time in jail over their behaviour and decision-making during the pandemic. We shall see:
Dr Tess Lawrie was one of the founders of the World Council for Health. Below she interviews previously mentioned oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish, who discusses possible links between boosters and increases in cancers. Viewers can decide if Prof Dalgleish appears to have the interests of his patients and others foremost, and whether what he is saying has substance. Dr Lawrie, along with many, many other respected medical professionals wishing to maintain their integrity, has moved away from the views, and controls, of mainstream medicine because she, and they, believe it is irrevocably tainted - for reasons cited in my previous post.
Whether it is the multi-billion £ pharmaceutical industry - list of SOME of their criminal convictions/penalties here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements - that is practising quackery, or beacons of integrity such as Dr Lawrie, will no doubt be decided by viewers, and history:
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7 minutes ago, Thereisnt said:

Dr John Campbell gained millions of followers during the pandemic for his no nonsense, factual broadcasts on YouTube. He was not called a 'conspiracy theorist' during that time. As he, and many others, has discovered the harms being caused by the vaccine roll-out (myocarditis for example, increasing from 4 cases per million pre-vaccine program to 000's per million), and the seemingly perverse decisions being made by government and the regulatory bodies, his views have become more critical - apparently in the interest of the health of his viewers. His 2.6m subscribers seem to believe he has become more, rather than less, credible as a consequence. Dr Campbell talks about ‘misinformation' and the obvious conflicts of World Health Organisation below. Viewers can decide if what he says appears like sensible fact or ‘disinformation':

You've not actually found any solid evidence for these myocarditis claims. And you forget, the side effect of many infections, including COVID, happens to be, you guessed it, myocarditis.


We can actually find the rates for post vaccination myocarditis, peaking at 105.9 per million in young males aged 16-17.

Of course, when we start looking at outcomes:


Of the 96% (784/813) of cases of myocarditis who were hospitalized, 98% (747/762) were discharged from the hospital at time of review. In 87% (577/661) of discharged cases of myocarditis, there was resolution of the presenting symptoms by hospital discharge.

Now, we can find a nice published summary comparing the risks of myocarditis from SARS-COV-2 infection, in a real journal, not just a pre-print. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.059970

Note, that this compares ONLY myocarditis, and does not consider any other factors in the benefits of vaccination. In general, COVID infection is more likely to induce myocarditis. But, in young men under 40, the vaccine can induce it at a slightly higher rate. But, this is 97 per million, not your claimed thousands.

Note that in women under 40, the rate was 7 per million, vs 8 per million after a positive COVID test.

Overall, out of 42 million, 2861 were hospitalised or died with myocarditis. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that isn't your claimed thousands per million.

Bear in mind, this excludes post-viral syndromes (commonly known as long COVID). The authors acknowledge readily that their study can only inform in the context of vaccination benefits.

Whilst your monologues are lovely, we can actually point out some of the problems with Dr Campbell's works. For example, jumping on the Ivermectin bandwagon, misrepresenting a conference abstract. Note even the authors have had to rebut his claims.

This theme persists through various claims he makes, especially that around vaccine safety.

I believe @John Wright established the problems with Prof Dalgeish's opinion piece in Conservative Woman. Again, desperately claiming he was being deplatformed, by means of a publication.

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23 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

There's none so blind as cannot see - or are happy to pump themselves full of an experimental 'vaccine' that would never see the light of day under normal testing protocols.

And yet, there are those who claim to know something the others don’t. 

Blind to their own ignorance.

Dunning-Kruger and Facebook “science” are a dangerous mix. Especially when it combines with an “us vs the sheep” conviction.

If you follow that rabbit hole, you find people trying to argue scientific fact established centuries ago. 

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Thought?  Weakened immune systems as a result of lockdowns? Another as yet unidentified variant? People being more vigilant or concerned and reporting with things they would have previously dealt with at home?

Thats a big jump over 2019

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59 minutes ago, Asthehills said:


Thought?  Weakened immune systems as a result of lockdowns? Another as yet unidentified variant? People being more vigilant or concerned and reporting with things they would have previously dealt with at home?

Thats a big jump over 2019

probably a mix of the above, it was quite clear that things you would previously shake off would be harsher after pretty much sitting indoors for 2 years having no contact with anyone else. There's probably people using less heating due to rising gas and electric prices so to answer could be anything.

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On 12/21/2022 at 2:43 PM, AcousticallyChallenged said:

You've not actually found any solid evidence for these myocarditis claims. And you forget, the side effect of many infections, including COVID, happens to be, you guessed it, myocarditis.


We can actually find the rates for post vaccination myocarditis, peaking at 105.9 per million in young males aged 16-17.

Of course, when we start looking at outcomes:

Now, we can find a nice published summary comparing the risks of myocarditis from SARS-COV-2 infection, in a real journal, not just a pre-print. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.122.059970

Note, that this compares ONLY myocarditis, and does not consider any other factors in the benefits of vaccination. In general, COVID infection is more likely to induce myocarditis. But, in young men under 40, the vaccine can induce it at a slightly higher rate. But, this is 97 per million, not your claimed thousands.

Note that in women under 40, the rate was 7 per million, vs 8 per million after a positive COVID test.

Overall, out of 42 million, 2861 were hospitalised or died with myocarditis. It doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that isn't your claimed thousands per million.

Bear in mind, this excludes post-viral syndromes (commonly known as long COVID). The authors acknowledge readily that their study can only inform in the context of vaccination benefits.

Whilst your monologues are lovely, we can actually point out some of the problems with Dr Campbell's works. For example, jumping on the Ivermectin bandwagon, misrepresenting a conference abstract. Note even the authors have had to rebut his claims.

This theme persists through various claims he makes, especially that around vaccine safety.

I believe @John Wright established the problems with Prof Dalgeish's opinion piece in Conservative Woman. Again, desperately claiming he was being deplatformed, by means of a publication.

If you wish to quote Dunning-Kruger, Facebook and YouTube in an attempt to ridicule those attempting to offer an alternative perspective, so be it. As quoted above, “There are none so blind as those who can’t see.”

A reality that many can see is that a lot of people are becoming sick, and some are dying, post vaccine. Numerous doctors are now speaking out about this - their views are being suppressed by the medical and mainstream media as they do not tally with the message the pharma companies want promoted.

Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, and others, have quoted the 000’s of myocarditis per million vaccines - radically different numbers from those you quote above. Regardless of what you say it is a reality that a lot of people are mysteriously dying. Anyone who doubts this can google “died suddenly’ and see for themselves.

The mainstream media is not covering this huge issue, and ‘turned on’ UK MP Andrew Bridgen when he raised it in Parliament, so it is left to minor publications to raise it. Total Health below publishes the alternative view - ignore at your peril. This has always been the case with public health issues - denial, suppression, attack - then the dam bursts.


Edited by Thereisnt
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