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Joe Biden: 46th POTUS


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13 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

I am sure I will be corrected but isn't Trump the first president in a long while to not get the USA involved in a war?


This character that he has been portrayed as some war monger looking to end the planet is wide of the mark.


The guy was a clown and played to his audience but let's not re-write history.

One of the few things Trump said that was true was about John Bolton, that he would have had the US at war 6 times over or something. He was less internationally war hungry than expected, and that's a good thing, but I suspect it's because he's a massive coward more than anything else.

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

I am sure I will be corrected but isn't Trump the first president in a long while to not get the USA involved in a war?


This character that he has been portrayed as some war monger looking to end the planet is wide of the mark.


The guy was a clown and played to his audience but let's not re-write history.

The USA is involved in a war, it's just not a CNN/Fox news war with embedded reporters and camera crews sat on top of APC's or in the back of Chinooks. Trumps only claim that's true is that he didn't get the US involved in a 'new' war although he did try with Fat Korea Kim and the Ayatollahs.

If you are interested in that kind of thing it's not difficult to google where american forces are currently fighting. 

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

I am sure I will be corrected but isn't Trump the first president in a long while to not get the USA involved in a war?


This character that he has been portrayed as some war monger looking to end the planet is wide of the mark.


The guy was a clown and played to his audience but let's not re-write history.

Reports are that he increased drone strikes substantially, but stopped the reporting of them. So people are under the false impression that Obama did more.





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Speech was incredible, and i agree the whole thing feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders.  Four years of science denial, little care for the average American and the spreading of hateful disinformation that sparked the whole QAnon moment, created a nation filled with staggering stupidity.  The first press briefing was also good, and it's nice to see respect and civility back in the room. I can't understand the right framing Biden as some radical lefty, when the reality is he's always been quite a centrist, and not far left of what the pre trump republican party was.  

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9 hours ago, BallaDoc said:

Sorry to sound a discordant note, I don't like Trump any more than anyone else, but he was not a cause but a symptom of a deeper discontent - just like Napoleon was a symptom of French discontent in the 1800s and Hitler was a symptom of German discontent in the 1930s.  He won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast.  Those 74 million people are unlikely to just go away or start holding hands and singing kum-ba-ya.  Like he said, he'll be back.  In some form or another.  Maybe even as, literally, a different person.  Watch the next election.

Don't yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!
Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again.”

Bertolt Brecht, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui

On a more positive note, I've been seeing chatter* from Qanon types who are disillusioned and abandoning both Q and Trump. They've realised that Q isn't real and they feel used by Trump because he seemingly gave Qanon his tacit approval and encouragement.

They feel conned, Qaconned if you will, because the Storm, or the big reveal, or the various other cryptic names they used for the conspiracy, didn't happen yesterday.

There were meant to be irrefutable evidence dumps and widespread arrests of Democrats and Hollywood types and Trump was meant to resume his "rightful" place as president. There were several different riffs on that basic theme. Ha! Didn't happen.

One can only hope the Qacon disillusionment is real and people can compassionately allow them to return to non-Q society with at least a little but of dignity. (actual insurrectionists need not apply)

I don't think all the Trumpist/Qanan types will go away, but I doubt there're anywhere near 74 million of them left today.  

*chatter as in screenshots of Qanon followers' conversations on rw message boards and messaging apps.   

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1 minute ago, Shake me up Judy said:

There are one or two Qanon believers regularly on Stu's Late Show on Manx Radio who seem convinced that Joe Biden might be a paedophile .    

Ew. I don't listen to that programme, probably just as well. I'd have to hide my phone to keep myself out of trouble. 

How does Stu deal with them? Please don't tell me he encourages them? 

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I can't believe that in a nation of nearly 350m the best two candidates for president were Trump and poor old Joe. The man doesn't seem well to me, although his tones are preferable to the last idiot, how they actually put up with him until the end is telling and unbelievable!

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

I can't believe that in a nation of nearly 350m the best two candidates for president were Trump and poor old Joe. The man doesn't seem well to me, although his tones are preferable to the last idiot, how they actually put up with him until the end is telling and unbelievable!

I don't know, we have a population of around 88,000 and look what we end up with...

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On 1/21/2021 at 12:02 PM, TheTeapot said:

One of the few things Trump said that was true was about John Bolton, that he would have had the US at war 6 times over or something. He was less internationally war hungry than expected, and that's a good thing, but I suspect it's because he's a massive coward more than anything else.

You can't deny it's true though. Trump, despite everything else, was not a warmonger - think Uncle Joe will manage to stay out of a war. I hope so, but I dunno. 

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He's just warming up the seat in the Oval Office for Kamala.

I think it's unlikely he will finish his full term through age/ill-health etc. 

However not such a bad thing.  She seems fairly sensible too. 

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Boris due an introductory phone call from Biden apparently, Bojo has high hopes of a free trade deal with the US but there's nothing from the States yet.

Although Biden previously referring to Bojo as a "physical and psychological clone of Donald Trump" may not auger well.....

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Biden and Harris are no fans of Johnson.  However, i think they won't let personal animosity get in the way of doing anything thats in the interests of the USA

From what i've seen so far from Biden, he's hit the ground running and has done excellent. Plans in place for dealing with COVID, and when you look at how little was actually done from the Trump administration, it's shocking how little they seemed to care about it. Say what you like about Biden, some don't like him or think he's some kind of Kamala Harris trojan horse, but he absolutely cares about people and i think (hope) he will be good for the country.  Of course the MAGAs hate him, but that's to be expected.


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